Daily reminder he beats his kid

Daily reminder he beats his kid.

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Fathers should be able to do whatever they want with their own kids you fucking zilch.

Yeah I fuck my kid, fathers should do whatever they want with their own kids.

I see this thread from time to time, but never saw evidence in one of these, and I don't care enough to investigate it (since it doesn't invalidate his arguments or make him irredeemable in my view)

I post evidence every day.
youtu.be/gfOob-36OEo 8:41

OP thinks spanking is beating and posts this like everyday because reasons

Literally who?

I bet OP is thundercuck. He's definitely autistic enough to make a thread on Sup Forums every day about this. He also doesn't have a kid of his own so has zero clue about how to raise one.

>Spanking children is abuse
Sorry user, did you have a ever so nice sheltered upbringing that you don't know what reality actually is?

>posts this like everyday because reasons
Daily reminder user.

Sargon of Akkad.

He constantly BTFOs Leftists on his channel.

Beating children is good to teach them manners. I don't understand why you're posting this as a bad thing lol.
Bait probably, eh w/e.

>I found the OP

One of those "haha cuck sweden rape" youtubers.

he's actually a classic liberal tbh

One that supports Le Pen and ukip?

Maybe they should shape the fuck up

any sane person would support le pen over someone who believes france has no culture lol

jeremy corbyn has praised HUGO fucking CHAVEZ literally a socialist dictator who ruined venezuela

Hello r/T_D

what? I don't get it lol

Dear God please tell me this is bait.


all i did was post things about what jeremy corbyn and emmanuel macron said and believe?

Dab of disapproval.