Well, Sup Forums?
I need more information about the people on the track to proceed
I'd pull the lever then throw myself on the tracks to end it all.
This isn't 12 angry dicks nigga the train is movin'
At least you know they're FUCKING WHITE MALES
I think I speak for everyone when I say that I definetely would NOT check my privilege.
noble effort
Yes.I'd deserve it for being retarded enough to get my dick stuck in some railway
clearly they are all white bald men moaning from their rope fetish.
I haven't even had sex yet
actually I'll just follow the swede bro
let the car run over all those people. i live in America so I would be doing a good thing and killing 26 mexicans, 6 niggers, and 2 asians and some shit posting OP
First off , Kek, second off i look at the people, are they look like unsavory characters i will pull the lever, if they look decent, i pull the lever
Greece man is answering the real questions
How does someone get their dick stuck in a train track?
>multi track drifting.jpg
It's hard
Oh you.
For you.
again nip bantz