Is everyone bisexual?

Is everyone bisexual?


no, gay is wrong

why do you think that?

pretty much yes


Straight males will still feel some level of sexual attraction to a trap, even after they find out its actually a man. the same goes for straight women, who will feel at least a little attracted to someone like buck angel. therefore, it makes sense to not see sexuality as "you like one, the other, or both genders" but instead as a set of sexual preferences, like how straight males are generally attracted to femininity.

so basically, yes.

aye laddy



If the answer is yes, then from where comes the motivation to qualify it as you have? Can't we all just stop labeling ourselves entirely?

Sexual orientation labels are dumb. Why can't we all just agree to throw them into the trash?

Everyone is just "sexual". Some, more than others, some have a preference, more than others.

But in general we are just "sexual".

I predict all sexual orientation labels will be forgotten by year 2100. People will look back and say, really? People got hung up on stuff like that? Or, really, people actually had a word for that?

saying everyone is bisexual is basically like dropping all sexuality labels, imo, so i just said yes to give a clear answer to the question

I understand... I guess, I just missed the point of even going in depth since OP only asked a yes or no question.

But really, I agree with this post:
It'll be like ancient Greece and Japan all over again.

ancient Greeks didn't have words to denote "gay" or "straight" or anything like that, all that had was "top" and "bottom", literally, that was all there was to it

I could never have a romantic relationship with a man that looks 100% like a man. A trap? Sure. Just a crossdresser? No.

I definitely would have sex with a guy, trap, or crossdresser if I knew without a doubt they didn't have STDs and I was attracted to them. They'd also have to be really good looking.

Basically, except they're not even bisexual, just sexual. Nobody should pigeonhole themselves.

You can feel attracted to pixels representing a sexual expression that may or may not exist in reality, that's not a gender or anything


I have zero attraction to men.

No I'm bicycle.

Tell yourself that while you're giving yourself a handjob. Male hand on your dick, your hand on a man's dick. Totally straight. Totally. Zero gay.

>all these queers trying to find solace in lies
Man you guys seriously just need to get over this shit. Is it really hard for you to cope with being different? It's like you're just retarded and can't grasp reality.

>Is everyone bisexual?

No. You're a faggot and you ought to die. Don't want for AIDS to take you, KYS FAGGOT DO IT NOW.

You can't faggotpost from the grave.

Not gonna lie, I'd love to try it with a guy.

Come on dude you gotta have some better bait than that for me... This isn't even bait, it's just you screaming, "look everyone I'm retarded" in a public forum.



But we aren't different, most people are bisexual in some capacity.

How is it retarded? Masturbation is gay. Fact.

I don't think so but if the super smash 4 model of link were a real person he'd be beautiful. Botw link is also attractive.

kill yourself

You're just making the point that everyone is bisexual. Link is no exception to the rule of gay.
