Obama's Plan to ENRICH the White Suburbs

Video below discusses the Social Contract and why Obama is breaking that Contract by moving sub-humans into White neighborhoods.

He wants our parks to be just as unsafe as the cities these Project-dwellers infest. The theory, apparently, is that blacks are inferior because they live near other blacks. Blacks would somehow be good people if they lived near white people. No one with any common sense believes that horrific nonsense.

It gets better -- Obama is using our money to relocate these living viruses into our peaceful homes. Because he wants to remove our White Privilege, apparently.


Here is a better idea: Move Detroit niggers to Chicago and Chicago niggers to Detroit. Let them enrich each other.

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Video also gives a little lesson on Human Bio-Diversity (HBD).

But it is a much-needed lesson for libtards who scream how much they believe in evolution but who want us to believe that human races that lived a continent apart for over 50,000 years evolved to be exactly the same

Think about it:

No park will be safe anymore.

Your girlfriend will be afraid when she has to close up a little late at the place she works, especially if there is money there.

Whites will be frightened about walking out into mall parking lots, even in the daylight.

Cops will be overloaded because of all of the gang activity caused by the enrichment.

Schools don't focus on education. Teachers just want to go home safe at night, with niggers in the classroom.

Niggers are not like whites.

Why ruin America, Obama and Castro?

Excellent points, all of them. It will probably be even worse for whites than those obvious things, over time. Sad.

They want us to be hurt it seems.

and the sad part is Obama will still be remembered as a good president.

The true redpill is when you realise there is no magical social contract pulled from hobbesian arseholes and the only contracts, are contracts.

eh, he's still done less harm than the last two if only because he's done fucking nothing.

In America, the Left has an entrenched place in every University.

>In the military academies also, apparently, since those cadets in pic related were let off of the hook on Tuesday Despite making a sign so often associated with anti-white hatred.

So lefty libs are the ones who make up the lists. Ronald Reagan was probably one of America's 5 best presidents yet the libtarded academics consistently rank him near the bottom.

And they teach that shit to our children.

The thread runs throughout the Federalist papers. The main job of Government is to protect its citizenry. For doing that, Leviathan is allowed to collect taxes and make other demands.

It goes back to the cave clan days, really, if you look at it that way.

His executive orders and his Obamacare have ruined America.

Nothing more than that I guess.



>admitting black culture is toxic
>forcing blacks into white communities to teach them how to behave

this shit is already happening. it's called gentrification. white people are forcing blacks out of the city and into white poverty areas. good for me but it will make poor white areas extremely volatile.

White man has excellent trigger discipline.

Good man leading what appears to be a good family.

Doesn't change the fact its irrational nagical thinking nonsence. With today's communication you can have continent spanning contracts. No need for Hobbesian magic.

I live in Norfolk, VA, so we've already got our fair share of enrichment (check the demographics). When I first moved into the apartment complex I'm at now there were a few section 8 renters, but over the past two years they've moved in so many more. It's just constant screaming/fighting at all hours, cars blaring horns, music blaring, trash everywhere, etc. At least there have been no gunshots in the complex, yet. You would not believe the number of tow trucks I've heard come in the middle of the night to repossess cars.

The other day I was getting out of my car and I heard my neighbor from across the hall telling her parents, who were parked on the street, how she gets $1000 from social services, 200 from something else, etc. She's around almost all the time, so if she does work it's not much. Has two kids, no father obviously. They constantly throw trash, and even bits of food, on the floor in the hallway and stairs. Now the cleaning woman doesn't come to clean our hall anymore. Sometimes they're too lazy to walk to the dumpster and just leave their garbage bags in the hall for a few days. Their apartment has a smell that I can't even describe.

I've even heard the maintenance men complaining about the section apers. How they'll go into an apartment in the middle of the day to do some repairs and the "renters" are just lounging on the couch smoking. Fuck I can't wait until my lease is up in July to move out of here.

White companies and yuppies who choose to risk their 20-something lives by moving into apartment complexes in the inner city.

Yuppies had a choice to do that and may or may not get enriched for their stupidity.

That is not the same thing as moving niggers to live near innocent white families who DO NOT have a choice.

You are making this too academic, user.

These are real white families on the line here.

Surely you see the same thing in England?

I swear the last year of his term, he went full retard and showed his true side.

They saw the same thing in Washington DC.

Niggers get adequate housing for free and proceed to tear it up.

It is as though they like the destruction and the look of disgust on white faces.

I hope this thing blows up in a race war

Maybe that's what they want

There's no way to solve this because of the huge diversity in cultural heritage/behaviour. In Denmark we don't really have black ghettos but instead ethnic minorities. You can clearly tell the difference. Just a week ago we dropped by a store to shop and I instantly felt uncomfortable going in there. They're loud, rowdy and don't speak Danish at all. The store was a mess, it smelled really bad and we decided that it was best if I stayed close to my dad. A group of guys came in, talking Arabic and they stared at me. We left in a hurry. The entire area was a ghetto, 16 apartment complexes, shops and a school. There's always trouble in that area. And little to no whites live there.

The main problem is, the parents don't give two fucks about what the kids do. Muslim girls are almost as bad as the guys.

He's not good by any stretch of the imagination, but to claim of the ruin of America is laughable, when we're in roughly the same spot as when he started, especially compared to the shit Clinton and W got up to.

You and me both brother

The thing is - if Scandinavia decides to get its Viking on, criminal sandniggers will be begging for mercy within 2 weeks.

Obama isn't even trying to hide his hatred of Whites and the middle class now. This is only the beginning, I'm sure he's got even more extreme shit planned before he's out of office.

That's totally not true, we are in a much worse state now than when he came in. It's absolute insanity how badly the niggers seem to want a race war right now because this fucking Chimp in Chief is instigating them.

I wish. I really do. Just now there's an area in Copenhagen that's feeling the heat from these sandnigglets. They're threatening local pubs by saying they own them and claiming Sharia. And Sweden has over 50+ areas that are completely unsafe for white people.

He must hate the holy hell out of White people. Probably because he is half white.

Malcolm X was so lightskinned he had RED HAIR, yet he was anti-white for a very long time.

It is the mixed ones who hate us the most it seems (and that is saying something because the Ubangis don't like us either).

Michelle wrote that dissertation in college. Maybe she spurs his anti-white feelings when they are alone?

>done nothing
Yeah nothing but destroy the economy(no I'm not referring to 08 crash, I'm referring to how it was handled after), neuter the military, and attack every traditional institution we have. It is clear now with this HUD thing that his goal is to do as much damage to the country as he can before he's out. Bill Clinton tried this in 1995, all it did was spread the crime, the poor moving into suburbs didn't magically become less criminal. Look what they did to Houston trying this kind of thing. The crime got so out of control they had to call in the State Troopers because the HPD couldn't secure the city. But that is exactly the kind of thing Obama wants, only nationwide.

i hope you cumskined cucks really love your enrichement

Bro, he's done way worse than either of those two Presidents. There is too much to list.


And he gets away with it because the media protects him.


Hard to believe that you people scared the SHIT out of most of the civilized world (and a huge chunk of the uncivilized world) for centuries.

Why are you people, of all people, allowing this to happen to your families?

>Why ruin America
that's what the modern left does in every country. They profit from it that's why they do it

Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal spic immigrants and didn't even build a wall afterwards.

Reagan can rot in hell

I can't believe she's getting as much as she does, while paying almost no rent, and is still living in such shitty conditions. Or why she's living on her own at all. I see her parents stopping by fairly frequently and she is quite young. I don't know why she doesn't just live with them if she's in such a bad spot that she needs so much assistance.

They're all getting bussed back to the inner city rat warrens they crawled out of when Trump is in office, by force if necessary.

Every single unconstitutional executive order can be reversed by Trump's own on the first day.

It doesn't. Bill Clinton tried this in the 90s, all it did was raise crime rates all over the place, instead of just being contained in the inner city, the crime stretched to the city limits.

This plan has one purpose, to spread crime and displace Whites.

Yep, my neighbor found out after he moved in that his two nigger neighbors on either side was paying 1/3 of what he was. They were both selling crack out of their houses too.

user, l want you to secretly inject superglue into her keyhole on a weekly basis

So how long until whites start burning down the welfare houses?

I could totally see a community getting upset and some "vigilantes" just setting a house on fire forcing the subsidized families to relocate.

Shit, maybe this is all just a Keynesian economics plan after all

Yeah that was a stupid move.

The libs in Congress told him they would strengthen the borders if he did that. He believed them.

The chambers of commerce we also in there somewhere, probably. Almost certainly. Wanting dat non-nigger labor.

But it was a stupid move, for sure.

Oh trust me, we're doing what we can but we have some real idiots ruining our country. But democracy is just another word for dictatorship. During elections, the winning side promised to shut down immigration, but it was bullshit because they just opened the floodgates and we've now been overrun. People are losing their homes and jobs to sandniggers and they're being treated like kings and queens while people are being made homeless here. Sweden 2.0.

It won't be long before civil war ensues due to this shitball circus.

You sound like a major pussy tbqh

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Same reason we let it happen. Woman voters = cucked population.

>Move blacks to white areas
Isn't that blockbusting? The kike strategy to ruin land prices?

With the Jew who owns the houses collecting big insurance checks?

Doubt even they are that sneaky.

But there is bound to be unrest. Whites live their lives according to fairness and kindness and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Niggers exploit those good behaviors.

Here is a thought, and it also goes back to the niggers trashing the free housing:

Maybe it is not in the nigger nature to feel empathy and gratitude? I mean that they are incapable. They can mouth the words just to fool whitey, but they do not have those feelings.

Maybe niggers never developed those feelings when they were living in the warm abundant jungles of Africa.

kek who is this Sup Forums newsman?

lol you stormfaggots are so dumb, you actually think that there is some kind of war against white people, omg

> Dallas has one of the highest murder rates in the nation, and recently had to call in state troopers to help police control it. For the first time, violent crime has shifted to the tony bedroom communities north of the city. Three suburbs that have seen the most Section 8 transfers — Frisco, Plano and McKinney — have suffered unprecedented spikes in rapes, assaults and break-ins, including home invasions.


I'm not my country. I'd get a weapons license if I could. ;) But you want to go down that route. Who's the bigger pussy? A country that allows the biggest clown in the time of history to become president due to fat 'muricans voting on him or a country that's lead by simpletons but got a strong people to rise?

for fucking reals man
shit seemed to come outta nowhere

They say Obama got 51% of the popular vote

I wouldn't be surprised if it was less than that, and they just lied to make it look 'proper'

stay safe famalamadingdong

tell that to libya

If any of you americans want to create a very profitable business just open up a security firm in the neighborhood that these re locations are going to take place.

You will make tons of cash fortifying houses.

If they get shipped into my community, my neighbors and I already have plans for a neighborhood "watch". We probably won't just be observing and reporting though.

This is a great thing. Usually whites that have to actually deal with niggers become race realists. I used to think niggers were just like us until I moved to a heavily black area when I was in high school. Only sheltered middle class whites think niggers are civilized.

Also this has been going on for years. They've been shipping niggers from the ghettos of DC and Baltimore into the MD Suburbs, to where there is little pocket ghettos all through md now.

Oh they're doing it with the Mexicans too

It really pisses me off that I'm a student working on my masters in engineering so I can help improve the world and have to pay full price. Besides school I work two part time jobs to minimize the amount of loans I have to take out. If anyone could use housing assistance it's me, and I get nothing.

They're a bunch of lazy layabouts that just breed, destroy, and produce crime with no intention to better the world, instead they want to destroy it. And they get free housing, free food, etc.

It pisses me off so much that I'm taking out loans and struggling to get everything done. And when I get a good paying job they'll complain that it's white privilege and racism and I was just handed it, then I'll have to hand over a third of my pay in taxes just to make sure they can produce more criminal parasites.

>We probably won't just be observing and reporting though.

I think I know what you are talking about

Great. Now we'll have more fucking Zimmermans with the media going full DINDU NUFFIN.

Democracy without freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the freedom to bear arm, is another word for a dictatorship more like. You have no recourse to hold accountable the people that have done this.

We're barely holding on to what little we have left as the media becomes less and less "free". They can lie about anything and get away with it, that is a problem in a Democracy.

Same with us and muslims. Anyone who come into contact with them change their views radically.

Zimmerman got caught.

move to Williamsburg and commute
you can come over for tea then
also there is waaay more whites here

The bigger pussy is the one who cuddles close to daddy and runs out of the store because there are Arabs nearby.

Chicken shit, you call yourself a white man?

Look at the bright side: the white liberals living in their all-white suburbs may become redpilled as a result of this policy and we may finally get some kind of a revolution going.

Depending on whether I get a job with Dominion or one of the power companies in eastern Washington, I might be moving to Williamsburg.

I come from LA where we had real race riots in the early 90s instead of some nigs stealing snack food or college kids tilting at windmills.

No, not by a fucking mile he hasn't. That list is mostly inconsequential fluff.

Clinton's scrapping glass steagall could arguably beat out Obama's mistakes by itself. To say nothing of his gun grabs, DMCA, or making it so that fucking illegal immigrants could register to vote in our fucking elections, and so forth.

and hopefully we don't need to get into W's patriot act, homeland security theater, or the couple wars he got us in just for the hell of it...


How the fuck did you cunts let your dindus get so wildly out of hand that you're afraid of them in the slightest

t. Mississippian

23, making ~$50k a year in Houston.

Does this mean now is a horrible time to buy a house?

Should I find a rural apartment way outside the burbs and just bear the commute?

The biggest issue I hav with this is that moving poor blacks does nothing to change their behavior. They are poor for a reason. This in no way better their contribution to society, it won't magically help them land a job. Will only bring more crime. Sad. Where can I get off this ride?

I do agree with you. And I only meant in the regard that anyone voted in isn't held accountable for lying when it comes to keeping their word on the basis of which they were voted in. Such as the ones we voted into government. They haven't kept one of their promises.

I'm not a man...

those are really dank uniforms

i think it ends when PC culture dies
when there are no protected classes and we can speak as adults
hatefacts can just become facts
and facts can be acted upon
but... i'm probably dreaming


Is this your Congresswoman? Are most of your neighbors niggers, user?

Niggers elect niggers, regardless of ability or aptitude.

>or making it so that fucking illegal immigrants could register to vote in our fucking elections, and so forth.
Obama has granted amnesty to 2 million illegals and kept the borders open purposefully though, what about when he couldn't get the DREAM act passed so he just made some parts of it law via EO?

> W's patriot act, homeland security theater,
Both of which Obama was down with and continued. What about the IRS shit? Nixon got impeached for much less. What about using the EPA to destroy the coal industry? What about all the no bid contracting and boondoggles? What about all the unconstitutional "czars" he appointed? What about selective enforcement of legislation passed by Congress? Fast and Furious? Or outside of legality, he racebaits constantly, his rhetoric is beyond divisive. He is constantly antagonizing Blacks against Whites. Or all his vacations for him and his family? No one has debased and embarrassed the office of President more than Obama, not even Bill with the Moncia Lewinsky thing.
Clinton and Bush were bad but Obama is much worse. At least the media reported Bush and Clinton's fuckups, they do their best to hide and make excuses for Obama's.

Then your future is bleak as hell.

Please stay safe.

I currently rent a room in a very white area.

I've been looking to buy in a very white area.

Most of Houston's niggers are contained in the south side, and they certainly can't afford to live in the suburbs here.

I'm just worried that I'll be blacked as soon as I purchase my house in the outskirts.

They're already doing this shit in Houston. Houston was their "proving ground" to see it it would destroy White neighborhoods as well as they wanted.

White americans should all move back to their ethnic homelands so that we can retake Europe

I live in a pretty nice suburbs with my wife and kids in Alaska. Do you think Obongo has reach up here? I think im gonna form a neighborhood watch

No you misunderstand, the state has limits, even a nat soc state.

We need to be unbounded, a contract can be unlimited in its extremity, Hoppe shows us how. The white race needs the ultimate rational underpinnings of a unbounded advocation. Being the other side of the same coin will not work, least of all in democracy, they will always outnumber us.

We need to be unleashed and to trample upon the weak and tyrannous. The righteous or the meek do not inheret the earth: those who survive, do.

Better to look like a pussy than get beaten and robbed by half a dozen sandniggers. It's easy to talk shit and put up a front when you're safe in your room. It's entirely different when you're alone surrounded by criminal minorities who are looking for an excuse to fuck you up. Pick your battles and live to fight another day.

Hurrrdurr what is a context clue

Europe doesn't want us.

>kept the borders open purposefully though
By this I mean purposefully stopped enforcing the border

I don't live in that area. I live in a small town and it's peaceful here. No sandnigglets causing trouble.

>Pick your battles and live to fight another day.

This. Always this.

And learn to defend yourself and family.

there's also no fucking jobs in the 'burbs, especially for uneducated and unskilled blacks. not even trying to be racist, but that's the truth of the matter.

why the fuck you tryna move blacks to suburbs Obama, do you even workforce?

I'll say it again. FUCK THE BOURGEOISIE! The middle class has fucked shit up forever being the guard dogs of the rich. They've had this coming for a long time.

My city is majority nigger. I don't like it, but I don't run from them.

>and it's peaceful here. No sandnigglets causing trouble.

For how long though?

For how long?

Fair enough.

Oh, and Tits or gtfo

Aaaand Bernie Sanders is heard from.


Sure we all came from Sup Forums. And Sup Forums was fun.

But this is Sup Forums user (though I suspect your tongue was firmly in your cheek when you wrote that).