USA: Our greatest ally!

>"Every sovereign nation has the right and an obligation to protect its borders," Bell told the Hungarian Parliament, "But every nation, as a part of the international community, also has a fundamental obligation to help refugee populations seeking safety."

>Translation: your sovereignty is not determined by you, but rather by us. It is a practice articulated by Orwell in 1984 whereby a person can think two completely contradictory thoughts at the same time seemingly without any mental conflict.

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As usual, this kind of threads will not have much comments.

WTF have a bump i'm on my phone so i'll check this out later

Don't worry. She'll have to toe the new party line after the Hairpenning on November, or else she will lose her job.

Thank you, but nobody cares. It is not another race-mixing thread.

What is there to say?

Its okay Spainbro you reeled me in.

Americans, according to the international community, are absolutely terrible at diplomacy and foreign relations. Our country is run by some very nasty individuals who rely on military and economic might to force its hand. Diplomacy is the last resort.

>Implying Hillary Clinton is not going to win American fake elections.


>come and get me, bitch

You have no idea how lazy Hungarians are. We will do fucking nothing and it will cost us nothing.

That's a fucking interference in your national sovereignty. And I'm really sick of all this shit.

Remember how all those right-wing militias started popping up during Bill Clinton's presidency? It's going to be a 100 times worse under Hillary, and Russia may even fan the flames since she doesn't have Donald's pro-detente stance. I highly doubt that the TPTB would risk a possible civil war at this point by giving the election to another Clinton.

Paprika Chicken Kebabs when?

>Spain is personally annally hurt over some cunt fro the USA saying something about Hungary and it's not giving a fuck


She could pour hot lead in her cunt on live national tv, we would still not do anything.

>we eat the Greek version


Waaaay ahead in the game, m9.

Wait, are we supposed to do anything? This cunt is running her mouth all the time and noone gave shit so far.

Goulash hummus?

This is what happens when you allow women to make important decisions.

They go full-blown retard.

never trust americans, not even their citizens. they fake being nice but firmly support their government bs

We do fake being nice. I don't get it.

>absolute fucking kek

Wait for the new version of Quran saying the paprika in everything is halal.

>Wait, are we supposed to do anything?
the pure suggestion of doing anything is appalling to me

please don't do it again

>even I shoot better with my only shotgun
What is she gonna do? Miss us with our own guns with an angry look on her face?

I hope people in Hungary realize this Democrat stooge doesn't represent America

I want to remind you all that the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary is an Obama political appointee because she donated to his political campaign. Her foreign policy credentials are that she was a producer for the soap opera The Brave and the Bold. John McCain called this shit out too, but yet those same media outlets who ignore this will happily point out Trump's lack of foreign policy credentials.

Diplomatic outposts being awarded as political favors is nothing new, but generally they are awarded as part of some larger political scheme rather than just because they donated money.

t. Izquierdo Rojas

The paradigm im running on thinks joe biden will be the nominee.

It's unfortunate, but she really does.

We have to own it. Pretending this shit isn't going on doesn't help.

turn audio on

If you aren't anti-American you're an useful idiot.

pipe down albania

Fighting Russia is the only thing I'm okay with in everything that she said
I want to show the world just how much of a paper bear the Ivan's really are when they fight someone who isn't malnourished, lacking a government, and a third world shithole

> fight someone who isn't malnourished, lacking a government, and a third world shithole
Big words coming from a burger.

>as a part of the international community

your country has negro in its name. get back to picking cotton

He's right though.

>your country has negro in its name

Hey, I have a question, since we have some Hungary folk here.

What are gun laws like there? My family's from there, but that was back a ways, so I don't know how things are these days.

Your country has a negro president and is 60% white.

>fight someone who isn't malnourished, lacking a government, and a third world shithole
The irony.

A country where elected representatives are doing what their people want? Shit, better bomb some democracy into them. That solves everything.

>and is 60% white

Last time I went to florida only the old people were white.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities
New government data show a changing country
June 25, 2015 — 6:01 AM CEST
Racial and ethnic minorities now surpass non-Hispanic whites as the largest group of American children under 5 years old, the Census Bureau said Thursday.

if you give me enough paprika i will fight with you against juden and evil coalition of USA and Germany.

wtf? the US is the most aggressive country on the planet and has been for a while

Yeah we're shit. We aren't your ally we hate ourselves and you.