is this for real? or is this just a clever fake?
I can't believe my idea reached half a million people
is this for real? or is this just a clever fake?
I can't believe my idea reached half a million people
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>I can't believe my idea reached half a million people
But your Jewish.
>implying Chinese would mate with African swampbeasts
in the old post I made someone else made the exact same comment, I will reply with the same answer:
there are currently around 30 million Chinese males that has no chance of ever getting married to a Chinese girl simply because there are not enough Chinese girls arund
they already do because theres a female shortage in china
oh yeah
inb4 "enemy spotted"
>implying everyone in China has a high IQ
Yeah I seriously doubt Muslims would immigrate to Africa because of race mixing.
implying Chinese have normal IQ while african children are being stunted and have no chance of ever getting past 70
they would immigrate because the chinese would make it a place worth living in they can run to from their shitty homes
Why would Muslims immigrate to Africa if it becomes Taoist?
Are the Chinese going to bring about welfare?
If the Jews can pull this plan off, then they might just redeem themselves after countless centuries of treachery.
what is Europe now?
are muslims migrating to it?
hell no
they gonna raze this shithole like it deserves
>they would immigrate because the chinese would make it a place worth living in they can run to from their shitty homes
>implying the chinese would allow their investment and work to be fucked up
Based ally
But chinks and niggers won't give them free shit
best based ally
still better than sand castle
IQ isn't genetic, 300 million jobs won't appear out of no where (least of all Africa), Taoism is borderline atheism, and the chinese are communist.
The only thing that attracts muslims is the welfare state.
I guess
Still i don't see chinks and niggers getting along. Look how they treat their own
>Taoism is borderline atheism
>muh sandnigguh religion
see jobs
they would not send them all at once
they would send more and more as china gets more and more developed
china is a strict place, in foreign lands with almost no direct jurisdiction ancient believes would be held more precious
in the original post I made someone linked me to an actual documentary movie about it
here it is
they fit together quite nicely
and they already did their cultural exchange quota ahead of the west
china sent some people to south africa not 300 mil but some. they wont be sending more
This is what Sup Forums does to you with all the "redpills" they give us
Side effects include bullshit ideas to save humanity from itself
Jew go die please
you jews really know how to spread media huh?
still waiting for you "enemy spotted" guy
>How does distribution of resources work?
Stupid reddit.
Every time we try to have an idea like maybe Israel should stop attacking the Palestinians and pay reparations for war crimes we get banned by about the 200k mark.
Well taoism isn't really a constructed religion in the first place. So you can be pretty flexible in your beliefs, if you want to worship the jade emperor or xuan wu which are more community based then you can do so. If you'd rather be solitariy and focus on the dao then you can do that too.
So turn africans white?
Why not send all Jewish men? Every Jewish male can have like 20 wives.
Jewish women can get sperm donations from Scandinavian men (better looks, much better physics, get rid of all the inbred diseases you have) and still maintain most of the IQ.
Jew I see JOU.
too big a task
hey that's pretty good
This is a perfect plan, you could also send pooinloos to Africa. Have the chinks invade the north, and the Pajeets invade the south, niggers will flock to Africa.
>>better physics
mfw scandinavians obey gravity and thermodynamics better than JOOZ
יום עצמאות שמח
גם לך
I meant better physique lol
Why don't most interracial couples collect Scandinavian sperm anyways? They could date their own kind and they'll have the half white children they wanted.
I believe the Danish sperm bank is really popular considering it's size.
I don't think interracial couples think of their children and their genetics at all dude.
don't you want more people like her?
Don't you want more women like her?
From pic related
Good deal if you ask me
I much prefer pure east asians or hapas tbqh.
Do you know what generally happens when there are more males than females in a society?
War. Not smart men resigning themselves to breeding with literal animals.
so your'e saying muslims would fit right in?
They do lad
Many hate themselves and have an inferiority complex. So they kill the white race to have halfbreeds.
I see nothing wrong with this, there are no enough chinese women in China.
And probably those mixed kids will be better than the average african.
Anaways in order to "asianificate" Africa like, you have to being sending chinese males for years or the new asian genes will get erased with the time.
you see we aren't joking when we tell you Jews rule the world
it's meme magic
also your idea is awful
which confirms the other meme: that Jews are ruining the world
t. person with double digit IQ
Not really, they just fall in love most of the time. At least if it is lasting couples.
It happens, they are pretty much a small minority though. I don't really view it as a problem at all unless it started to threaten the existence of White/Asian people.
I can't blame black people for hating their genetics and wanting their children to have better genes.
>IQ isn't genetic
Holy fuck boy full retard within the first three words. I suppose dogs are capable of literacy and managing capital, given the right upbringing?
>300 million jobs won't appear out of nowhere
Where do you think jobs come from? It's simply creating processing resources, and Africa is as rich with resources as any other continent.
>le mixed race beauty
Let's be honest. You will simply turn 300 million good Chinese men into billions of shitskin half apes.
Muslims are violent by choice. The Chinese will be violent by necessity.
Their takeover of Africa - excepting places like Nigeria and Ghana, maybe - is pretty much inevitable at this point, but they'll be making a huge mistake if they even make an attempt at integrating the Africans into their new society instead of just killing the native population once they've outlived their usefulness.
The differences between the US and Central/South America perfectly highlight why breeding with the natives instead of killing them never works. I'd love to see a Chinese-colonized Africa in our lifetime, but the only thing that guarantees they won't fail like the Spanish and Portuguese did with the Americas is replacing the Africans wholly and completely.
300 million angry men with advanced weapons, decent education, and purpose is more than enough to wipe out 800 million people barely living in mudhuts.