You will never be this cool

>you will never be this cool

I would love to see an after picture of those assholes right now

2003 ?


mmm, 2003-2006

Early 2000s were fun.

I was that cool in 2003

nu metal years

Is that a boy or girl up front.

I wonder if these faglords still worship 'The Knot'

Half of them are dead

I'm much cooler than these cunts will ever be.

This is worse than cancer.

One of them killed the others, shooting

I was. I had the widest jncos

It's like the Korn guys all send their kids to the same school

Isn't that a /mlp/ group?

I would have loved to attend that high school. Prime ground for growing a cult

me in the middle

KEK the fact that you felt you had to state it says your not

what's the equivalent of that in 2017?

Hey, at least they have friends and are happy.

If thas a real girl touching you and you're on Sup Forums...

Well done, user.

its so much cancer that i can feel tumor growing uo my back.

fuck all that. electric wizard is the true shit. this... ugh. black sabbath and wizzz

>uo my back.
Back to /r9k/, asshole.