Today: Ecosex
You can pause this video at any second and it will be a pure meme.
What the literal fuck.
Today: Ecosex
You can pause this video at any second and it will be a pure meme.
What the literal fuck.
Lol what
>You can pause this video at any second and it will be a pure meme
That's so true.
I never had this much fun on the internet .
white "people"
I don't have a reaction face for this
Come home from work and this is the first post I see. I´ll just fuck off to the gym now, this is just too much.
Tfw even a bush gets more action than I do
Mfw when reality slowly turns into a meme.
Mexifag here those video comments are pretty good.
I liked it better when we were the weirdest.
Two minutes in, here are screenshots
Was this shit made by the same people? Game me the same unworldly feeling.
Okay so we sniff bushes. At least we aren't hooligans.
I went to a weird eco-spiritual ritual once for the laughs. Some people do too much psychedelics.
Man, i do enjoy a quick fap in the woods but this is over the fucking line
>You can pause this video at any second and it will be a pure meme.
I bet the Jews did this.
kek oh what the hell man.
0:56 gets me everytime
wtf is this even
Best QT
>Because I suffer from hayfever, the pollen entering me and making me sneeze, that's a bit of the sexual environment around us
>getting raped by flowers
nice meme
reported for tits
After some gangbang with the bushes
it reminds me of these weird game shows in 80s
WW3 is pretty much necessary at this point.
100% pure concentrated meme
I'll watch this later
And these people are still more functional than any of us, they probably own homes and have careers with prospects and a a reasonable pension and a family
What's wrong with you Eurobeaners
This actually looks quite fun. I'd like to join in. Where can we sign up? What's the cost? Any chance of having fun sexy times with a femanon?
Is this made by the Vegas in Space people
Kek where is this, madrid?
This is satire.
This is satire, right?
I have no clue, but probably it shouldn't be anywhere in this mad world
Qué pasó España, todos pensábamos que la madre patria estaba llena de cultos y guerreros... Por lo que veo puros enfermos
kek highly doubt that
Satire today. Special snowflake fetish sexuality tomorrow.
You have to go back, Jesús
Claiming cultural appropriation!
Anyone getting called out as racist coz they listen to rap or have dreads or whatever the fuck is being claimed as cultural appropriation when in fact it some dumb trend that got big in the black community but now has spread. If you are white and do it it's rascist and """"cultural appropriation"""" even when all white people who do that shit (or at least get confronted about it) are under 30 and usually under 20. The first generation of whites who haven't actually gained much from the oppression of other races.
Under 20 and even under 30s get called racist, homophobic, misogynist etc based on their race, orientation and gender when they have not benefited from it the way the old rich white cunts of the world have. The white dudes took advantage of the racist system and become rich, the old white women took advantage of easy mode and married rich white men, they are worse than mob wives coz then they turn around and complain about the conditions that allowed them to live in luxury and in the process make that same lifestyle virtually impossible for younger generations of straight white men ( the same group that gave them that life)
But hey, whatever keeps the masses divided and distracted to ensure your continued free ride you heartless old cunts.
What I never understood is:
>I havent seen """""""twerking""""""" called out as cultural appropriation even tho it's clearly a black female thing taken """"""mainstream""""" by young white women.
>is that because it promotes degeneracy (public sexual expression, big butt glorification, interracial attraction) and the jewkikefuckbags love it and push it on society or simply because the black community only cares about cultural appro when it suits them?????
theses """"""""people"""""""" are perplexing creatures
"Psst kids, do you want some Candy?"
Holy shit did you see her nose from the side view?
Fucking hell, this is pure genius, I need to mimic this for my campaign. I'll get trees to vote for me.
Hello Wayne.
Reminds of Pajeet the reporter
they are literally raping mother earth.
he was just masturbating while pooing, typical Indian behavior.
you are still a faggot's gaping asshole.
Thank you OP, I haven't kek'd this hard in days
I'm pretty sure that your cities will have plenty of bushes fampais, now you know that to do
I've found my new hobbie
It's actually the ultimate redpill - just ask Ohiofucker, this shit is the real deal
I bet you've had this much fun a the poop beach you smelly Indian fuck