Soup, Sup Forums, been thinking about my future recently. I'll be 25 in August...

Soup, Sup Forums, been thinking about my future recently. I'll be 25 in August, and I haven't even started the college process. I joined the military straight out of High School, and made the mistake of getting out. I had to move back in with my parents. I have a very adventurous "soul" so I want to see as much of the world and its culture as I possibly can. I decided I want to start teaching English in countries such as Japan, South Korea, and various countries in the Middle East. I visited Japan this year for a few months and I fell it love with it. I would love to live there, and I have a few friends who have already made the move and live in Tokyo. The thing is, in order to teach English in Japan or South Korea (or any developed nation) they require a BA or a BS. I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm absolutely petrified of going back to school, because I did absolutely horribly in High School. I also don't want to have to wait 4 years until I can finally live in Asia. That will put me at almost 30 years old before actually *starting* my life. I feel pathetic. Anybody have any advice or something?

>Pic not related. Some random slut with 7/10 tits.

I don't know what to tell you man, other than suck it up and go get your degree. College is an entirely different ballgame than highschool and I'm sure you'll find it difficult, but now you're working towards something, so you have that motivation. Keep in contact with your friends in Tokyo and just think of how awesome it will be when you get there. Work for it, and while you're busy, those 4 years will go faster than you think. I still have no idea what the hell I want to do, so at least you're a step ahead of me. God speed, user.

Thanks for the reply, user. I know this sounds corny, but watch some motivational speakers, or even celebrities talk about how to achieve success. You just gotta find something you've always been passionate with and just... do it. (inb4 Shia) Nobody comes to you. You gotta try before you succeed.

Your going to be 30 anyways, that will not change so make the best use of your time to get what you want.

gr8 fake tits
fuck your wall of text you shit smellnig rabble scum

Surprisingly enough this makes me feel better.

Thanks Sup Forumsro. I'm tryin. Someday, I'll find it hopefully, but I wish you luck with your life. For your sake, I hope everything goes well.


"starting my life"?

Top kek. 30 now and have been teaching in Japan for 4 years. This isn't starting life. This is a slack bullshit job with most companies, or absolute low salary slavery with others. It's not adulthood, you're looking for an escape.

>me at almost 30 years old before actually *starting* my life.

"started" my life at 29 with a college degree. now I'm making well into the 6 figures. no shit.

bite the bullet, do your time, pay the dues.

I am glad, it's real advice because I remember putting off something important that I had to do but it seemed like it would take a long time, time passed anyways then I thought shit if I just did it I would be finished by now

go to a decent community college and major in whatever keeps you interested. transfer to a university and finish. wow so hard. you could actually major in education, which is piss-ant simple. jesus fuck some of the dumbest girls i went to high school with now have their B.A.s and teach elementary through high school. it is absolutely pleb-tier material. show up to class and receive diploma.

Well that's part of it, truth be told. As I said, I want see as much of the world as possible.
What do you do if you don't mind me asking?
I was literally just thinking this. I got out of the military 4 years ago, and if I would have started right when I got out I'd be done by now.
I'm thinking computer engineering for when I get done with the teaching thing I have something decent to fall back on.

I did the same thing back in 04. I got out after OIF1 and I spent 4 year busting my ass and hating my life working with lazy mother fuckers who just wanted to soak up the clock and working for crooked mother fuckers who wanted to work me as hard as they could and pay me as little as possible. Got married, had a kid, had to keep working to pay the bills... fucking American Dream my ass. Never got college.

Life is better now. How did I do it? I went back in. I retire in a little over 4 more years with 22 years of service. (2 of them inactive reserve) going to civilian flight school before I get out to get commercial certification.

Retake your ASVAB, get a good GT score, and get back in. Fuck civilians... they don't know shit anyway.

Go get the degree young man. That's it.

this guy is a fag. 20 years to do in the military what takes only 4-6 in the civilian world. get a master's or a professional degree and you are set for life. friend just finished master's in comp sci from a decent school and is ticking over six figures at 25 years old. the classes are kinda tough but it's worth it

I hate that employers these days require people to have a college education. In all honesty, college is worthless. If I truly want to learn something then I'll learn it. We live in the age of information.

The military is easy life though. No joke. Civilians have to go to school full time, work full time and pay all kinds of bills.

Don't compare your journey to the journey of others. Everyone gets to the finish line.

I goofed around in my 20s. At 25, I decided to go back to school but knew by the time I would graduate, I would be 30. I didn't care. I graduated with my BS at 30. I finished my MS at 32. And now I'm pursing my Ph.D and currently work for the Feds.

I know 4 years seems like a lot, but it's such a small amount of time. Get that degree bro. It'll open up doors.

This guy is a fucking sheep. All that time and energy for a worthless degree that you're most likely going to spend at least half of your professional life paying for... 20 years in the military is not worthless. I get benefits for the rest of my life, a pension, oh... AND my GI Bill. Not to mention that most universities will also waive out of state tuition for my son.

And above all, I don't have to deal with fagots like you... sit down kid, men are speaking.

I would also like to work for the feds. I am thinking CIA, NSA or Homeland Security.

Dubs and Dubs....whoa

If I may ask, what did you do in the military and why'd you leave? I have aspirations to be in the military myself. Any advice?

>Tl;dr Weebo thinks he can succeed with his native tongue when he didn't even start college.

I was an electronics technician and then an aviation electronics technician.
I already speak Japanese quite well.