>This afternoon I decided to visit my friend. >I usually hang with him and play ps4 or watch anime and shit. >Went over to his house and knocked but no answer. >Decided maybe he was asleep or out but just to be sure (he usually has headset on) I went around to his bedroom window. >window was slightly open. >donno what possessed me to do it but I took a peek inside >imagine my surprise when I saw him deep in his little sisters pussy. >This guy is 27 and his sister is about 14 or 15. >didn't even bother to knock >I just walked away and went home.
Pic unrelated
Nicholas Stewart
Jace Morales
>Only a fool
Hunter Gutierrez
What will you do user?
Kayden Peterson
I dont got a clue
Luis Torres
AND YOU WALKED AWAY!?! Maybe if you knocked they would of let you join them...you disappoint me op
Kevin Watson
don't judge, she has to pay rent somehow
Levi Brown
Why the fuck would i wantbto join????
Julian Morris
pull out phone record them use for whatever duh
Ian Lee
user makes a point.
Juan Barnes
Fake and ever so gay
Nathan Diaz
To get some of that sweet girl puss. But now your puss-less and tell a story on Sup Forums.
David Flores
Hunter Jenkins
You know I never even thought about recording. You rarely ever think to record shot and afterword it's like
>shot I should have recorded it
Nathaniel King
Maybe he didn't know she was 14? It's hard to tell a 14 year old for a totally legal 18 year old anymore.
Mason Thomas
This. Missed opportunity for some major blackmail
Ayden Perry
ok user, next time do this: 1. record with phone, make sure your hands arent too shaky so ya can actually see stuff 2. share info with your friend 3. ask him about his sister 4. express strong interest in fucking her 5. do not straight up blackmail him, but you know... let him know you'd be unlikely to talk if you tapped some 14 yo ass. 6. let your friend arrange some fresh pussy for you 7. profit.
Gabriel Perez
Easton Richardson
Camden Morris
Maybe I was to shocked to react. I sat for a full hour trying to figurebout wtf I just saw.
Eli Mitchell
I don't believe a word of this but in case it's true:
Not much to figure out. Dude's fuckin' his sister. Kudos to him, I say.
Jacob Harris
How to get murdered: the post
Hunter Nelson
Not if you murder them first...
Zachary Jones
14 15? Damn some fresh pussy i see
Noah Gonzalez
I have known this guy since we been like fucking 7 . I never thought he would do something like that.
John Hill
You will cut off contact, block him from everything, and never speak to him again. Duh.
Asher Moore
Actually I was thinking I would act like normal. Like nothing has happened
Isaiah Rodriguez
You never thought he'd get his dick wet? That's pretty harsh.
Benjamin Cruz
When he was 7 a. his balls didnt drop b. his sister wasnt born yet
man I wish I was 27 living with parrents, playing vidya with my b-tard loser friend, fucking my hot little sister. Being a NEET really works out for some.
Charles Wright
There's no going back. You already know it's over.
Jaxson Smith
Sure I thought he would get his dick wet.....but with his little sister? Little being the key word?? I never thought that.
Aiden Brown
Can you please just keep posting camel toe pics plox?
Ryan Brooks
Is my fetish but only got a few. Will post what I have
Hunter Murphy
Ryan Young
Eli Green
now this is just fake/forced. the whore just pushed her panties inside the vagoo. those panties are not made of yoga pants material.
Carter Garcia
.... and? What's the problem?
I don't give a flying fuck what the government says, at 13 you are old enough to know whether you want a dick in you or not and you have the capacity to decide if you are ready to fuck. Kids that age fuck all the time.
Good for your friend OP. Don't be a jealous faggot just because you aren't getting any of her sweet ass.
Daniel Edwards
Well I had more but can't find them atm. Feel free to contribute
Julian Reyes
don't have cameltoes
Matthew King
so OP, are ya gonna try to bang that pussy? how hot is she?
Elijah James
No dude wtf. She has a flat ass chest and is slim as cunt. Her face is pretty but... apart from that she is like a boy in girls clothing
Aaron Lewis
So she's got that Hermi look going. Good, means shes not a disgusting fat pig, as someone related to a 27 yo living with parents could be. What does your low life friend do aside from playing vidya and banging his cute little sister?
Logan Sullivan
hey op, it's a win/win it's a trap but not a trap, doit
Elijah Ortiz
He's a baker. Works the graveyard shift mostly
Brayden Roberts
Was she enjoying it?
Parker Jackson
I was never really interested in her that sorta way. I did notice when I am over by his house that she usually hangs around and watches us play uncharted or whatever. She is always braless and has those really small pointy breasts.
Aaron Harris
So hes got things to lose. By /b's laxed standards that is. It wouldn't be overly easy for him to find a job being a convicted child molester. And he doesnt exactly work for the mob, so I guess he is pretty timid.
I'd say your work is cut out for you. Get working on procuring video evidence next time, and you might yet to experience that 14 yo pussy!
David Baker
Not sure. She was pretty quiet when I peeped. She wasn't making a sound.
Jordan Brooks
I honestly don't want 14yo pussy user.
Jayden Parker
Op is a lying faggot
Jordan Murphy
So update...i just figured out she is in first form. Meaning she is actually 13
Jaxon James
I banged a 13 year old. Nothing that bad OP, so long as she was enjoying it.
Luis Butler
My cousin was deep inside my mouth!
David Martin
Cameron Garcia
>acts suprised and plays dumb >Has a bunch of jailbait-tier pussy pics saved
Joshua Morales
I would instantly pull out my phone and record that shit so I can fap to it later and to share it with the Sup Forumsros
Logan Brooks
Bro, you are just scared because of the severity of possible punishment because of her age. Okay, wait till she is of legal age for your state, but keep compiling evidence. The day after her 18th birthday - bam, show that shit to her brother and enjoy having him arrange a fuck with his sister for you. I'm sure she wouldn't want her brother to get in legal trouble. And while you are at it, enjoy every though of how unconventional it was to get this particular piece of pussy.
Noah Perez
>who >cares
Nathaniel Long
>No >One >Fucking >Believes >You
Luke Garcia
Wait what
Who is this? I can't reverse image search on ps4
Austin Roberts
Over anylizing faggot. Enjoy the pic queer
Adrian Taylor
>doesn't give a fuck what anyone believes
Josiah Brown
I care, I only fap to authentic cameltoe.
Elijah Johnson
I love me some good cameltoes
Connor Baker
Show him this photographic evidence
Anthony Gonzalez
>doesn't care about what people think >starts a thread and tries to convince people that this really happened and he's definitely not a pedo