Where were you when you realized Trump is going to be our next president?
Where were you when you realized Trump is going to be our next president?
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Shillary BTFO
I didn't come here to feel in my penis
lol, fucking stormfags go back to your nazi circlejerk forums, fucking idiotic pricks.
Drumpf won't win
>where we're you when you realized Trump is going to be our next president?
At work looking at Sup Forums on my phone with an awkward boner for OP pic
Is there more of that set?
She's a big girl
That dick ain't gonna jerk itself dude.
If I pull off that swimsuit, will she die?
>Implying Reuters is heavily biased towards Trump
>implying it's not
LOL go listen to FAUX news, racist
Post a relevant picture or you get faggots like this
nope, sorry
It's now the fox news poll, PPP, and Reuters
This is amazing. Crooked Hillary is fucked
Sorry for got the Rassmusen poll
Remember when Jeb! was tied with Trump
I have spilled much seed over these two images
Hey niggers
Thank me later
what's her name though? Is there a video?
I will hand cuff her hands to that lamp post and ravage her and savour every whimper and moan
>yes daddy, more daddy, more please
>everything I have is yours
>Remember when Jeb!
Mmmm... I love british
You're the only faggot here.
Maybe that's why all your neighbours are ahmed.
When I heard cruz dropped out, other republicans were the only threat to trump winning.
Luckily you posted that unrelated picture otherwise I would not have posted in your thread.
>when you realized Trump is going to be our next president?
Looking for work about 7 months ago
A post about relevance that has no relevance
Heidi Harper
now gtfo
I would literally drink her pee.
>yes daddy
americuck on holiday detected
It was a long time ago. People get too caught up in political fandoms to see the patterns and outcomes.
His flag is that of Mexico only without the freedom
It's the post-nomination bounce. GOP voters who were committed to the other candidates coming round to Trump. Romney got it too.
So will Hillary, once Bernie drops out. And she'll get more, because Bernie will actually endorse her.
Trump hasn't even started on her and she is already losing
i never thought he'd beat shillary
holy fuck, its close
praise kek
Polling was done Pre-Cruz dropping out
Wait for him to start going after her.
This election is not going to be a landslide, but it won't be overly close either.
It would be very painful
>Bernie will actually endorse her.
Bullshit. Even if he does, the Leddit butthurt will be too great for Hillary to salvage anything. Hillary is boned.
>So will Hillary, once Bernie drops out.
If you lived here, you'd see firsthand how indignant Bernie supporters are at having the election "stolen" from them by the one thing that their candidate is running against: political corruption incarnate.
Many Bernie voters are swearing away from Hillary. A number will be swayed back to her, true, but she won't get as many converts as Trump will get from the Cruz and Kasich camps. Why? Because "True Conservative" Cruz voters fear Hillary-nominated supreme court justices far more than Bernie liberals fear anything Trump could bring.
That picture is fucking glorious
Yeah here you go user
He hasn't even started with her yet.
fucking kek
i could see bernie doing that because "the threat of a radical like donald trump assuming power is a very dangerous prospect"
i hope he doesn't, but i predict a strong propaganda effort to pull as many bernie voters as possible into voting D
41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, and 40 percent backed Trump, with 19 percent not decided on either yet, according to the online poll of 1,289 people conducted from Friday to Tuesday. The poll had a credibility interval of about 3 percentage points.
Mama mia what a canoli
Then he turns around and endorses trump as a last fuck you to hillary
Even his own party knows he has a snowball chance in hell of winning without the latino and women vote. He's a joke and everyone outside of his delusional white racist base knows this. That's why his own party won't even support him. It's so fucking funny watching stupid people waste their time voting for him. LOL
Watching him ride down the escalator in Trump tower.
>D-don't vote for donald, he's scary...
Kill yourself
So that's why Bernie didn't rule out a VP bid with Clinton? Wake up.
>flightless mexico
that would be funny
Come on it's not fat shaming Friday yet.
>while Trump would help his chances if he picked someone experienced in politics and someone who is “consistently” conservative.477
So... Cruz?
Besides the 40 percent of Bernie supports who said they will vote for trump over Hillary
That's pretty hot desu senpai
>Even his own party knows
Threadly reminder that the shills are out in force.
Hilary is using an organization called Correct The Record for online shilling.
The current shilling campaign is called Barrier Breakers, and has as its stated goal:
>Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms...
Small minority with the lowest turnout rate in the country...this is also ignoring the fact that NOT ALL FUCKING LATINOS ARE MEXICAN.
Trump's already working splendidly on winning over the American female demographic.
You don't really think that a billion-dollar businessman is an anti-vax loon, do you?
Unfortunately it does
They predicted Rmoney would win in a landslide.
You're underestimating the cuckoldry of the average Bernie fanatic. Polls show that a large majority of them would back Hillary if he doesn't get the nomination.
Actually it shows for example in west Virginia that over 40 percent will vote trump
> at least 40 percent of the Bernie voters would vote for GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the general election.
It was a closed primary. They voted for Bernie because they want him to be the nominee. He's easier to beat than Clinton.
Here is them doing damage control and trying to hold the 40 percent figure against REAL Bernie supporters by calling them trump supports in digues with no evidence after he wrecked Hillary
In November, Donald Trump would be the choice of 44 percent of West Virginia Democratic primary voters who supported Bernie Sanders Tuesday, CBS News early exit polling found.
But support for Trump in the general election is largely driven by independents who were allowed to vote in West Virginia’s Democratic primary. More than half would back Trump against either Hillary Clinton or Sanders.
Thirty-six percent of the Democratic primary voters are independents, compared to just 18 percent in 2008.
>In fact, 39 percent of Sanders voters said they would vote for Trump over Sanders in the fall.
Even if Bernie would get the nomination, they would still back Trump. They were Trump supporters.
On Sup Forums in November
You have no way to tell what 39 percent those people are kek
You literally can have it one way or the other
the Bernie support your illusioned to believe in concists of 40 percent of trump voters or they are demos who would rather have Hillary
Either way Hillary receiving a "LARGE MAJROITY" of these supports you cant even agree exist is false.
you simply lost another talking point.
I will have my face halfway inside her asshole
She fucks dogs btw
what makes this girl so cute is her facial expressions. why dont women understand that sex appeal is 99% face that says fuck me.
West Virginia is just one primary. General polls show that 70% of Bernie supporters would vote for her.
rather have trump*
see>> at least 40 percent of the Bernie voters would vote for GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the general election.
> vote for GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the general election.
> general election.
even better
I expected such an obvious reply tbqh
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you degenerate.
Or better yet, kill yourself.
Obama will not let this happen. A bigot can not be President. He was already disqualified by the President himself.
Again, West Virginia doesn't necessarily represent the entire country. There are big demographic and cultural differences between states, and it was a closed primary on top of that. Most general election polls show that 70-75% of Bernie supporters would vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination.
>A CBS/New York Times poll released in January found less than than half of Democratic voters nationwide said they would enthusiastically support Hillary Clinton if she were to become the Democratic nominee. Fourteen percent would not support her in the general election, 27 percent would support her with “some reservations,” and 11 percent said they would only back her if she becomes the nominee.
the fact you are having this much of a hard time making your case should tell you there is no certainty in your assertion lol
even better
Yeah sure.
You can post as many polls as you want, but Drumpf is going to lose the general election in November.
It's not even a thing of the opinion. Drumpfs vitriolic hatred of women and minorities have already gave him an abysmal number of women and Asian / Black / Hispanic voters.
But after he went full MRA / MGTOW pathetic retard in the last two weeks, he managed to drop the women voting for him to a historical minimum for a republican candidate.
Like, the thing that Sup Forums's alt right just doesn't understand is that he merely won the republican nomination - he won among voters who are 90% white and 90% male - wow, what an amazing success story!
If he wants to win the general election, he literally can't do it with what he has, because 90% of white men in America is still less than 50% of Americans.
He needs at least 40% of the white female vote (since let's be realistic, he will never get more than 1000 votes from non-whites) and that is just impossible, since Drumpf's face alone turns women off and will make even the resentful Bernie voters vote for Hillary.
I would be scared m8 I am actually American and this was not suppose to happen like this lol
>poll from January
>14% would not support her
They might not be enthusiastic about her, but they would vote for her nevertheless, which is exactly her strategy. She runs an incredibly boring campaign, but Trump still has a hard time to beat her in the polls right now.
What polls m8 the ones with them head to head?
or the ones with him tieing and beating her in MAJOR swing states?
>fucking stormfags go back to your nazi circlejerk forums
cont. in MAY
when Hillary is still trying to pretend to battle Bernie and just lost a state she was supposed to be a shoe in