What would be the best way to defeat Isis?
How to defeat Isis?
stop funding them
stop funding them
Nice joke, how do you suppose we're going to stop buying oil ?
Stop funding FSA
alternative energy
enjoy cheap oil and 20 million muslims in europe, you linguinigger
Kill them and take it. Stop pussyfooting around with all this bullshit ROE and Geneva convention shit. Wipe out everyone and everything that gets in the way.
If you're going to do something you do it properly.
Nuke raqqa and mosul, problem solved.
nuke raqqa
*unsheathes katana*
Cup of tea and fag
Nuke Meqqa, Tel'aviv and New York
The only reason modern militaries are unable to win "asymmetric" conflicts is because we've thrown out the idea of collective punishment for entire peoples when members of that people attack us. This is a completely irrational and ideologically driven stance which constrains our strategic options and prevents the attainment of lasting security.
Historically what we call "genocide" was a recognized tool of statecraft. An entire people could be and would be annihilated if that people consistently proved to be a problem. This naturally inhibited violence in conquered populations, because they would police themselves as a matter of survival.
The criminalization of Genocide in the post WW2 era is an obstacle to peace, not an instrument of justice.
>Justice league
Loved that show
it was perfection
If we beat them, they win
oil is the devils blood we need to find a way stop drinking it
It seems to only really exist in regards for conflicts between western nations. This whole modern rules of war thing I mean.
If you play by the rules how the hell do you hope to beat an enemy that doesn't?
In those circumstances you have to play to instinct, to human nature. You have to display utter, crushing dominance and the willingness to destroy the enemy "tribe". The defeat of the Ottoman Empire by Western forces, it's subsequent collapse, and the occupation of middle eastern nations by European powers lead the Muslim world to try to westernize. Our weakness and lack of resolve today is why they reject our values and attack our people.
Majority of Sunni Muslims agree with ISIS. We don't defeat them right now. Best bet is to actually help them establish their "Caliphate". Give them a chance to bring all the Muslims who agree with them into their new nation. Then we turn the place to glass. Problem solved all at once.
Yeah. Young Justice was rad too, it's a shame they stopped at s2 while we get stuff like the Avengers.
Back off and nuke them from orbit.
(Only way to be sure.)
Starting pig farms on all their holy sites.
This was always my thought on the US prohibition of Cruel and Unusual Punishment -- how then do you deal with cruel and unusual crimes?
Release billion of joules of chemical energy into a small area.