No seriously, what is the difference other than the name?
What is the difference between an emperor and a king?
Emperor is the roman word for king
Since rome went straight from hunter gatherers to the world's first empire they had no word for a head of state other than the head of their empire.
Emperor outranks a king.
>world's first empire
Citation desperately need for this.
True, but in the modern context that OP is looking for a King is the leader (of royal descent) of a single country, whereas an emperor is the leader (also royal descent) of more than one country.
>This is what Australians actually believe
The Romans had kings for about 200 years before the foundation of the republic. Anyone with an ounce of education knows this.
If they even have such things in that intellectual (and physical) wasteland you call a country, I suggest you pick up a fucking book for once in your life you god damn abo nigger. Almost every part of that post was wrong.
>inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded"
And I thought American education was bad
Emperor is a title of the man, that inherited the authority of the Roman Empire, when it became Christian.
So the only emperor is Russian emperor. Others are buttmad impostors.
Kingdoms are typically homogeneous ethnically and linguistically, empires are made on of several or more ethnic and linguistic groups. An emperor is basically a king with multiple kingdoms.
Emperor governs an Empire.
A King governs a tiny shithole.
Holy shit, Brutus wuz black
it's a dick issue
powerful people see everything as a dick contest. much like you did in the locker room back in high school. who has the biggest dick, that is the main concern for men. and men dont just stop at their literal dicks. everything is transformed into a dick contest: who has the biggest car? who has the fanciest clothes? who fucks the most chicks?
people in power add another field to this dick comparing party: politics.
"what... you're a king too? you have an army, shitloads of money and are the supreme ruler? me too! But... but my dick is still bigger!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not only a king, i'm an emperor! it comes from my empire! you see you little 2 inch faggot! I'm a fucking emperor. the word is even bigger than king, so that means that my dick is waaaaaaaaaay bigger than yours! hah! suck it pleb king. suck my imperial dick. it's really big you know...!"
and at some point even the most retarded inbred monarch realizes that making up new titles, meaning finding more synonyms for "my dick is bigger than yours", makes no sense and is childsih, and at this point they go to war with each other. war is the ultimate dick comparing festival.
and the smaller a ruler's dick is, the sooner he will start a war. c.f. george bush and tony blair
so to answer your question OP:
the difference between an emperor and a king is about 2,17 inches
A king has his country and he rules it.
An emperor has his country and decides he wants more so he conquers those around him.
As people on pol is clearly retarded I will explain it.
Emperor was a roman title that meant first citizen. An emperor rules an empire which is a multi ethical entity (so he is the "king" of the kings in the realm). Many foreign Caesar are wrongfully translated to emperor in english because a Caesar/Tsar/Kaiser etc. means that the ruler claims to be the heir of Caesar. When rome was divided both the ruler of west rome and east rome claimed to be the Caesar. Later west rome fell but the pope declared Charlemagne the Caesar (claiming that he was the heir to the last west roman emperor) after liberating rome and all the Kaisers of the Holy roman empire would later claim this. When the HRE fell Austria claimed to be the sucessor of the HRE and Hnece of Caesar and later Prussia which became Germany would claim this. In the east Russia claimed to be the spiritual successor of east rome and claimed to be the Caesar while the ottomans claimed it though conquest (some balkan shit countries also did this).
look sven, it took you dozens of words and fancy language to explain something that a fucking LEAF explained in two small and simple sentences.
sven... even fucking cuckada is better than you... plaise nuke your country already...
Technically, a King rule over his own country, where a emperor rule over his and others.
Emperor is like the King of Kings title that some ME monarchs used.
Originally emperor means "power" though
Australian education is abysmal. It's the reason why my parents got the fuck out from Australia before I reached school age.
Emperor has an Empire
King has a Kingdom
Empires span Kingdoms
I tried to teach you some history but I realize that a barbarian like yourself can't read more then a couple of words.
You retard the Sweed is explaining what an empire is to you cause in ur last post you clearly think an empire and a kingdom are equivalent. So instead of talking about shit you don't know can you please go back to letting 0.8 million Akhmeds fuck ur woman.
A King is the leader of a nation (1 people).
An emperor is the leader of many nations (many people).
England today has a Queen. When England was an empire (i.e. it had overseas dominions) it had empresses/emperors.
In everyday parlance the terms are often used interchangeably.
Emperor comes from Imperator, which means commander. Romans hated monarchists so they wouldn't let anyone be King, then Augustus became King but decided he was an Emperor instead. Probably to avoid controversy. An Emperor is just a King. We usually connect Empires with successors to Rome, or European Emperors anyway.
>while the ottomans claimed it though conquest
Conquest and birth. The ottoman Sultans have the blood of the emperor John VI Kantakouzenos on their veins through his daughter, Theodora Kantakouzene that married the Sultan Orhan
>What is China
>What is India
>What is the middle east
>What is Greece
Fucking spaghetti niggers do you think the Macedonian empire came after the Roman empire? What about the earliest iteration of the Persian empire?
no... it's about efficiency. use your resources strategically and economically. dont waste your resources. you could learn a lot from the german mindset
you leaffaggot can't refute the dick-contest-theory. why did empires emerge? because a fucking small dicked king was jealous that there were other kingdoms. so he aquired more kingdoms, because having two kingdoms means that one's dick is bigger than the one from a single kingdom king. and to make it clear that a multikingdom king has a bigger dick he invents a new title for him: emperor.
fucking leaflets... such retardation...
bro hes an Aussie he cant help being retarded.
Hes prob an abo or someshit
I'll give a little class of latin:
King = Rex
Emperor= Imperator
Now you can impress your tribe with your new knowledgee,
>Subtle shitpost that got all of you
>making up new titles, meaning finding more synonyms
A kingdom and an empire aren't the same and the same goes for a king and an emperor.
This is some shit b8 but i cant help it.
Two words: Star Wars
Did you even read my post? In a couple of sentences I explained how the major monarchies of Europe came to claim being Caesars successor and why a tsar/kaiser/kejsare != emperor. No wonder that your so stupid if you can't bother reading texts longer than your tiny dick.
Emperors conquer and rule
Kings just rule
And now we have lovely Republics, thus nearly destroying Caesar's line.
King = Ruler of a single state.
Emperor = Ruler of a central state along with multiple vassal states.
rex is latin for king
OP, play crusader kings. It's a history lesson in a game, if you're on Sup Forums you'll love it.
In common European feudalism.
Emperor > King > Duke > Count > Theign/Baron
A king can be a bitch to the emperor, a duke can be a bitch to a king or emperor, a count can be a bitch to... You get it.
It's kind of like a military rank.
This too.
An empire is usually multicultural just by virtue of being fucking massive, sometimes only unified by religion or language (or not). A kingdom is usually a grouping of one people, usually one culture. A duke generally rules over much smaller geographic regions, a count is pretty much as small as you can go without being no more than some jackass lucky enough to own a castle (no actual land).
>When England was an empire
England was never an empire, India however was. Victoria was queen of England and empress of India.
>implying kings don't conquer neighboring city states or countries of similar ethnicity.
I mean England had a fuckton of colonies and states under they're control, pretty sure the entire collective is called the British empire.
It depends. These terms meant different things in different periods (i.e. a king in ancient times was very often not sovereign).
But here's how it was in middle ages:
A king was a fully sovereign ruler of a single state (in some cases a title of grand duke was used instead).
An emperor was a ruler of large super-state, built from many, previously sovereign states, who claimed to be a succesor to emperors of Rome.
kings rule nations, nations are bound by blood
emperors rule empires, which are multi ethnic
King George III was actually offered the title of Emperor after acquiring Ireland, but declined. I think it had something to do with Ireland being Catholic, and the King was sworn by his coronation oaths to uphold Protestantism.
An Emperor can have Kings as vassals.
Sorry, quoted wrong guy
Early translations.
No one called the persian empire a empire before the romans.
It was always "land of persians", "Kingdom of x", etx
We wuz traitors an shit
Kek I hope this is true. Just like we have Romaboo's, Romans were Persiboo's
They could conquer even places with different ethnicities. See Posen and Prussia
Kingdom isn't always a nation-state
This guy has it right
A King is the Ruler of his domain.
An Emperor is the Ruler of his domain, and foreign domains.
An emperor wears the crown of multiple kingdoms.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>le Brutus was a traitor meme
He tried to save the old republic and he stopped Caesar's dictatorship. Caesar was the traitor to the republican ideals and the Senat.
Wrong Brutus you nigs, can't you read?
Caesar was the rightful ruler of the world, only retards deny this
emperor implies expansionism
king implies a more defensive stance
>what is China: the post
Biggus Dickus was a great king.
An emperor possesses an EMPIRE.
The difference is that a king rules by hereditary or electoral right over people that have sworn fealty to the crown;
an EMPIRE, on the other hand, holds possession of lands & people which have not sworn fealty and do not recognize his legitimacy except by his military force.
The word empire is derived from "imperium," which is the power to command an army.
An empire contains many kindgoms.
Kingdom is ruled by a king.
An Empire is ruled by an emperor.
Countries are ruled by cunts.
You are retarded. It's not "emperor" it's "imperator".
Well baited my friend :^)
1/2 aint bad. Imperator means "commander", Pro-Consuls were Princeps
>King/Queen of England
>ruled over 1/3 of the entire world
>Emperor of Germany
>couldn't even rule over Poland
A king rules one nation. An emperor rules many.
Then how come did the King/Queen of England ruled over the British Empire?
King, From Kon ungr (Kon the young).
Konungur,Konung,Konge,King,König etc
They changed it to this after Kon the young, before this they were called Drottin(just like say dronning/drotning to queen today, while you say.. well woman...)
They hailed from the àsa and vanic Gods by bloodline. The right to rule by bloodline.
Cesær/Kaiser - some foreign concept of the same, but has nothing to do with the old nordic gods.
Technically an empire rules other areas which contains people that aren't citizens.
For example, the British Empire. It controlled India, but Indians aren't British and they often weren't citizens of Britain.
There is only one Emperor.
This took way too many posts to come up.
Goddammit Sup Forums
>tfw you realize that after years on Sup Forums you were talking to the less educated people on Sup Forums
that's it I'm out
They didn't wanna trigger half of Europe by claiming an emperor title.
>Prepear nuptune
Post your greatest emperors.
Emperor is the King of Kings. All other Kings bow to them.
So if the other realms had their own kings, the person in Kings Landing wold be an Emperor.
If this faggot with his pedostache gave me an order I'd tell him to take a hike.
In the western context because all European nations claim to be descended from Rome, the title of emperor is reserved for the accepted successor to rome. This is why Charlemagne had the title, because it was granted by the pope when the Vatican recognized the French as the new holy Roman empire.
This is just one example. Kings rule over kingdoms which are provinces within the empire, however with no emperor there is no empire, and the kings are free to do as they please
>according to the orthodox line of succession.
This is why you Europeans can't seem to stop fighting wars
God Emperor is the king of Emperors. I think it's the highest status possible.
Emperors acknowledge no superior on earth
Dude looked like an ogre towering over the sea of manlets everywhere he went.
Emperors rule over kings. They are essentially kings of other kings.
>Queen of England and Empress of the British Raj
An Emperor can have kings beneath him. Like think of how Herod was King of Judea but was subordinate to Emperor Tiberius.
A king's duty is to his people
Incorrect as usual, Judasven Al-Islam. Emperor comes from the Latin Imperator, meaning generalissimo. The reason why most languages West of the Rhine (limey, frog, spic) adopted the root word for Emperor and most languages East (Kraut, anything Slavic) pick Caesar is that the western countries tried to paint the Holy Roman Emperor as a militaristic upstart, and the pro-imperials tried to highlight his connection to Roman authority.
TL;Dr Sweden yes