Is he the greatest gay athlete of all time?

Is he the greatest gay athlete of all time?

Other urls found in this thread:

The true champion of /lgbtq/

Everyone seems to think Brady is better

Greater than Thorpedo and Lennox Lewis?

it's LGBTQP you fucking bigot

A contender appears

>gay athlete
You must be confused. He has said he really, really likes women.


how can goys compete?

Seriously what the fuck is his deal?

Serious narcissism

motherfucker made me 1000 dollars would gladly let him fuck my my firstborn son

He's European

Hi Aaron!

I really, really like women. No hurry up and stick that thing in the hole.

Him or Jenner

We heterosexuals say that all the time. R-right guys?

What anime is this?

Jenner isn't gay because he's a dude

Amagi Brilliant Park


Does repeating that make you feel better about you being a virgin?

How can he be gay if he really really likes women?

>dear diary: today i was SO mad

Aaron just come out already it's ok

She's obviously being paid to pretend to be his gf. She doesn't care because she is literally a whore.

He could've had it all

no homo



wew lad

is that zyzz?



Viagra is a hell of a drug

those are some nice legs

It's between him and Imagine if Based Godgers and Based TSU genetically spliced their semen together in an artificial womb and created the supreme GOAT faglete.

I want to breed Latifa

They need to meet, we need to get Tsu and Discount Dable check in the same room together

probably gay

She's benefiting from it directly; there's no need to pay her. No one would give a shit about her shitty comic book movies if she wasn't dating the greatest athlete on earth atm.

>Implying you wouldn't gargle his hot load for him to be QB on your team

He has the classic gay eyes

Thanks Jay!


Lush eyelashes

My dad says this

I don't know man, that looks a lot more fun than most girls. 6.5/10

He's from some islands off the coast of Africa tho



My empire of dirt


he's not gay, why do people think this?

that face though

it's a meme u dip

you are a fucking faggot kill yourself. he's the best i love him and he's not gay and neither am i

>really really

>I'm really really not gay!

tfw my eyes look just like his

>mfw i almost forgot i had this image on my computer


Do you crave cock?

Of course. I really really love my girlfriend and j-job.


I will let you down


hes just a a california "valley kid"
these people are different and strange

Those hands. Godammit hahahaha
He is so disgusted by the touch of the lips of a women kek

How much BBC has she taken Infront of him?

Probably the whole linebacking core

lmao at least he could put some effort in the charade

Nope, Tim Duncan.

>people still trying to force the "Rogers is gay" meme

I want the normies to leave.

excluding wannabe Sup Forums trolls, does anyone actually care?

Just the Rodgers haters. It's sad, they have nothing else to do.

Do you think it would help or hurt him if he came out?

Probably best to keep in the closet while he's still playing.

It's obviously hindering his performance.
I feel that if he came out, a huge weight would be lifted off his chest and he'd be better than Brady.

I don't. The vibe is undeniably there and it's hard to ignore the mountain of evidence, though.

he already is

Rodgers is better by every individual metric.

I honestly don't think it could hurt him. Nowadays if anyone said anything negative about it they would be crucified. The "shocking news" aspect of it may throw his game off though.

Maybe all that pent up emotions gets him to play as a madman.

really fucks your brainpussy

What did he mean by this?

No. That would go to Mike Piazza

Why are you Burgers so fucking OBSESSED with his sexuality? Are you envious or what is wrong with you?

God these are hilarious. Is there more?

Why are you so obsessed with us?

Your ignorance and simplicity never ceases to amaze me

The funny thing is that if Rodgers came out and said he was gay, tons of people would turn around and say "o typical fag, just trying to bring attention to himself. Why bother announcing you are gay? Just be quiet and play the game instead of acting like a diva. This is why I hate homos."

Fuck you.

He'd be hot if he weren't so tan.

>All this shitpost itt

Let's settle this once and for all seriously

0-4: Straight
5-9: Gay


This meme needs to stop.

Lets say he did fuck his friend. He is now fucking Olivia Munn.

At most he swings both ways.

Why do you faggots care anyway?

No one cares if he's gay. But these threads are never not funny. People overreact on both ends and before you know it it's le homosex man vs UH HE'S FUCKING OLIVIA RIGHT NOW VIRGIN FAGGOT.

It's pottery.

not that it would make any difference for him, though

he would probably be there for the BBC itself

this pretty much. i could give a fuck if he bangs dudes, but these threads always make me laugh.

ebin :)

Don't get me wrong. I am a huge Aaron Rodgers fan. But don't forget that he tried to "mentor" Ryan Braun at one time, too. They even partnered in a few restaurants together. Leaves me wondering what sort of character judge he is.

A gay one.

Aaron Rodgers has the biggest cock in the locker room. It's freakishly large.

Source: Sports reporter for southern WI NBC affiliate

What if the juice they found in Ryan Braun's bloodstream had been put there by Aaron Rodgers?

Just thinking out loud.