Samuel L Jackson

Why does this guy keep getting role after role, why is he so unjustable?

he's a nigger.

Many JUST niggers out there, not an answer

i don't think unjustable is a real word.

One of the few niggers out there that i genuinely like so shut up

He is essentially the Uncle Tom for Tarantino and any other director who need a character to say niggah or motha fucka.

Normies like his yell talking

he did transition into elderly negro mode though


Because he's a good actor



He's a huge box office draw.

He tends to play the same character over and over again. I rewatched 1408 and the mild mannered sort of benevolent hotel manager was simply turned into menacing could be evil but is really just intimidating Samuel L. Jackson.

Yeah no, barely anyone still comes to see a movie because of him, so he only nowadays gets roles of a loud sidekick, check the box office of the last movie where he had a leading role pic related

the total gross of all the movies he's been in is the highest of any other actor

you fucking idiot

That's a big game.

>barely anyone still comes to see a movie because of him

[citation needed]

Are you seriously telling me that people came to see Avengers, Tarzan and other shit like that because of him?

parents brought kids to those movies because it said Disney on them

>mfw he is in Kong: Skull Island
I would have preferred Will Smith, Idris Elba or Jamie Foxx

he's bald

Are you implying bald people can't be justed, will everything go better for Brendan if he goes bald?

Usually it's advised to just shave the head.