Don't listen to your pediatrician, kids. Adderall is some heavy shit

Don't listen to your pediatrician, kids. Adderall is some heavy shit.


Just popped a 50 mg Vyvanse
Now prepping for the dabs to help cancel the worst parts of the stims

too soon


did I miss something? who dis

It's Andy Sixx without makeup. He od'ed on adderall. Now we can finally stop the log meme.

Is it really that bad?

just finished my first week of zoloft and the shit cracks me out to an unbelievable extent m8 deffinitely not going to continue with it.

pharmacuticals are garbage

>currently quitting smoking cigarettes
I got high on codiene yesterday and only smoked 1 roll-up I think I've got it down this time

>pharmacuticals are garbage

If they weren't, they'd be outlawed

Enjoi ur relapse

It's worse, you're probably going to have a stroke sometime soon. How much did you fucking take?

Is he really dead???

can I sit on your face?

ethnicity, OP?

If you really have ADD adderal doesnt do anything to you. The only thing it does is make me not get drunk when i drink. I can drink all night and not even feel a buzz

Currently tripping, any visuals?

Is he dead or what

I've been on it since 6 (24 now)
>by the time I was 9 they had me on 60 mg Ritalin LA
>Kept on that until 19 then switched to full strength Concerta
>Switched to Dexamphetamine when I was 20
>Was prescribed 80+ mg/day of a Vyvanse and Adderall combo (70 mg Vyvanse with 1-2 10 mg Adderall as needed)
>Now I'm down to 70 mg/day but after I'm done with my PhD I'm getting off them

Only major issue I have noticed of a lifetime use is I have fucked brain chemistry and my dopamine levels are FuCkEd Up 24/7
Causes me to have to take stims or thc to get my brain kick started


O never get drunk until it's too late and sacrificing your dinner to the porcelain gods. I just power through drinks all night long

You are literally the epitome of what I consider to be a good looking man and my fucking vag is going to explode what the fuck

wrong as fuck, I took ritalin 14 times a day at 60mg from ages 7 til 12 then full strength dexadrin and reperidol and concerta until i was 18 and now my brain is just straight fucked. I can literally down a 26oz of rum in under half hour and not feel a thing. takes so much to stim my brain at all. adderal did nothing for me during school.

Take a step back and try typing that again

Unless you're too drain bramaged to type

What is soft lighting for 300 Alex