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Remember this?
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Damn he got fat real fucking fast.
what was promised:
lol, don't really blame him for that one though. i guess he just didn't feel the need fore the syncher any more
>promises to "drain the swamp"
>has more establishment billionaires in his cabinet then any POTUS in history. (even CEO of GoldmanJews)
No, the CEO is Lloyd blankfein
Gary Cohn was coo
Source: I work at GS and am Jewish
thank you for the correction, but point still stands.
Anyone who ever believed Trump was "on their side" is, and always was, a fucking idiot.
He was NEVER on anyone's side but his own, and the only people who would ever benefit are the rich.
yeah, i think that's starting to get clearer as we go along, seen the new health care bill?
And his reasoning is because they are successful businessmen, and he wants people who can succeed to make decisions.
The rage of libtards alone. Like those loser university students protesting at night on an active highway.
sure kid
No, they're both clearly shills. It just looked for a moment like Trump was going to do something more radical.
only the point on your head.
People who actually think Clinton is a better choice. HAHAHA.
better than niggercare.
No it didnt, and youre too fucking stupid to vote if you honestly thought that.
"But that other one was associated with a black person!"
Decisions in business is not the same as decisions in politics. Running a country is not like running a business. They have very different purposes
remember when trump was getting impeached in three weeks?
five months goes by so fast!
No the point that he is doing the opposite if draining the swamp of special interest groups. All he did was cut out the middle man and put the special interest groups in positions of power
Time for
>People who think either was a good choice.
We we're fucked either way but at least with Clinton she wouldnt be described as "new at this" by members of her own party
Pennsylvania fag reporting in. I voted for him because I liked his firm stance against muslims. I'm beginning to feel like I let the wolf into the hen house after seeing how he kowtowed to the saudis. Not to mention some of the news about how entrenched the trump family is with the russians.
Were you seriously arguing for a woman to be POTUS?
I was arguing against a fat cry baby who has failed at everything to be potus. I wanted Kasich but he lost. Then I voted for Gary Johnson
actually, it's the same, just less of it.
and FYI, obamacare was an old republican idea. the right only started to dislike it once the dems started to like it
In other words, you didn't do your research, and now you feel regret at having been grifted. Congratulations, you're a rube.
seriously kid.
srsly, those fucking russians. they are one of our oldest enemies and POTUS is in bed with them, probs owes them money too.
sure kid
sure kid
yawn. still better than Hillary's empty promises.
care to elaborate on that?
are you seriously denying that POTUS has friends in Russia?
thats blindness if i ever saw it, lol
Literally give any evidence for Russian collusion.
I don't know. I shill'd for Trump because I thought the liberal outrage was funny, then he won the election and the meltdown was hilarious. But then all these people stuck around here and they really believe in him, it's fucking annoying. So basically it was funny, now the jokes gotten old and I don't think all these newfags that turned up for the election are going to fuck off, so were going to be constantly inflicted with their latest epic memes until they grow bored, with could be years.
not talking about collusion necessarily, but he does have have ties to russian mafia.
Just look of Felix Sater for example. Ex personal advisor to Trump, resident of Trump Tower and known russian mafia boss.
POTUS also has talked well about Putin in the past which is fucked up since USA and Russia are natural enemies and POTUS should act like it.
Under Obama we had eight years of pity, eight years of "Jee, I'm sorry things are so fucked up. But the stock market is good and I killed a lot of Arabs!"
Under Trump we have "Fuck you. The stock market is good and I have personally killed a lot of Arabs."
So, either way the rich get richer, brown people die, and we're fucked.
So your saying he was just a meme for entertainment? If you actually look what he's doing for the country and stop watching bias media you would have a clue
sure kid.
I was with Bernie. Too bad he didn't get to be the candidate. He would have at least tried to make life in the US fairer.
I'm German, tho, so the whole Trump disaster doesn't affect me much.
Kind of a one trick pony, aren't you old sport?
But what evidence that TRUMP had anything to do with what Felix Sater had done?
Also Russia is a powerful ally. This isn't the 80s anymore.
thanks for your worthless assessment.
America got fucking conned, you bunch of inbred hick fucks.
You fell for bernie's trap aswell huh
dumb kid
>So your saying he was just a meme for entertainment?
I'm 100% certain that's how he started off he. Then the newfags turned up en masse and started taking it seriously. Now were occupied by a group meme spewing faggots that would be more at home over on Reddit.
You're welcome. :^)
Shit b8 m8
The Dems have lost every single battle they fought with him. The guy is kicking ass all over the world. You are in total fucking denial
no sorry child Hillary lost. don't you remember?
danke mein herr.
He was a meme to awaken the masses from globalism and WW3, if killary got into office it was over for the west
It would have been an even bigger embarrassing loss for the democrats if Bernie had gotten the nomination.
Tell me about, AMERICA FIRST! We just keep winning.
>Globalists btfo.
>americans are this fucking retarded
>He was a meme to awaken the masses from globalism
But Trump is a globalist. He even said so himself.
>You're brainwashed and oblivious
I don't think you know the meaning of that word.
That's the problem with the US. He was the only one who was into it to get shit done and was trying to get people on his side by telling what he wanted to do instead of flinging shit left and right. Americans don't like actual political programs. You win the vote with populism and fear mongering.
Go start another world war you faggot kraut!!
Real life must be a weird place for Sup Forumstards
Here you go widdle wibtards
Only 7 1/2 more years
Why the fuck do we let one man decide shit for millions(billions, really) of people?
People go along with this. It is ancient. There can be no progress.
Im glad its just an utterly embarrassment fort the republicans since trump won the presidency by consolation
But it's right here . Is your only source of news Sup Forums?
Being this ignorant, do some proper reasearch moron before you can properly fathom what's happening in the world right now.
The AI bots are posting again
And the more I socialize with people, the more I like my dog.
That's the funniest part about those idiots, isn't it?
>real news outlets are all liars
>only right wing nutjob blogs and photoshopped news articles without any source are trustworthy
>Hitler get
Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is still voting for evil.
>AI bots
>trumptard believes himself to understand what he just said.
Nope, and Is your only source of news mainstream media?
>Sup Forums is my news source - the post
>He was NEVER on anyone's side but his own
And that makes him no different than anyone else, including you and me ya fucking piece of shit
The whole world is full of selfish assholes, why should the President be anything else?
Sup, Brandon?
>muh fake news
>inb4 this guy claims that breitbart is a trustworthy news agency
I wouldn't call Breitbart, you know Trumps principle supporters in the news, "mainstream", but whatever I guess. Or is it now just axiomatic that any news outlet that says something critical (or even just something his supporters don't like) about Trump be part of the "cucked liberal MSM"?
Yeah, I feel so sorry for you. I hope your country recovers soon.
Every idiot thinks it's an overnight project.
You are either uneducated or a troll
Americans are so predictable and boring.
I remember when Info wars was the conspiracy theorist nutjob website.
Wtf happened why are info wars and alex jones so popular these days?
Yeah, because running a business doesn't include politics. Get lost summer boi.
I love these pictures. It must be an absolute nightmare trying to make the orange comb-over look appealing.
let's put it this way. imagine you have a neighbor that you find out has a bunch of friends who are drug dealers.
Those drug dealer friends hang out at his house all the time.
are you gonna tell me i'm wrong to think your neighbor might also be a criminal?
Trump cucked a whole generation of people into following him regardless of what he does. I would say the vast majority of his supporters still feel this way
American here. Can confirm this post is 100% accurate. If you try to have a political dicussion with anyone in the US, they don't use any intelligence towards the topic, just passion and rhetoric. That goes for both major parties.
Running a business is about maximizing profits for an individual.
When sheep are so stupid they hate alternitive media and love to live in lala land.
>eh I'm trendy and hate trump like what the news says I should be doing
>eh I like to feel smart but don't know anything about politics
>eh just a conspircy you nutjob
>eh I think with emotions not logic
Argument, trump supporters are rednecks fucking stupid hillbillies. Also disagree with me and it must mean you're rasict.