Its the "Heroic white man solves all the Asians problems using the skills her learned mastering Asian culture and rides...

>its the "Heroic white man solves all the Asians problems using the skills her learned mastering Asian culture and rides away with his Asian trophy woman" episode

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Keanu is half-asian your post is irrevelant and wrong.

which half

Are you implying he's white?

Maybe in Burgerland hahahahaha

47 Ronin was a fuck. The cool big ass samurai dude? Gets blown up by some random shit. Its unclear whether or not it was even intentional

what is Sup Forums opinion on Marco Polo?
I just watched the 2 season and I kinda liked

>Part Asian playing the role of a part Asian
>Literally saves noone, he doesn't ride away with Asian trophy woman, gets beaten by everybody ever
>Can't form an opinion over only a trailer. Also Chinese film
>He saves no one, based on a true story though the real character was French, I think
>She saves no one, based on a true story, the only fictional stuff is the platonic love relationship which didn't happen in reality

Woah, literally wrong in 4 out of 5 and you can't prove Great Wall. 3/10 for the bait though.

The show should be called Kublai Khan. I like it, Marco is just a secondary though. khutulun is mai waifu, I hope nothing bad happens to her.

i agree,but that kinda of turned out to be a good thing because Marco scenes are boring as fuck
because the character is really bland

Oh, don't get me wrong, I like Marco as a secondary too, as a narrator and the fish out of the water dude from we, the viewers, learn about this new culture.


>asians too lazy to take over the media and push a pro asian narrative like the kikes did
>whine on the internet instead of just taking over

asians really are just uglier and more autistic white people

>Implying Asians are the ones complaining
The only ones complaining are SJWs and 1/4th-1/16th Asian Americans who literally know nothing about the culture of her grandparents.

Reminder The Last Samurai is historically accurate.

White people just do it better.

>Marco Polo

>Kokachin inexplicably falls in love with Marco because he's stalking her
>emotional flux makes her throw her Asian secret bf under the bus
>dude was loyal to her and saved her life multiple times
>shows him becoming a nutcase and kills him off

wew propaganda

What has this anything to do with these movies?

You can rage all you want

But Asian women crave a consistent type of man, Wong.

Why did you watch the show while being drunk?. The "boyfriend" was stalking her and blackmailing her. Marco saved her from that and didn't blackmail her, but instead being kind and keep her secret, that's what make her fall for him. Though it was Marco the first one to tall for her.

What's wrong with this exactly?

It's made in America for entertainment value.

Dont tempt him

they were literally in the scam together and were planning to escape before she gets married to a Khan. then she does a 360 for no reason.

The Samurai save Cruise from self destruction.

not the great wall

America =/= white savior wish fulfillment

you alienate other minorities that make up and built the nation


>"Heroic white man solves all the Asians problems using the skills her learned mastering Asian culture
literally the only time this happens in Marco Polo is when he magically invents trebuchets, and not only did it not work, everyone hated that part because it was fucking retarded

White western males invented the modern world and America is the most powerful nation of all time deal with it

This, it were the Asians who saved the white man in this movie and not the other way around.

This bad ass mofo right here. Seems pretty happy to me.

>we're superior!
>cries each time a black male is onscreen

lmao pol

not to agree with tumblr but this really is a cringy sub-genre and only exists because producers think american movie goers would be too confused at a movie not starring a yank

>he invents
He didn't, he read about them while in Europe, he used that knowledge to build a prototype. And even with that it took many tries for them to work.

>Not to agree but I agree
You're wrong, these movies don't fall behind what OP wrote, none of them.

That's Sup Forums to you, newfag.

I knew Sup Forums before there was /news/

you fuck off you newfag edgy trumpbaby

If they thought they would make more money with Asian leads they would do so.

It's a business, fuck off

>Hurr durr whitewashing!
>Changing a character from white to black? sounds good to me
SJW are hypocrites

Honestly, as an Asian American, I'm just happy to see an Asian guy on screen, no matter how small the role. You know how there's a joke about an actor who gets a background role in Julius Cesar, and when people ask him what it's about he says it's about an ordinary citizen of Rome? It's the same. When there's an Asian actor in a small role, we like to joke that he's the star of the movie because that's who we're really watching it for. But we don't care about the whole whitewashing thing. White people make white people movie. So what?

>the last samurai

Have you even seen the movie? How the fuck did he "solve all the Asian problems"? He fucking failed, the movie is a ducking tradegy.

Also I'm just going to ignore the fact that you are one of those plebs who still doesn't realize the title isn't about Nathan Algren

>Have you even seen the movie?
It's clear he didn't watch any of them, specially The Great Wall.