Is Sam Hyde white?

Is Sam Hyde white?

He has a show on (((television))) so he can't be.

no, he's polish



He's a fucking kike. A literal, unironic kike.

he's not even human.


He's an ugly jew

>(((Shmuel Heidelberg)))


Sam Hyde is neo-Islamic nihilist with jewish tendencies.

so no.

wtf happened

how did he become so ugly

and degenerate

He's clearly Jewish, so no. He dyes his hair to seem like less of a mongrel.

Young skinny Sam looks so much like my cousin, who's name is also Sam and who is also now a beefcastle.

why you miss when he was a twink, kid?

not really

it's like seeing fat people who are 500 pounds

how did they get themselves to that level? don't you think to yourself "shit, maybe i should change my habits" once they hit 200?

he looks like fucking shit

boys look better as twinks

I need to lose weight, people look so much worse when they're fat.

Besides not shave sam really hasnt "let himself go" certainly not the point wehre he could be compared to someone who is 500 pounds

What is this ((())) shit I keep seeing?

Also Sam Hyde is a jew, he dyes his hair and tries to not shake at the sight of money.

sam aint fat he's just bulking