Say you don't like Beyonce in an online discussion

>say you don't like Beyonce in an online discussion
>"why are you so bent on hating POC artists?"

goddammit Sup Forums if you weren't so shit I wouldn't be going on reddit but I can't handle this shit

Other urls found in this thread:

go back to Sup Forums

I LITERALLY just said that mainstream pop like Beyonce and Kanye is shitty corporate music. that's it

how the FUCK is that racist towards ALL of black music

point me to the thread and the post

>I LITERALLY just said that mainstream pop like Beyonce and Kanye is shitty corporate music. that's it
That's quite racist.

It's a big fucking thread at this point but here:


Im not seeing where you're being called racist

yeah that's the thing it's like the last comment by /u/hunterosk with the NPR flair

what, that was enough to send you reeling onto Sup Forums

get thicker skin

Do you know how fucking frustrating it is to get into a music discussion online, only for EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME find out the people in the convo have absolute ZERO musical knowledge and instead just prattle on about social politics and buzzword bullshit?

Do you know how fucking frustrating it is to have a passion that nobody seems to actually share

ThisAlso I don't agree with their interpretation of your dismissal of her music based on number of writers but I do agree that it's double standards that you'd accept bands with several members but not groups of people that produce music under someone else's name. I'd agree with you that if it's several people producing music for someone else, you shouldn't give the credit to that person but I don't think you should reject the musics merits (if it has some but I think beyonce is shit anyway)

Beyonce = single person, and claim of single person's music.
Public Enemy/Outkast/etc. = a GROUP of musicians and a presumption of a collaboration.

you got roughly ten replies to that post, one of which (buried, right at the end) is a post by some sjwshit who SUSPECTS you may be a racist

like i said, get thicker skin

dont you realise that the personal is political you Sup Forums cuck

lmao that guy called me a sexist for using the word cunt

i told the cunt to stop oppressing british/australian culture with his imperialistic american viewpoint on the word 'cunt'.

so it's not just white rock bands if that's the vibe that was coming across
Obviously you don't care about music.

no, obviously YOU don't , because you ignored all the other replies, which were all about music

Wow, so they have a reputation then? Good to know.
we're in solidarity against the cucks

actually looking through his post history it was someone else but they definitely had an npr flair

also you'd probably consider me a cuck

Nah I mean I'm liberal in a lot of areas (centrist generally) which is partly why I hate that guy

>i told the cunt to stop oppressing british/australian culture with his imperialistic american viewpoint on the word 'cunt'.
do you seriously think that was smart or worth telling people about
are you 15 years old by any chance

>Also i think it's suspect that your so focused on tearing down POC artists. Especially considering your brazen attempts to shame them in comparison to white artists, who seem to better meet your elitist standards for art (I'm sorry but I just don't see how it's relevant to compare Beyonce to Julia Holter).

Yeah this guy is a cunt. Julia Holter is definitely better than Beyonce and it has nothing to do with skin color. Again though, why the fuck are we focusing on the skin color of a musician or artist? Image matters far too fucking much in music these days.

Holy shit, you got BTFO.