A Letter From the Refugees on Nauru to the Government of Australia

Sup Forums will make fun of this

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Inst Nauru the future non-existent Island?

Anyway, it's just Australia. No one cares

Sometimes I forgot how based Australia can be

My first thought was of those windchime things in WoW.

that was my last thought

what's wrong with living on nauru

why are they in prison?

instead of being grateful for allegedly "running for his life" from a country 12 000km away and having a safe place he can reside in, this nigger is crying about "imprisonment", also known as no free shit
shouldn't have come here in the first place dumb cunt

because a life without gibs is hell

How fucken cheeky are these cunts. They break international law the. Expect no consequence?

> no one cares
> jungle monkey flag

Nauru is being reclaimed by the sea.

They do not have fresh water anymore

First tones stopped the boats now we sink the boats

I would donate my boat for this cause. Poor refugees, let them go

Ok. Sorry aussie man

>return to sender

A letter from Sup Forums to the refugees ONE WORD AT A TIME.



>multiple "refugees" arrive illegally to country
>take them all and put them into one island just for them
>they fuck this island up
>"Let us escape this hellhole! We want to be free!"
Isn't that proof enough to not take these people in? Id understand if they threw them in a dungeon or some shit, but giving an entire island to them, they fuck it up and its Australia's fault?


Dear cunts,

Fuck off we're full

Sincerely Straya


Nauru is laugther in Finnish and oh, am I laughing.

>we won't let the Australian government tell us where and how to live our lives
>we don't respect your government or laws
>Now let us into your county
I really wish all Mudslimes would die horribly

Australia's prison island is the best idea they've had in awhile. I wonder what inspired them.

Apparently the biggest problem is boredom, there's nothing to do there. I guess the islanders treat them poorly too (gee wonder why)

P.S. the refugees are free to return to where they came from or any third country that will accept them. They're also free to opt for resettlement in PNG or Cambodia.

It's literally gibs, and the reason I'm voting for the Libs is because they've continually not gibs where I imagine Labor would have broken by now. If not by now then the refugees setting themselves on fire would have done it.

>tfw we literally run concentration camps that people immolate themselves to escape from
Feels fucking good, man. Now I know why the Chinks are in Tibet.

Didn't the Blood Elves release their captive nauru and are now drawing their power from the Sunwell again?

Australia should really keep out of the Horde's affairs.

I am proud

>Not replying with "Do it faggots"

There is no war in Indonesia.
If you try invade australia you will be killed. Killed.

I wonder how many people realise how hard it is to get welfare here without either spending money (that they don't have) to study or applying for 20 jobs a week for a measily 200 a fortnight, which isn't enough to pay for rent or bills.

Australia is not a welfare state. We're a high taxes, low welfare, low debt, relatively free market otherwise, which really begs the question: why is our budget in deficit?

You cannot NEETbux or gibs me dat in Australia like you can in Europe or even America. Welfare isn't easy to get here.

wow, what a bunch of racist entitled shits

>we wanted to live around white people and have them take care of us, not live around aboriginals! they're subhumans


Pink bats and other labor garbage dump worthy policy that costs a fucking fortune.


I'm pretty sure it broke out and then you either killed it or purified it by beating the shit out of it and after their paladins just got their power like regular paladins. I don't know for sure how it went down, I never got past Brutalis.

The fact that refugee rhetoric always calls to "let us determine our own future!" infuriates me to no end. It's the same argument Westerners are given when we intervene militarily. That they use it for everything really reveals how fallacious it is.

Three things are really bad.

1. it's a state of constant uncertainty
Policy changed with every government and nobody knows where they'll be in the next 6 months, let alone the next 4 years. One day you're there for 3 months before resettlement, the next day you're there for life or until you give up and go home.
2. it's fucking boring
Literally nothing to do all day, and it's almost prison conditions. Barbed wire fences, poor services, the whole deal. This ties with 3.
3. it's fucking unpleasant
It's hot as shit, overcrowded, underfunded. No amenities or services or aircon. Imagine being stuck in a shitty camp for 7 years in tropical heat with nothing but other shitskins, some of whom are the people killing your people back home, forever, when you used to be middle class back in the third world (those are the only people who can afford passage). It's awful.

I sympathize with the refugees. They are doing what is in their rational best interest and they're doing it in tough conditions.

We must do what is in ours.

Unless you have refugee status.......

>why is our budget in deficit?
Julia Gillard's $42 billion economic stimulus package.

Basically the government had an extra $42 billion and Julia decided it was a good idea to just giver everyone 2 grand and spent all the money and put us in debt.

Nobody gave a shit because she was a woman and everyone was too busy shitposting praise for first woman prime minister on facebook or voting for "free" money.

>we r slaves
>buying boats

Fuck off melbournite scum

According to libtards, it was always the white man's fault. Unless something good happened, then it was the dindus.

That was Rudd you idiot.

>mfw you retards vote.

>We're going to suicide to escape this hell on earth.

So are they forced to work at the Australian Phosphate Corporation across the road or something?

Say it with me lads


Nice bait, hidden poorly although.

>the facts offend me
You're as bad as a woman, cunt.

The refugee camps are not fun places to be. That doesn't imply we have to take any action whatsoever, it is just a statement of fact.

If you think they're so fucking great then why don't you head on out and get a place in one.

Letting us leave != let us into australia

They're free to go elsewhere. They're just rent-seeking shitters who want handouts


i mean.. They could have just not go there at all.. Why do people think free means you can go to places that belong to other people..

>all people have the basic right to be free to shit up nice places and demand benefits from productive people


It was Julia's baby.
Read this:

She pushed for it.


That seems like a great place.
So basically 3 years vacation and they want to kill themselves?
Maybe they're just retarded.

Hey you had your chance matey and you blew it just go shit up some other thread.


hey brother

>absolutely no where do they promise to go back

you have to go back

pick one

>stay and fight for your country
>run and get what you're given

As opposed to getting my head chopped off it would be a heaven, thats like saying the fireman who saved you from burning to death was a little rough the ungrateful muslim scum can stay there and rot.

This is Sup Forums not your uni debate club btw

Yeah, they could, but at the time they decided to go Australia was letting people in. We closed the border and they were the unlucky few who were already in motion and had too much inertia to stop.

Imagine it from their perspective. A free ticket out of your shithole and into Australia. You'd be an idiot not to take it, and they weren't idiots. They know exactly what they're doing.

That doesn't mean we have to let them do it. They're pursuing their interests and we're pursuing ours. Where interests intersect we get jolly co-operation. Where they collide, we get conflict.

This is a conflict, and I want us to win it.

Why don't you go shit up some other country, you slant-eyed motherfucker? Like your own. Go fuck some schoolgirls and chow down on some whale and raw fish and don't ever forget how hard we fucked you at Kokoda. Suck my dick yellow menace.

Japanese people are still the best Asians though. Please help us cuck China.

I will read it in full, but from my skimming it sounds like she's spruiking it, not claiming it. Regardless, if it was her policy then I withdraw my previous statement.

Thanks for Obama. You'll take him back after all this, right?

>we are tired of the Australian government deciding our fate
>came to Australia for asylum yet believe they should be allowed to run amok and not have to listen to the government

Fucking sandnigger logic

Two words come to mind: fuck them.



Fuck off if you dont want them in then nobody cares about the plight of muh refugees

>Get free trip to tropical paradise

Fucking refugees never are satisfied

>human beings
nice joke

>thats like saying the fireman who saved you from burning to death was a little rough
No, what you're doing is observing a fireman handling a victim and then commenting on his handling, saying the victim's opinion is objectively wrong.

Why do you feel more qualified to determine the conditions inside the camps when you've never been interned in one or even visited one. Everybody involved agrees that the camps aren't fun. Even the people operating them agree that conditions are spartan, though not uninhabitable.

>As opposed to getting my head chopped off it would be a heaven
So now you're claiming that these people are genuine refugees? That sounds at odds with your previous position, mate.

These people are not genuine refugees. They were middle-class by and large in their countries of origin, and this is a significant step down in living conditions for them. Of course it stresses them.

>This is Sup Forums not your uni debate club btw
It sure feels like my uni debate club what with all the underage faggots spewing partisan politics instead of looking at the facts.

There is consensus across all positions that the camps are no picnic. They are not resorts. They are not designed to encourage people into trying to get inside them. I don't understand why you can't even admit this very obvious fact that the camps are intended to deter people and are designed to meet that goal?

You're not helping your credibility by denying self-evident truth.

Claiming that there is no human cost to this policy is the territory of an utter moron. The correct position - my position - is that the human cost is worth it to protect Australia. I'd sacrifice far more than the quality of life of a few shitskins to keep this country safe and white but that's not synonymous with closing my eyes and ignoring what I am doing. If you're too much of a coward to fact the consequences of your principles then you can fuck off to the Greens.


Pick one and only one

What's up Obama?

>people i don't like don't exist
Your world sounds like a nice place, but it's not the one that people inhabit.

Why not bring them back home tho?

It's called a proxy deadshit. You post low quality bait and you just keep on trucking with even lower quality attempts at comedy as well?


Good. Kill yourself, faggot.

They shouldn't be forced to stay on a small tropical island. Boat people are such a non-issue. Even if they come here they won't be able to work, pay taxes, get welfare or anything of that sort. Just give them citizenship, they obviously want to work if they're willing to risk death in a small boat coming here. No one will risk death for $250 a week of welfare that doesn't afford a rental place.

Australia should be that laid back place everyone can come to instead of the America 2.0 it wants to pretend to be.

Im not trying to deny it haha you said you didnt want them in so what are you even arguing about stop posting people more funny than you are having fun in this thread

australia should let them buy boats.

if those boats happen to head for australia, it's fine to sink them in self-defense

Either way though the important thing is that it was the labor government that put us into debt with handouts.

Liberals tried to stop them. Liberals wanted to hold the money, but insisted that if it were to be spent it should be spent on training programs that would lead to people getting jobs.

Julia and Rudd insisted that giving away $42 billion dollars to in the form of something like $2000 per household and nonsense like insulation would somehow provide training and protect australian jobs.

It pretty much did nothing but allowed a bunch of people a fun guilt free weekend on the piss.

Now we are in debt.

Rudd and Gillard were both morons.

Now labor wants to open up the borders.

The liberals aren't great but they are better than the disaster that is labor.

It's more about deterrence, if it's well known worldwide that we treat Ilegals with such disdain it may change the mind of the next man who wanted to try cheat his way into arguably the best country in the world.

Hear hear.

We're not allowed to deport them back to where they came from without assessing their claims and if we determine they're genuine refugees we can't deport them at all.

If they land on Australian soil we technically can't even resettle them, but we solved that excising the Australian mainland from our sovereign territory for refugee purposes (using the same rules they use at airports and embassies and suchlike).

So genuine refugees end up in limbo, because we can't deport them back to where they came from, we don't want them here, and they refuse to go to a third country. So the camps it is for them. If they retract their asylum request they go home, and if they agree to a third country they go there. Otherwise they sit in the camp and hope for a pro-refugee government to win the next election and let them in.

Why do you lie on the internet Lao Ming? Why are you so ashamed of your own country?

>what are you even arguing about
The camps are not fun places to be.

If you agree with this statement we are in agreement.

>Im not trying to deny
You're trying, just not succeeding.
"it would be a heaven" It's not a heaven.

Liberals "job training" shit is just as retarded, though. The problem isn't structural unemployment, it's cyclical unemployment. It's not that there are jobs that people aren't equipped for, it's that there are no jobs. You can't train your way into employment without a job at the end that you're training for.

The "job training" and "work for the dole" is corporate welfare in disguise. Companies get workers at half price and get a flat bonus for every one that they hire. You think they won't rort that? They will, and the government knows they will.

Liberals have a bunch of mediocre policies.
Labor have some really good ones, but some really fucking trash ones.

I have no confidence in either party, but I'm voting Liberal because fuck shitskins.

Signed - George Soros.

why dont they immigrate to Singapore?

It would be a heaven as opposed to getting your head chopped off fuck off disgruntled melbournite university student and stop spamming walls of shit

Why not team up with good guy Duterte and ship all the cunts to Philippines and let him sort them out

>It would be a heaven as opposed to getting your head chopped off
If anything is better than X that doesn't mean that everything is better by the same amount. Quit it with the fallacies.

The refugee camps are not fun.

>stop spamming walls of shit
Do you not read so well?

You are why the other flags shit on Australian posters. Your post reeks of being a single child who never had a brother or sister to test out jokes on so you think everything you say is Hillarious.

>Pleading to convicts

My posts address the central point.

Your posts baselessly (and incorrectly) psychoanalyse people and ignore the central point, because rather than admit your obviously incorrect position is incorrect you engage in 3 hours of damage control and go to bed in a weepy rage.

Let's skip to the end and you just storm off in a huff now. It'll save us all some time.

>we want to decide about our life
>but we also don't want you to decide for yourselves and just bow to our decisions
Literally children mentality. You just fucking know some lefty went there and wrote that for them.

>Liberals "job training" shit is just as retarded, though.
I agree entirely. It's completely incompetent and doesn't work at all. Again though it was labor who insisted on spending the money at all. Liberals wanted to keep it.
They basically said "if you are going to spend it you should at least spend it on training programs instead of just giving it away if you're going to pretend it will lead to more jobs."

The other thing about these "job training" and "work for the dole" other than being corporate welfare as you say, it is also away for the government to pay these guys less than minimum wage to work. Non of what they do is productive either, they work for less than minimum wage in substandard conditions and mostly do nothing but sit around smoking cigarettes in an environment they are forced to attend.

I would rather have rather seen the government spend that $42 billion on some kind of low skill requirement monument building scheme to employ these people.

We'd be better off paying a bunch of these unemployed people 500 dollars a weak to stack rocks in a field. At least then we'd have a pyramid when the money is gone instead of fucking nothing.

Holy shit you must be baiting no one is this much of a flaming faggot haha

they can go anywhere, except Australia. It is not their right to live in Australia. It is not a great crime to protect your borders, to say who can and who can't enter your home.

How the fuck does Australia have "refugees" is there a war going on somewhere in South Asia?

Multiple posters are asking you to boot off cunt. Take a hint. You were found out as a local of Fitzroy two seconds after your first post.