Is Sup Forums smart enough to solve this problem?

Is Sup Forums smart enough to solve this problem?

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no, you would be smashed against yourself

You'd die instantly. You'd infinitely be inside yourself or some shit.

You'd just float around. forever.

id jump over it, but fail miserably. So my bottom half would be smashed, and my top half would be fucked up on top of the 2 pieces of metal.

Your shoulders would hit each other and you would be smashed into a patty.

Just step aside

No, say your shoulder touched, and the portals come closer together, the part of you that was compressed together would go through the portal wall creating more space

this hurts my brain trying to picture wtf this would even look like being crushed in this way

No. Portals dissolve from moving surfaces you dumb fucks. You would just be smashed between metal.

both portals fucking disappear as soon as they move towards each other

its not difficult

Just what I was going to say

portals create infinite space, you wouldn't be crushed

yea just lay down under that shit cuz your floating and there's enough space to lay down and not die

you are either a fucking idiot, or a troll

Exactly. You can tell who played portal and who is a phony


You would start to accelerate because of the momentum of the shoulder pushing you through the other portal, there is no resistance in a portal, so you would slide horsontally

you d get crushed by your own body and portals coming closer would condense your imploding carcas togather probably forming an agate like structure minus anything leaking or bursting out of the 2surfaces

Except for that one part in Portal 2 where you use moving walls to destroy the neurotoxin.
(What the fuck are the canon rules for a portal on moving surfaces?)

>not knowing how portals work

nothing it would just be half and half

The more you're pushed into one portal, the more your pushed against by yourself through the other portal. That's the point.

You would get crushed, 100%.

step backwards

It would either be really weird or you'd die

Portals don't work on moving surfaces.

Outside of that 1 single moment the portals cannot exist on moving surfaces.

they can move horizontally or vertically relative to the surface they exist on. They cannot move forwards or backwards


imagine the two portals are the end of a bent tube.

I won't tell you more. Figure it out yourself

Matter can not be created or destroyed, idiot.
>inb4 space isn't matter

portals do not move you idiot
they are holes in space that exist simultanously in 2 places but they are 1 place

portals are against physic laws fuck you

yeah, i forgot.
earth is not moving
moon is not moving
nothing is moving in the universe

This is exactly why portals cannot exist, there are too many paradoxes regarding these holes.

Your left side would crush against your right side. Probably you would become a monoatomic bloody pulp

yes survive in an infinity loop of teleportation between the portals

in portal 2 when you have to desactivate deadly neurotixins (o some shit like that) you have to use portals that move vertically


Then think about this
>what if instead of a person, there was an unbreakable metal box
>As the box began to fold onto itself though the portals, the box wouldn't be able to be crushed
>but that wouldn't stop the fucking pistons from moving, because the portal is hole in the space/time dimension, not actually connected to the walls they sit on
So yeah, it would start to accelerate in infinite space, moving a portal doesn't move the universe, it moves an infinite tunnel of compressed gravity