Sup Forums BTFO
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It wasn't even disproven, they just spun the story to make it as guilt free as possible
>reluctantly took the case
How the fuck do they know
Did you read? Hardly btfo when they gave it a mixture on a lefty site.
doesn't matter if there's reluctance. Either you take on the case or you don't
Shit, I can hear the XP booting theme.
>defends a guilty man for rape
>gets him off, knowing he was guilty
>later laughs about it on tape
holy fuck, I thought this was made up but snopes confirms it. how can people trust her?
>literally two people in their living room googling shit for a living
Yeah nah
Kill yourself.
Of course Sup Forums is btfo. They never fact check anything, and they'll still cling to stupid shit like this and misreport it even after it gets cleared up.
I know this may be a shock to you, but real life isn't an anime or a phoenix wright game. Lawyers don't need to believe that their clients are innocent. Their job is to do their best presenting evidence that would prove their innocence. Lawyers are not judges and it's not their job to determine guilt.
She laughed on tape about the polygraph, not about the girl being raped. And she was right to, because polygraph tests are fucking garbage.