MARIJUANA IS GOD'S GIFT TO MANKIND. Marijuana is love, marijuana is life...

MARIJUANA IS GOD'S GIFT TO MANKIND. Marijuana is love, marijuana is life. Let's have a moment to praise this beautiful plant.


Weed has helped me through my life.

Stressed before an exam? Smoke some weed.

Depressed over a breakup? Smoke some weed.

Feeling some pain in your body? Smoke some weed.

Having a bad day? Smoke some weed.

Weed is love, weed is life.

If everyone on earth smoked weed, we'd live in peace and prosperity

Yay weed!

>MARIJUANA IS GOD'S GIFT TO MANKIND. Marijuana is love, marijuana is life.

Marijuana gave me psychosis so i had to stop smoking. Have a bowl for a fallen brother

I'm quite high well reading this, good thread though.

Post some bud pic.

You were fucked in the head long before you ever smoked pot, whether you realise it or not. blame your parents for not having you checked out

i have gastritis for now 5 years. marijuana helped me, and is still helping me a lot with my stomach.

Any rolling tips?
I can roll pretty good so far but I have friends who can roll toothpicks.

Marijuana is a disgusting jew plant, that's only good for selling to filthy dumb potheads.

>plant from southeast Asia


What about maintaining that minimum wage job - which is necessary to feed your habit - that had surprise drug tests ?

You'll have to grow up some day.

I wish you the best, though.

>Weed card


My manager is my dealer

Only goverment jobs have surprise drug tests here.
And their salary is so shit, they couldnt even afford weed kek.

Keep rolling. It's practise what makes you better

Just tryna help ya'll out. I lived that way when I was young, and now I'm in my 30s with no financial security in a dead end job, and a shit sex life because of it. But well. . . I cared less about this when I was smoking. Maybe I should stop trying to get my shit together and sell drugs


selling drugs is getting your shit together

and then spreading your shit with others who dont have their shit together

Are those pooprocks? I heard that poopsmoking them gets you high as shit nigger

same kind of. weed activated some sort of panic disorder in me...sleep has been fucked ever since


And welfare is a god gift to niggers, marihuana=lazyness=niggers,thank you Obama.

Been in jail for possession, though. That place sucks. Getting caught would suck

Had me fooled for a second, i thought they were pooprocks

They say it gets you high as shit niger

Google the term external locus of control.

Yeah, we get it douche. You smoke weed. Now kindly fuck off.

Google the term goatse

takin me back to 2001 nigga aww shit

that ass is disgusting

Google the term shitposting.


Takin me back to better times

Cringey motherfucker.

It's a 6/10 ass.

You still gotta steer.

I can dig it

oh, and you guys should have this

Gotta admit, it really limits my personal freedom to not be able to have mj available legally. I don't know any other substance which helped me sort my brain and become a socially functional being as much as mj did. Still I have lost many friends in their swamp of addiciton. I don't like society for not accepting us the way we really are.

I make $33 per hour pls benefits, smoke weed and sell to several people I work with. Your point is moot.

You're a fag

Dumbass they sell fake piss now that works A1. And if you're smart you wont pay a thing for bud

Smoke weed? Probably stress about exams because you're a dope.
Breakup? She was sick of you smoking dope.
Pain? Hard to be fit while sofa-riding and eating cheetos.
Bad day? Drug use tends to produce misery.

I've smoked weed for ten years. It's starting to lose its luster, I don't even feel like smoking half the time. I'm thinking of quitting but idk

Drugs r bad m'kay?

Like my plants? Took this photo this morning