Call me a faggot all you want, but where can I go to host or post a light novel and update it, like, biweekly...

Call me a faggot all you want, but where can I go to host or post a light novel and update it, like, biweekly? I like writing short stories and shit as a hobby, and I'm not looking to make money off of it, I just want to share my drivel with people who either love it or hate it.

I don't want to get paid for it, I just want people to read my work. It's a hobby.

pic only slightly related.

Wattpad lets you update works I believe. The only problem is that the only demographic on there is 10-14 year old girls.

bump niggers

anything else that wont drown me in all the teenage period blood?



Not that I know of. Many independent authors publish rather than continuously update. Continuous updates are mainly appealing to the fan fiction format. So likes like either you share the space with spergs or you publish.


I just reaaaaaaally don't want to publish, I'd just rather post it and not deal with the headache of a company trying to get money off it or me.

Was going to say or Wordpress depending on the type of genre your writing

There are some good publishing firms that'll allow you to publish without boning you too hard. Besides, the benefit is you can get paid for writing, rather than letting people read for free. Additionally, you could get boned extra hard on sites like Wattpad (or well, alternatives to it) because of copyright laws (they say they don't own it but when push comes to shove idk if they'll try claiming they own your story)

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I write creatively, but I would never dream of posting shit, so I haven't looked too heavily into it. Whatever the case, I recommend you tread carefully in terms of copyright. The last thing you'd obviously want is some site claiming they own your work because you published it on their site.

Different faggot here, but any kind user know a decent speech to text that will work with a word program useful for writing?

honestly its pretty spreglord/weeby

if you were to take the world building and weebery or mushoku tensei and the bloody themes of berserk and mash them together thats kind of like the thing im currently writing.

again, why i dont want to get paid for it

I can post the first chapter if you guys want

Only dude I've ever heard of doing this successfully was Andy Weir with The Martian, and he hosted his own site. You might be boned.

Try saying the word out loud before you type it.

honestly, the speech to text keyboard on android is decent, but dont expect it to get any names or fantastical words right

I have to say, you are probably one of the least faggoty people on this website, simply cause you are trying to do something for yourself rather than hate on every little thing pther people do

Good for you, have fun

Please do

Passion and creativity aren't allowed on Sup Forums

Nova Vita, A Conqueror’s Tale

Chapter 0: Prologue

I don’t think I can get any lower.

I’ve been on a constant downward spiral ever since my fiancé ran away with my friend, and stole my savings. I didn’t even have enough to pay for rent without selling everything I owned at the time. Even then, my apartment was still too much to afford without money, a partner, or a stable job.

I had to leave… Though what else was I to do? I don’t have any real skills, other than programming and all the other trivial knowledge that my games and countless hours of messing around on internet forums have given me. I had no choice but to find somewhere I can live… where my landlord just doesn’t care. So, I moved into the worst area in town just to keep a roof over my head, and a bit of food in my stomach.

Every day has been a total pain in the ass for me... commuting about 9 kilometers on the bus, then walking another 3 to get to an internet café full of crappy computers, just to get a few hours of coding my new game knocked out... though I usually don’t get far because the computers are so bad. I mostly just browse my forums, and mess around on some random websites.


It’s been like this for about a year now, and I am almost complete with the RPG I’m making. With this, maybe I can repay that loan I took about a year ago. I’m still avoiding those thugs that have been asking around town for me.... Maybe once my game is complete, I’ll just hand over my rights and let them collect the cash.


Today is a good day; I found some money hidden away in a cupboard I never use. I’m surprised a rat or roach didn’t steal them away to use as nest material. Maybe with this I can get some decent food and maybe get a good night’s rest in a cheap hotel.

And some better news, I just need to finish a few lines of code for the game and I’m finished. The only reason I wasn’t finished yesterday is because the power went out for the block and I had lost about an hour’s worth of work. The bus is gonna be at the stop in a few, so I might as well head out a bit early.


About two minutes away from the stop on this raggedy old street, lined with trash filling every gutter, you can usually see a bunch of bums collecting recyclables, and trading less than legal items amongst themselves. I am familiar with a lot of them, as I spent about a month out here collecting cans myself. You hardly see any new faces and you never really see any old faces disappear, unless they go to jail or the hospital. Today, there is nobody on this street... Not a single face that I’ve seen before, anyways. A single, hunched down woman with a tattered brown blanket covering her face, back and shoulders was sitting down, leaning on the side of the bus stop. Outwards, she held her wrinkled, dry, grey hands, as if she was cupping water. She didn’t move, and wasn’t breathing too noticeably. I felt sorry for her, so I gave her one of the notes I found just earlier, and told her to get some food. She reached out and grabbed my hand, and before I could pull it away, she placed in my hand a greasy looking red feather, and turned her face towards me. Her face was beyond wrinkled, with one of her eyes completely black, and the other dead from blindness.

“Thanks, kind boy”, she said in a voice that gave made nails on a chalkboard sound better.

I shook at her visage, almost trebling in awkwardness and just frankly being unnerved.
“Ah… Uh… No problem! H-Hahaheh…”

At that, she smiled and gave a wink as I put the feather in my pocket, making my way closer to the stop. It was much too shiny and it looked incredibly fake. I didn’t want to insult her by tossing it away in front of her, and I try not to litter when I can.

Not even a minute passed, and the bus arrived. I quickly got on and make my way to the internet café to finish my game. This is gonna be a good day, I can feel it in my heart. I’m gonna finish this game, I’m gonna get some good food, maybe move out of that hell hole I currently live in, and find a girl that won’t ruin my life. Who knows, maybe I’ll be recognized for my talent one day? I can only hope so. While slowly writing the code and making a few tweaks to the game, I started to browse the forums I frequent. There’s so much to talk about, so much to see, and so much to learn.

After a few hours of tweaking the game, and browsing random forums, I found myself on a paranormal forum where I found a thread about strange websites. One of the posts mentioned a website called “invem.anl”, saying it’s a website with a few strange puzzles and looping pages. I decided to test it out, and see if I can’t crack the code. A bit of stumbling around and looping a few pages, I noticed a pattern and ended up at a black screen with two boxes. I could only click on one of them, and noticed the blinking cursor indicating I can type there. I tested it out by typing a word.


As much as i love how wild and honest this place is, it's absolutely cancerous. Like actually awful.
Too much porn or politics all the time


-hello friend-

-what is this sites purpose?-

-who is to say? what is anyone’s purpose? what is your purpose?-

“What kind of ‘meta’ bullcrap is this?” I thought to myself. I moved the pointer to where the close button was, but every time I tried, the pointer was repelled somehow.

-nice game you’re making
you really know your stuff-

I nervously looked around; the only people in the world who knows I am making a game are the people who come to this café. None of them own a computer, and none of them are here, save for the owner of this crappy little place. That old bastard is busy watering his plants a few feet away from me, so it couldn’t be him, either.

-who are you?-

-its good to see you are taking me seriously
are you a religious or spiritual person?-

-not really-

-that’s good, or not
i guess its how you perceive it
if you could go to an afterlife, would you?-

-i suppose. its better than becoming worm food-

I smile, thinking that this is a waste of time. I should be getting back to my game instead of goofing around.

-you have a nice smile-

“What? WHAT!? How?” I said out loud, as a bead of sweat began to run down my face and neck.

-it doesn’t matter how
it just matters why
you are chosen for the next life
a new world-


-i don’t believe in any of that nonsense-

-that doesn’t matter
you’ll find out why eventually-

Suddenly, the window closed and switched to my game code.

“No way”, I muttered, looking bewildered at the screen.

The game was finished. Everything about it was polished and optimized. The textures and meshes were realistic, the coding was optimized and fast, the AI was something out of a science fiction novel, and the game mechanics were polished beyond my wildest dreams. There was code in the game that would have taken the best and brightest minds decades to accomplish. I save all the code, and try to rename the game, but every time I try to rename it, the prompt won’t appear. The executable and all other program files are named some variant of “invem”- but... how, rather, why? I go to check the thread I found the web address on, and it already 404’Ed (expired). Great, I guess at this point the only thing to do now is run the game and see what he or she did to it.

I double click the .exe file and I am greeted with a loading page I can barely read because it passed by too fast. After a few moments, a beige title screen appears with a quiet choir of deep voiced men singing in what sounds like Latin. The title fades in from passing screenshots of what looks like highly polished areas of the game world and reads “Nova Vitam Ex Mortis”, and one option appears below it, reading “Nova Ludum”. I guess the person who helped me out is a big fan of Latin. Oh well, let’s just see what this game is all about.

thats the end of the prologue

Make a blog.

It's pretty good. Hope you find a site!

I used km because most of the world uses it, im an americunt but i think we should use metric
ambiguous money to make it feel like it could happen anywhere
one set is supposed to be in italics

thanks a lot man
what could use some work, and what do you like about it?

Two uses of the word 'polished' in quick succession

yeah, its kind of up in the air atm, im thinking of using the word streamlined or someshit

sis anyone actually read it besides the two people who posted?


guess thats a no