Hello everyone from Reddit! :) !

Hello everyone from Reddit! :) !
Tan from Buzzfeed here. :) Ask me anything.
Please be respectable and kind to each other and each other's pronouns thereof.

Let the questions BeGiN! :D *sound of extreme squealing excitement commences*

close your legs whore



Oh wow we're being racist too now. Thanks. Really shows what MEN are.


More like milky.

Am I right?

Your kind is not welcome here. This board is for BLACKS ONLY fuck off cracker

>Your kind is not welcome here. This board is for BLACKS ONLY fuck off cracker
I suppoert black people and minorities.

fuck off whitey. leave this place immediately

>I suppoert black people and minorities.
while being white? yeah....

can you please go in to work and go on a killing spree then after there is no soul alive, kys

You are both probably cis pathetic white males yourselves.
Ever since I was little, I never understood why we needed cis males in this world. You're all literally useless.

we're not men. i'm not sure if we're even humans anymore

You should have never came round this part of town Tan. And also Trump is not your president so don't sympathise with the American people. Stick with us because Malcolm is our true leader and you know it

Fucking libtard cuck

Post a pic with a timestamp you cunt

obvious troll is obvious faggot.



Would you suck a log of shit? How many money do you receive?


Hi Tan, big fan! :)
Question: would you suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?


Whenever I see the word cis I want to kill myself because the people that use it irritate me so much

No. Never.

cis males built or created pretty much everything you own and use in your life, you are part of the most privileged class of people and you have probably never done a hard day of work in your entire life and you look down on normal people and write cute little stories and call it a job lol you're genuinely a pathetic human being and no one takes you seriously outside of your little bubble of rich sjws

Underrated post

Christ, can summer be over yet?