Hello Guys,i am new on Sup Forums and i wanted to ask what purpose does Sup Forums has?

Hello Guys,i am new on Sup Forums and i wanted to ask what purpose does Sup Forums has?
Also i could need some advice,who do use Sup Forums correctly.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums is a friendly, informative site where you can learn all sorts of skills and information on many interests and hobbies!
I myself like the auto, travel, and origami boards myself! Go out and meet like minded people, and remember to have fun :^)


>the umpteenth thread about being a newbie
As I'd believe you, stfu

>He fell for the meme





sage is a nice option. You should use it in all your posts.

What meme?

Do you see a meme? No meme here

Why should i lie?
I am really new
Is this common to post for attention?

Someone wrote He fell for the meme in green

Lurk more, newfag.

What's a sage

I get it :D

falling for summer Fag meme bait is degrading

What do you mean?


Go back to Pornhub

Im afraid not

Go back to plebbit you alt right jew

Fuck off

I know

fucking retard just get out

Im afraid not

Thanks i guess


Oh i saw these before

What do we do now?

Why do you post that shit?

