Trump will make liberals stronger

You faggots really think trump is gonna fix America's PC problem? Are you forgetting who you're dealing with? Liberals are like babys and if you tell them no or upset them they'll double down on their stupidity and I think he'll make things worse and "prove" their point. prove me wrong you cucks


Thanks for your input, Abdullah

Well shit, I guess we better just lie down and take it! Because that'll make them stop!

he'll fix it if they actually manage to move like they say they will

and an aloha snackbar to you too

Go fuck your goat wife.

Because of Trump, a large part of our electorate now consciously wants a wall and to deport all the illegals. That won't go away, even if we lose this election.

If Trump fails, someone will take these issues up again, hopefully someone more acceptable to the general population who can win.

>you really think he's going to fix America's PC problem?

He's already gone a long way towards doing so. He's pushed people to speak their minds, forced networks to report the facts, brought up the question of halting illegal immigration, and even brought rational discourse to the idea of banning muslims from the West.

And he's not even president.

He's weakened the PC culture in ways no one thought possible the last several months. Whether he can continue making progress remains to be seen, but if not him then who? You cucks love to sit around complaining about Trump yet offer no logical alternative that hasn't failed miserably.

>don't oppose someone or they'll be twice as bad


not necessarily, but Trump will just prolong the slow agonizing death of America which is inevitable at this point. American "nationalism" has been degenerate since we entered WWI (and arguably even earlier back to civil war days). American exceptionalism is just globalism-lite since the US itself, even if isolated from other countries economically, is basically a globalist microcosm .

Honestly I hate to say it but electing a hard leftist would probably be best simply because it would accelerate the breakup of this abomination of a nation into smaller states

the issue is that the PC problem is just a shit show to distract from the real problems, which are demographic replacement (by LEGAL immigrants and LOW NATIVE BIRTHRATES, Trump can't do SHIT about this) , hedonism and social liberalism, and destruction of community by technology and corporate consumerism

I'm not saying there's anyone better than Trump. There isn't. It's just that NO PRESIDENT can fix the decline of an empire that's gotten too fat and corrupt for its own good down to the majority of the people themselves

>Trump can't do SHIT about this

He could attempt to reorient our immigration policies back towards Europeans, as he's said he prefers in the past.

Not a silver bullet, obviously, but a step in the right direction.


>posting old memes


>hopefully someone more acceptable to the general population who can win.
This isn't what's going to happen. In fact, the opposite is more likely. If Trump fails, huge swathes of your population will be fucking raging and when the next leader appears, he will not be as centrist as Trump but he'll be even more charismatic and with even more loyal followers.

If you kill your enemies - they win.

Trump is going to drive all liberals to Canada and the ones left are gonna be gassed

Liberals are like baby's in that if you give them what they want they become worse.

For example, see the blacks' racism before and after Obama was elected.

>If you beat your enemies, they win

I agree, but I'd rather have a big fuck you to liberals for at least 4 years before everything goes to shit

haha simply ebin it looks like his hair, completely btfo wow

great meme thanks for sharing :)

Muslim logic, actually

political pendulum momentum in action m8. The farther it swings left, the harder it will come crashing right.

Yes and like children you must be firm as fuck until they realize their bullshit won't be pandered too seriously anymore.
Unfortunately the Democrats survive by placating their victim fantasies so it won't be an easy battle.
In the end its sane Nationalists who wish for separate countries and the preservation of different cultures (and the right for normal citizens to have power over their countries) VS the insane globalists who want to turn the West into a NWO police state where big government controls all and people just live within their system and rules (they'll probably try and kill many of us off at some point once automation makes huge populations hard to deal with).

The single best thing about America is the land. If the civil war was never false-flagged to turn America into a bankers' empire there would have been great potential in a confederacy of smaller states with their own sovereignty. It wouldn't even be hard to contain immigrants in some states only. But trying to be "isolationist" with a massive blob of a population known as "america" is a fool's game.

>Giving liberals aneurysms will make them stronger

Ok Kanye West

>end all welfare and social assistance
>most blacks die off or self deport
>most mexicans self deport
>left with a mostly White population + some bro-tier blacks and hispanics
