Why are Liberals so bad at making jokes/memes?
Why are Liberals so bad at making jokes/memes?
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So much cringe
Prepare yourself for the cringe. This was made by Shit Reddit Says:
They are effeminate/passive-aggresive and very few women are consistently good at comedy.
They're so afraid they might offend someone that it hinders their ability to be funny.
I don't get it. Is the toy dog supposed to represent Bernie and the hound is supposed to be the Bern victims thinking they are actually anything resembling support for Bernie?
>black anything
>supporting Bernie
How deep into denial is this guy?
So is the bernsquad the chihuahua or the great dane? I'm confused.
The formatting is confusing as fuck. Which one was taking a stand?
Because facebook and reddit don't know how to harness meme magic which is why they stick to aping memes from here and when they try to make their own from scratch, it's absolutely pathetic.
Nothing to do with being liberal but everything to do with political correctness. Name one good comedian who is politically correct.
>Here comes dat boi
Well now at least we know who shitposts on Sup Forums with this shitty meme.
hahahah holy shit, now that is funny as all hecks.
>That image.
they are overfraught with neuroticisms
6 fucking months ago. October was six months ago
I could not make it past seven seconds, Jesus
This picture is great. I really like the tarot card touch.
I'd like to be more cynical, but I have to give the artist credit.
>a rare paypay
Looks like don't talk to me or my wife's son
>When you're arguing with a fucking white male and the whole hobo-squad comes to spit on his face and throw eggs at him.
> Wow, a confirmation. liberal pussies use brown criminality, terrorism and violence and the mentality that induces to create attack dogs for their cause.
Because good humor is offensive and liberals love to get offended.
I was disappointing
>democrat memes
They didn't make that. Its a take-off on 'cuck tales'.
On Sup Forums an image or post speaks for itself.
Everything is made in the spirit of a good time.
There is no ownership or greed, only passion.
I think I just got cancer.
*or fewer
Political correctness (being liberal) and comedy are incompatible.
literally where
>the jizz rag mushrooms
Gets me every time. I can't even imagine what that trip would be like.
And there is an exclamation mark missing.
>tfw saw a little girl with an emoji shaped purse
idk why it bothered me
When your'e so stuck up your own ass that you think carefully about how to craft a joke so as to offend no one, then you entertain no one.
>tfw ppl think this is a Sup Forums meme
>tfw they think Sup Forums is responsible for meme magic
They limit what the say and to who.
Because there is no humor in liberalism. You should have seen liberals in the early 20th century, talking about liquidating people as the only way to meet their ends. Absolutely no humor in them.
humour thrives off of epushing boundaries. Liberals are all about being well calibrated and never crossing any lines. Boring!