What makes Sup Forums go on? What does Sup Forums expect from life?
What makes Sup Forums go on? What does Sup Forums expect from life?
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>What makes Sup Forums go on?
Hate mostly. Hope for a better tomorrow too.
>What does Sup Forums expect from life?
But i'll try and set up my offspring for success if i am unable to achieve my goals
>Hate mostly
Damn, hate is a fuckin good incentive...
>What makes Sup Forums go on?
>_____ (insert nation in plural here)
>muh deus vult
>Trump 4 prez
>What does Sup Forums expect from life?
Make White Coffee great again.
Life is fun, it's just a matter of perspective
Look at it as a videogame on hard difficulty
I really enjoy this ride so far
It also helps to have basic knowledge on human psychology so you are not depressed failure
It could be worse. I want to see what happens next .And there's the memes.
All I ever wanted to do was to move to Sweden, own a cottage, and learn to play the nyckelharpa.
But none of that can happen now.
I'm a relatively good looking guy, I'm redpilled (for better or worse), I have a nice job as a sales associate, but I am often depressed and I am probably going to kill myself before I ever reach the age of thirty.
>How do I go on ?
I pray, I do sport (sambo), I study. I like to keep it simple as much as I can as I dream of a traditional life.
>What do I expect from life ?
This is just a travel to the other life.