>Something else is going on. It probably has to do with the ubiquity of entertainment options on our smartphones from cat videos to Pokemon Go, and the vast library of film and TV series available online in the age of Netflix. In surveys, young people express less interest in sports as a genre of TV content than older people.

>The decline can be seen too in the U.S. at the big daddy of live sports, the National Football League. When both "footballs" are struggling for attention like this, you have to wonder whether the game is up.

I've stopped watching sports live long ago. I've watched so much football in my life though. Even without the commercials and commentary (I fast forward through (or bypass with condensed games)), it doesn't fascinate me like it once did.

I didn't even watch games during the regular season. Seeing how the playoffs turned out (same shit, different year), I'm glad I skipped it. Though even if it were underdog teams that made it, I wouldn't have given a shit.

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No one cares about you or the shitty article you wrote

we have sport you have showbiz

I can't wait for the advertising bubble to burst.

Forgot your proxy man

>I've stopped watching sports live long ago. I've watched so much football in my life though.

i'm exactly with you on that. and i see it become more and more common. people are just waking up to the sham that professional sports are.
of course that's not true for the few people that are left on Sup Forums. i guess they're either too committed to accept reality or probably just too blindly stupid to see it

People are just watching online. I haven't watched a sports game on tv in almost a year.

Once you get older sports loses its magic cause you've seen almost every outcome and scenario play out

And then Leicester won the title

Shit ass article. Never post here again.

Yeah, no. Most people don't know what streams are or how to find illegal streams. Most people just don't give a shit about sports.

>People becoming increasingly infantile
>Full grown adults reading comic books and playing video games
>Utter trash like Star Wars breaking box office records because of 30-something numales
>Women and Marxists increasingly trying to worm their way into the sport

The decline of sports is directly linked to the decline of the average Western male. Instead of being raised to admire tough virile champions, young men are being raised to admire people like Hillary Clinton and Ellen Degeneres (creating a generation of effeminate sissy fuckbois). They don't want to watch sports, they want to frolic around in a ball pit, play Pokemon and talk about the latest Game of Thrones.

Daily reminder that Western civilisation is doomed.

>the average western male no longer wastes his time sitting in front of a tv living his life vicariously through the accomplishments of other grown men
>that's bad
you're actually mad because people around you are actually doing something with their life while the only thing you have are those EPL titles you never won

>woman "journalists"

Sports are not important at all. People have actual things to do with their lives than to worry about 20 men chasing a ball

Sports is concentrated masculinity. Physical competition, striving to be the best, fair play, respect, admiration.

Instead of basking in the glory of sports, young men are now playing with their hair, wearing skinny jeans, sipping on G&Ts and gossiping about the latest shitty TV drama, like some distopic, nightmarish version of Sex and the City (with low-test betas instead of ugly women).

Muh progress indeed.

Sports are fucking queer desu

Average College Football game is now close to 4 hours because of advertising breaks.

Honestly sports have become background noise to me while I do something interesting.

This is true especially football.

Hockey is still top kino though

i'd rather watch ellen degeneres and her funny cat videos she plays out to a 100-something crowd of loose women then watch "virile black men" crash into each other

uncuck your mind

Bullshit. People aren't too busy for sports, they're just spending their spare time doing other (shittier) stuff instead. Effeminate and infantile stuff like Pokemon Go and clothes shopping.

Post all-star break hockey+basketball is the highlight of the sports year to me.

>I'd rather stare blankly at (((Hollywood))) brainwashing with every other sub-80 IQ housewife in the world while my mind turns to mush than admire peak physical and tactical excellence

You're a little bitch.

Same thing happening to NFL. It's called cutting the cord. Just as many people are watching as they used to.

>paying for cable

Every kid aged 12-35 knows what illegal streams are here

They are using Nielsen for ratings right? Can you become a Nielsen family if you don't have cable?

Viewing preferences:

1. Hockey
2. Let's Plays on YouTube
3. Other sports
4. My family getting murdered
5. Basketball

>2. Let's Plays on YouTube

How sad. You're like the little brother who never got to play and was forced to sit there and watch, except now you CAN play but you choose not to. You're an adult who sits in the corner watching other people play with toys.

Neck yourself.

There's so much sport on tv nowadays that people are getting tired of it. If there was one game a week people might be interested

I play too. Sometimes I play while listening to Let's Plays. In fact, I listen much more often than I watch. It's no different than radio.

And I'm sitting comfortably in my downtown luxury apartment.

But glorification of sport stars are the signs of a decaying society

Yes, TV ratings don't include streaming. They're starting to factor it in, but there's really no way to tell who's using Acestream and some Czech streaming site to watch the game.

>Sports is concentrated masculinity. Physical competition, striving to be the best, fair play, respect, admiration.
Correct but you're not playing it you're watching other people play it and most hard-core fans look like pic related

>Instead of basking in the glory of sports, young men are now playing with their hair, wearing skinny jeans, sipping on G&Ts and gossiping about the latest shitty TV drama
You can do all that and still be elite. Look at Ronaldo and most other top players

this exact thread is created everyday, and it is always an american who creates it, i know you guys are all bandwagonners and can't go to the the game with your scooter, so you have to watch on TV.

>Viewing preferences:
>1. Hockey
>2. Let's Plays on YouTube
>3. Other sports
>4. My family getting murdered
>5. Basketball

you are easily the most autistic 14-year-old this board has ever seen

jesus christ

>t. Angry White Guilt Boresketball Fan

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you'd gotten your GED?

sitting on the couch watching sports on tv is not a sport it's just entertainment just like games of thrones. the fact you think it's more worthy of admiration because sports are good for you says more about how unathletic and unintelligent you are than anything

Video games are utterly pathetic.
Would I be correct in assuming that you have no girlfriend?

You should at the very least play with friends, instead of being barricaded alone in your dark little apartment, listening to the voices in your headset.

Sports stars are surrogate warriors. Idolising them is no different to idolising the great fighters from history.
What would you have us do instead? Worship Clinton's putrid clitoris?

My apartment rent is higher than your salary.

Seems I've done something right in life that you haven't.

>b-but watching sports is j-just like watching my anime

Get yourselves tested, you sad little sissy "men".

Nice (baseless) projection. That's a typical insecure female style of arguing. You're a poorly functioning wimpy little man (with no girlfriend, I was right).

If I wanted to subscribe to your shitty blog, I wouldn't be on an anonymous imageboard.

>being proud of RENTING something at an exorbitantly high price

All of my kek

0/10 didn't even earn this (you)

>Viewing preferences:
>1. Hockey
>2. Let's Plays on YouTube

>high price

That's relative, princess. I'm sorry you're poor. No wonder you're so eager to live vicariously through others.

i've yet to see any evidence that you have or make a lot of money

and i don't really see what that has to do with anything. being a trust fund kid is obviously just a matter of chance and not something to be proud of

I don't care enough to provide evidence, and what I have is what I've earned on my own. Sounds like you could use the escapism of a Let's Play if you need to rationalize the fact that someone has more money than you as the product of a trust.

>having a good paying job is not something to be proud of
>you should be proud of """your""" team winning like i am
i hope you're just being retarded on purpose now

>he takes more pride in the accomplishments of random men than his own

Sounds like you could use the escapism of a noose if you feel compelled to justify yourself to anonymous strangers on the internet. You're an insecure little child. No wonder women won't even touch your micropenis - there are some things that even money can't buy.

>defending strangers on the internet
Just when I thought that the other loser had hit rock bottom, you manage to sink lower. Congratulations, you're the biggest loser on Sup Forums.

not getting this (you) sorry

It's kind of boring, you know? I'll watch maybe one soccer or hockey game a week, and I feel satisfied with my sport intake. Otherwise, I'll just read a summary or something. It just feels like the same shit over and over and over again, forever.

I wouldn't watch sports in the US either, the advertising is absolutely ridiculous.

>proud of paying for something he doesn't own nor has intention of owning