How did you quit smoking Sup Forums?

How did you quit smoking Sup Forums?

I did not. Yet. It's full fledged addiction, it will kill me and I'm too weak to do anything about that. I just do not want to quit.

You stop fucking buying them.

there, you dont have any more cigarettes and you arent smoking.

I started using drugs and drink heavily

Stop being a faggot and just stop

Smoker myself and would like to know. The only way i know is to kiss a moving train

cold turkey, also reading/watching hellped some.

bottom line is there's no other way but to quit cold. not easy but worth it -- just go through it. cutting down is a myth. even if you cut down to 1 cigarette a day, quitting that 1 cigarette a day will be just as hard as a pack a day. quit, go through the hellish memories and insecurities your brain makes for you during the first few days, and feel like a new person.

I quit about 2 weeks ago, cold turkey.

Was nearing a pack a day of king size stardard cigs. Also started having some physical side effects which triggered me to quit instantly. Just to see if quitting them would fix anything.

It did fix it.

Craving a smoke so bad, but those little fuckers wont get me.

smoked maybe two or three cigs a day for a handful of weeks before i just decided to stop and that was it. i prefer smoking weed a lot more

The price of a pack, close to 10. And I only use to smoke half a cig a or full one a day and felt like shit.


Anyone in this thread against weed is a moron because it's he best exit drug for cigs and isn't addictive at all in comparison

> be me
> be me friend
> me and my friend were curious why people smoke, we try it once at the age if 16, hate it, conclude people who smoke are retards
> friend who smokes tells us it takes it 3-5 times to get hooked
> we do it 4 times, got hooked
> go on to smoke 3-4 cigs a day, for about 4 months, fuck.
> decide to quit, wanted to find and alternative to fill the void
> finally quit smoking completely
> ended up becoming a chronic masturbater

cold turkey and meditation. smoke free for 5-6 years now

I just quit smoking. Cigarettes were fucking easy to give up. Weed and coke? Thats another story.

Preeeeetty sure it's just the coke

I "quit" probably 20 or 30 times before it finally stuck. Getting marred gave me some extra motivation, as somehow it felt different to sneak cigs behind your wife's back as opposed to your girlfriend's.

I tried the gum but it just made me feel like shit. The best crutch I found was ecigs. Not all the fancy vape equipment they have now, but the shitty Blu ones they sell at gas stations. They suck so bad, and you feel like such a tool, that eventually you don't even want them anymore, but by then it's too late to switch back to regular cigs because they taste like shit and make you feel terrible after a few weeks of not using them. The cravings weren't as bad and I got a over it.

I also tried Chantix, which I would not recommend. That shit will fuck you up in the head and it doesnt work anyway

Wait till you get mouth cancer, and have your tongue removed so you can't talk, and have to be fed through a feeding tube, then you'll quit because the second you light up you'll feel an undeniable guilt that you have destroyed your life.

I never understood why people feel like a tool or it's some sort of embarrassing thing to use those gas station e-cigs. You're being no less of a tool when you smoke a cigarette

I have actually had greater success getting off coke for a while rather than weed. Haven't touched white in a couple months.

I've been using weed all day for about a decade. I'm a miserable prick without out. I mean i could give it up, physically its fuck all, but mentally i just haven't really tried. I always end up saying fuck it and having a hoot.

the trick is realizing that after 24 hours, the addiction is all in your mind.
went from 20 cigs a day for 8 years, to 0 for 5 years. cold turkey.

I switched to the ecig "JUUL" that my brother also used. Very simple and basic. Im not one of those fags sucking on a brick blowing huge clouds of vape smoke - just very discreet and gives me the nicotine without the cigarette.

You just need a substitute. Like every time you feel you need a smoke, you suck a cock instead!

Since you're not old enough to buy either, I'm not surprised you don't understand

When I was done being a skinny ass. I have a high metabolism so even though I eat junk food often my weight don't change. Soon as I stopped smoking I put weight on much faster, then I worked out, and now I look pretty buff.

they don't actually help you with your nicotine addiction and the problem with feeling like a tool is the culture around it. many people who use them tend to blow it in peoples faces, thinking it's ok to do so, because they're not as harmful.

I got a lovely girlfriend and replaced it with sex

If you bite the bullet and be miserable for the 3-day withdrawal it becomes a cake walk. Ive on again off again with weed for about 7 years with breaks lasting several months

kicking the nicotine habit is harder than any other drug, user. i haven't managed it yet. but it's hard for 2 reasons. firstly, it stays in your system for 2-3 weeks. second, in addition to it taking so long to leave the system, nicotine is unique in that it forms associative pathyways in the brain that causes the activity you're doing to be forever coupled with smoking in your thoughts. that's why you always want a smoke
>after a meal
>when you wake up
>after sex
>when taking a shit

These are my tips. Was a 10 year smoker (pack+ every day).

>Set a date - build yourself up to it.
>Go cold turkey.
>Buy gum or toothpicks.
>Keep blood sugar levels elevated.
>Avoid stressful situations (obviously).
>Belittle the situation - tell yourself all you have to do is not smoke any cigarettes.
>Think of the money you'll save.

Good luck.

>Finish pack of cigarettes
>Don't buy anymore
>Miserable, twitchy fuck for about 72 hours
>Still have a craving now and then but it's easy enough to just turn my mind to something else.

It's really not hard at all. You just have to have willpower and not be a big fucking pussy.

Nicotine Patches/Plasters worked great for me. Smoked about 15 cigs/day, had close to no craving when i stopped. The Plasters you eventually just stop putting on, didnt even think about it.

By far the easiest method ive ever quit anything with

That's what my buddy that quit keeps telling me. Part of the problem is work.. I work with a young kid that taps on his phone all day. He does zero work, and im not exaggerating. I have to pick up the slack because of this, and it's fucking hard not to lose my shit, hence why i carry an oil pen in my front pocket.

I think i might just take my camper to the bush and stay there for a few days with nothing. I have a young family, and its time to make some changes.

Cold turkey worked fine for me. Made a bet with my uncle that I will quit after finishing the current pack. Havn't touched a cig in 4 years now. It really is all in your mind.

I understand you need something to cope with the bullshit

ITT: We post random graphs we find on google.


You're probably better off just staying on the weed if you're a cunt without it. Antidepressants just don't fucking cut it with me. If I want to stay productive in this society I need my medication.

Thigh gaps are gross.

the patways don't stick for ever. i went cold turkey and after just one week i didn't have the cravings anymore and after. when i got into situations where i usually wanted a smoke, by not smoking, my brain started to lose thous habits. i have now been smoke free for almost 6 years and haven't had a craving at all.

cold turkey one day out of nowhere
well not out of nowhere
you start waking up with ur lungs wheezing
u constantly puff a cig like a retard and smell like shit.
when u quit your lungs start to recover, blood pressure is normal, cicrulation better, you dont smell like shit
so yeah theres many good thing for quitting
I used to think "fuck it. lifes shit anyways. this looks cool and takes away like 10 years of my life." idk i quit and now when i see a smoker i chuckle a bit, maybe feel bad sometimes

i've never made it past the 24 hour mark, not counting boot camp

Turn 28 and eventually realize its boring and stop.

Same with drinking and weed.

the wage gap isn't real and the thigh gap gives better access.

Cold turkey from 1.5 packs a day for about 10 years. The only way to do it.

All of the "cutting back" techniques are bullshit. So is the gum / patch / etc.

I just quit it one day. I smoke once in a couple months, only with an old friend of acquaintance just for old times sake.

I used to smoke a pack or more a day for a few years and the appeal had worn off, and it was hurting my health, and most importantly my gums had darkened. So yeah, fuck that.

I quit 5 months ago because I started to feel a pain in the lungs and throat. It was super easy after 3 years of smoking 10 cigs a day and I felt no addiction AT ALL but I probably already have cancer anyways



Smoke one pack in an hour or until you projectile vomit your lungs. Should get rid of the temptations

I quit with nicotine gum. Very effective. I smoked for 27 years.

Ask Sup Forums. They always know what to do.