>hasn't smoked marijuana or taken LSD
>thinks he has experienced music
Hasn't smoked marijuana or taken LSD
>hasn't smoked marijuana or taken LSD
>thinks he has experienced drugs
there you go.
I have done both drugs, and my best experience with music was listening to Til' I Die sober
>he hasnt done mdma or speed
>he thinks he understands music
Until you see the beauty of a 808 kick overdriven into a melodic square wave, you are 100% a pleb of the highest order.
>drum machine
Stay pleb
I've done both many times and I think that if you need drugs to fully appreciate music you are 100% pleb
kys rockist scum
The day a human can drum splittercore is the day you have a point. But they cant, because machines are perfect and man is flawed
Until then kys
marijuana just makes you overrate everything, so it's probably not the best way to experience music
Why is that though? Is it just because it dumbs you down so everything seems more intrincate than it actually is?
Cannabis enhances your feelings and senses. So if you're feeling anxious, it'll be worse.
On the other hand, if you feel happy, you will be very happy instead.
Cannabis just floods your brain with dopamine.
Every time I've been in a conversation about weed, someone has interrupted just to make a joke about shooting up marijuanas.
Weed unironically sucks. Do better drugs op.
If you're an over thinking, anxious fag. Opiates and bensodiazepines usually work better for you people.
It's a beautiful thing if you don't abuse it.
Most drugs do that. People have the bad tendency to think that drugs are what makes you high but really the only thing the molecule does is make your brain secrete already existent neurotransmitters (or block some of them). For example if you give MDMA to a depressed person he probably won't feel anything.
T. chill weedman
>*hits blunt*
Tripped for the first time last week and decided to give the new Anathema a listen. Literally everybody else that's listened to it on here says they were disappointed by it, but I was in complete bliss and loved it.
Thanks, drugs.
That's not quite true. IMO, indica generally makes everything more enjoyable, but it doesn't take away the ability to judge music based on its individual merits. In fact, it makes it easier to do, while you'll still find any music fascinating purely because of the synergy between different sounds. Sativa does the same thing for me. Except I'm more picky about what I listen to, and I usually end up making music rather than putting on a record.
t. benso zombie
>hes taken LSD
>he thinks he has experienced psychedelics
>not a psychedelic
try again, fag
absolutely this.
drugs make plebs think they are special.
t. bro scientist
Actually I like speed paste. I dont take downers.
It's weaksauce. Even bho is boring.
But that's a lie. Depression doesnt stop the sri functions and even people who have fried their delicate serotinogenic systems from abusing mdma and its analogues will still speed on it.
i used to listen to snoop dogg while doing marijuana am i more experienced now than yall non blazers?
There's nothing futurist about that post.
Sorry for being a dick, I also like amphetamines.
I took some MDMA a festival this past weekend but my friend and I just wanted to walk around have pleasant conversations. Didn't really get in to the music to much.
Serious question.
Which drug lets me get immersed in music.
Specifically for albums like lysflath.
t. haven't used any abusable drugs besides ritalin and xanax
Take more. You shouldn't really be able to do anything besides lying down and moaning with pleasure for the first couple of hours.
>hes taken LSD
>he thinks he has experienced weed
One day you're going to grow up and realize how stupid that thought process is.
> If you're an over thinking, anxious fag.
Psychs and stims are still great though. Weed is just not great. It has a time and place.
I would go with psilocybin mushrooms.
I wish people around here actually knew whether the stuff they were selling was indica or sativa. It's usually dumb people who refer to it as "weed" and I like one strain without the other for medicinal reasons.
> drugs make me like awful music
Really depends on you. Most psychs can get you pretty immersed, but I think dissociatives are interesting with music. Stimulants and maybe some weed would work real great too. Alcohol is sometimes underrated for listening to music, I think.
>Not a huge smoker at all, so pretty lightweight
>Friends get together with like a half ounce of weed and some dabs
>Get super fucked up, can barely think straight or not giggle constantly
>Think to myself "wow, I bet music and food would be fucking amazing right now"
>Put on my favorite psychedelic and downtempo music
>It's just music, nothing special
>Decide to make some super savory, unhealthy food
>It's just food, doesn't seem any better than when I'm sober
Since then I stopped cause it's just not worth the price or time.
That sounds not great. I took the dose based on body weight. Next time I do it I might do a little more, but being able to function in public is a huge benefit.
In that state, everything feels fantastic. But I wouldn't suggest doing it in public, no. It's better suited at a rave or even better, at home, with a small group of your best friends.
Music is one thing, but food? I pretty much came in my pants cause of a grilled cheese.
>But that's a lie. Depression doesnt stop the sri functions and even people who have fried their delicate serotinogenic systems from abusing mdma and its analogues will still speed on it.
Taking speed while you're depressed will make you feel like garbage the next day. It'll use up all you have left so you'll feel like a God for a couple of hours then you'll want to kill yourself the next day. Being depressed doesn't mean you have zero neurotransmitters left. I'm obviously talking out of my ass here, I'm not a pharmacist or a doctor but I seriously cannot stand people that tell me MDMA will cure depression.
That was the gist of what I was saying, sure.
I don't think very many people find Anathema or their new album "awful", just disappointing. Like I said.
This, drugs didn't do shit but my my problems and depression worse. I hate when people are all "weed cures depression" when it really didn't do much for me personally.
Listening to Spirituakized while on DXM was very wrenching.
psychedelics can be pretty good for mental disorders, although they can also bring other symptoms out instead so it's a potential risk
imo weed is pretty garbage for mental health, it releases dopamine such that it has potential for addiction, it also can reduce motivation, increase anxiety etc
also a distinction is weed feels pretty hazy and stupid, and you forget most of what you think about, comparatively acid feels a lot sharper and i feel like i remember a lot more of what i "figured out" and that the change to my outlook on life is much longer lasting when sober
Ah, you're young, well most mature adults call this 'relaxing', but because you've never done a day's work in your life you'll be confused about these things. Just trying to help! :)
listening to jazz on LSD is a much more beautiful experience than new wave on speed/molly
both are top tier tho
I'm not sure if psychs can be good with mental disorders, I've never done them but have an odd feeling that I shouldn't fuck with them. maybe it's because I haven't experienced any. I've never been able to even find shrooms around here.
>doesn't know music theory
>thinks he has experienced music
Gabber is for former ravers who fried their brains with daily MDMA
You'll cowards don't even smoke DMT
I liked music more before I did those things
Great album
I've been fascinated with it for years, I've met someone who's done it and they told me the effects were a bit exaggerated. Heard the same thing about mushrooms and lsd
Depends on how much you take
if you have a hangover after doing speed or mdma or any similar kind of drug, you need a better diet, more sleep and you need to slow your fucking roll.
not everybody is a machine who can dose 150mg of dexamp from a year of sobriety and have a pleasant time.
habit isn't addiction.
examples of things you can't be addicted to, but are easy to develop habits for:
l/d amphetamine
things you can be addicted to:
cocaine (as in the umbrella for hydrocoke and crack)
nobody is going out to suck some dick for some speed or some acid.
i mean maybe in a gay rave but you know what i mean.
I did a bit of lsd once and got some visuals, extremely tense shoulders/neck, a bit of anxiety and sadness/feeling of isolation alienation and that night I dreamt of snakes. Did listen to a trance song that was pretty amazing tho.
Now, I still have a small blotter lying around and I'm wondering if I should take it or not.
Don't even know if its lsd cause it tasted bitter and they say that's not right.
can you get addicted to gaming or betting?
Yes, if you're obsessively feeding your reward system with anything and it is destroying your or other people's lives it's an addiction.
yeah, I've never had a dealer who knew what he was selling. I almost always get hybrids, but it's a treat to get something more pure bred
No, but they are habit forming.
Nobody goes into gambling/video games withdrawal.
You can't really be addicted to psychs like LSD even if you tried t b h. The tolerance build up is waaayyy too fast and even if you could afford buying what it takes to be able to take lsd in consecutive days, you'll eventually saturate the receptors and would still be forced to wait some time. It's just impossible to get addicted to psychs.
you're wrong
that's not how it works.
you realize most junkies don't get high from their doses, right? they take more because if they don't they'll be too sick to function.
psychedelics are a special kind of evil though and will end in psychosis if they are abused heavily.
Just smoke if you want to dip your feet in, people think of DXM as a starting place for drug use, but it's actually way less comfortable for someone with less experience than a host of other drugs. I still think it and shrooms are my favorite thing for music listening.
so, physical withdrawal is the only requirement for addiction in your opinion?
I agree more with this def
Psychs are not as rewarding when abused. Anyway, you never hear of people not being able to function from psych withdrawl. The nature of these drugs are very different from opiates or benzos or whatever. LSD also takes a very long time. A normal trip is 10 hours. Most people feel exhausted after taking lsd and then there's the afterglow. Even if you could, there would little insentive to take it again afterwards
yeah bro I'm shooting up 6 majiuanas right now
if you take lsd on the daily it literally doesn't do anything at all, you need to wait like a week at least between doses
there's no withdrawal either
Ha ha, smoke the kush, amiright reddit?
>hasn't ever done mdma
>has listened to some folk rock on a fake acid tab
>thinks he has experienced music
>has smoked marijuana and taken lsd
>thinks he has experienced either drugs or music
iirc the tolerance calculator suggests if you take 100ug one day you have to take something like 290ug the next day to get the same intensity of effects, so perhaps you can triple the dose daily to keep tripping however:
1. people tend to report that going beyond like 1000ug on blotter results in no noticeable change of intensity (from baseline), so there may just be a hard cap on how much you can even absorb that way
2. tripping is tiring, there is little incentive to do it daily and i'd suspect doing so is an increased risk of a bad trip if you do increase the dose
how much of a pleb stereotype are you?
who here live sports+drugs?
yeah this all tallies
it's probably the hardest drug to get addicted to
>hasn't tripped on 10gs of dried shrooms and 1g cannabis brownies and smoked some 40X Salvia extract with the boys
>thinks he's experienced music
Maggot Brain, Bitched Brew, Tago Mago and Hosianna Mantra were my albums of choice btw
a drug which causes experiences considered so horrifying that the govt didn't even bother making it illegal
Idk how. It's intense, but i would consider higher doses of dxm worse
>I hate when people are all "weed cures depression" when it really didn't do much for me personally.
Do you not realize how stupid that statement sounds?
i think the whole 'timeless void where i became the universe which was a book made of endless flipping pages' is a bit much for most people
well when you've done enough lsd it's hard to know what you've actually experienced
>I hate when people are all "weed cures depression" when it really didn't do much for me personally.
While personal experience isn't reliable, you're right. Weed doesn't cure depression, it might help with some anxiety symptoms, but even so, benzodiazepines are more effective and have less secondary effects. Not to mention, weed doesn't really have any quality.
>tfw never have done drugs even though my friends do
>tfw have never used alcohol and don't even drink coffee
I feel like I'm the only square on Sup Forums sometimes. ;_;
>having to do drugs to enjoy music
I'm not going to call you disgusting, but if this is a constant thing for you people I think you should take your health into consideration.
>bad for your health
shut up faggot
>assuming they don't enjoy music sober
Kys weeb
Personally I don't need drugs to listen to music. I mean, that's an expensive lifestyle imho. Hell, one of the best things about taking drugs is looking foward to being sober (i know it sounds weird, but this is a constant for me). I think drug taking experiences inspire new interest in me. For example, before taking any drug, I was a post-hardcore, prog rock and rap kind of guy. After psychs I got into more things like free jazz, krautrock, and psychedelic rock. After taking opiates, I got into idm, slowcore, drone, nu wave, etc. These aren't thingns I hadn't heard of before. I've heard and enjoyed many things in these genres and styles before drugs, but they weren't my token. After the experiecnes many of these styles "clicked" with me and I sought them out more when sober than I did before.
>doing drugs
Lol that's pretty pathetic. Unless you're doing drugs ironically what's the point?
Must you resort to name calling?
I have no hatred towards those who do, or have done drugs, since I don't hate my brother; but I believe one should always strive to be healthy.
Just do it?
All you got to do is research what your putting in to your body. Drugs in moderation are relatively harmless. You only have one life, why not experience the most out of it?
not eveyone thinks it's cool to ruin their life
>tfw first DXM trips were clean and blissful, music was amazing, body felt great
>now every time I take it I throw up in half an hour and spend the rest of the day trying to scratch imaginary itches and trying to see through my double vision