Kanye is now 40 years old

>Kanye is now 40 years old
Will he remain relevant as long as Jay-Z or is his career soon over?

kanye is going to be relevant forever at this point.

he's safe as long as memes are relevant

>kanye and jay-z
shitty bait. kanye and jay-z are only relevant among niggers/wiggers.

Being this retarded. You have to be blind not to see kanye's influence.

no one gives a shit about kanye west outside twitter my man

>kanye and jay-z are only relevant among niggers/wiggers.
Black people don't care that much about Kanye, more than they care about his name being associated with quality, as in "white people don't deserve kanye" posts on twitter or other social media outlets.

I don't even think the classic wigger likes Kanye to begin with. Mostly "numales" or SJW people like them. user is kinda right Jay Z is another thing, tho.

>using the term "numales" and "SJW" unironically

Did someone make fun of Daddy?

bro...just get your ass back to twitter

Nah m8, I just didn't find any other terms that you people could understand.

Sorry for any inconvenience..

kanye hasn't been relevant for tiiiime bruv.

Mate, contemporary rap music would look completely different if at weren't for Kanye, you sideman pagon

This, anything he puts his name on turns to gold.

i'm not arguing his influence, but he's not relevant anymore.

Like, Rakim isn't really relevant anymore, but that doesn't mean he isn't the most important rapper of all time.


You're proving him right.

>debut at #1
>first streaming album to go platinum

so hes askin in the cover if he should choose between a black family or a white girl

id be pretty mad if i was his nigga wife

>its a good album since it sold well

okay then

I never claimed everything he does is good. I said everything he puts his name on is popular.

He said he turned everything to gold, not everything to morphine.

>being british and using those terms at all

go outside

I don't know pham, what's the best way to describe the current pitchfork staff?

Not to mention, white peeps do love kanye.

I feel like they're trying to blackball him again, so his next album needs to be another MBDTF or he'll become irrelevant and turn into SpaceGhostPurrp.

And you got to be deaf not to hear kanye is a shitty influence

kanye will release the best album of all time in 2019 and mysteriously die shortly thereafter

I wish

his career has been over since good life

his wife's white

We're talking about relevancy you retard

nigger please. your kind don't count.

black people barely like Kanye

At the very least he'll always be relevant behind the scenes. Imo it really depends how his next album does. Even though I don't think MBDTF was his best album it definitely sustained his career for a couple more years. If he can't pull that off on his next 1 or 2 albums I think he'll fade away soon

Either leave your retarded racebait on Sup Forums or admit that even if you hate black people they are influential on white culture.

That song was good

he's considerably more relevant than jay-z just taking into account his body of work

Not that guy, but I don't really think white people see him as influential more than he's consumable.

I'm not sure if there's any artist that's currently influential.

influential? tchaikovsky, mozart, prokofiev, bach are influential. the shit called kanye and jay-z is nowhere close to being influential. not only that, but even the silly american children that currently praise kanye/kendrick will forget about their idols in ten years.

REEEEing Sup Forumsfaggot aside, he clearly still is relevant, although it's unclear what impact his latest album will have on popular culture. I'm not sure what he'll transition into after rap though. Fashion seems like his current passion, but he's lost a lot of money in that game so he may be reluctant to try to invest deeply in his own line or clothing company again. Self belief is a powerful thing though, so he might just make something work. He'll always be working behind the scenes in music, so time will tell whether or not he has a good ear for talent like Dre. He's already signed Big Sean early on and Desiigner so that's a pretty good sign. Also, he signed this group Francis and the Lights just recently which I heard open up for MGMT years back and thought had real potential. If he keeps making moves like that, G.O.O.D. music will thrive long after Kanye stops rapping.


Talking out of your ass I see. Like most racists you know nothing about the "white culture" you adore.

holy fuck, I just realized the cake wall is separating tortilla chips and salsa from the potato chips and dip
actually pretty funny


I quoted the wrong post

Yeah because all the new rappers and and producers are studying Mozart. Learn what influential means dipshit.
>I'm not sure if there's any artist that's currently influential.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

implying rap is music, i see?

>Implying Kamyes Wyoming Mountain album isn't gonna be the album of the decade.