I have this, uncontrollable, rage inside of me Sup Forums Just years and years of relentless bullying...

I have this, uncontrollable, rage inside of me Sup Forums Just years and years of relentless bullying, torment and abandonment building up.
I just snap sometimes, choked a kid out in highschool, broke another kids ribs for calling me a faggot. I wanted to shoot up that school so badly but I'm in a country with strict gun laws and I didn't want to use a knife, if I do something it's going to be big. I want to get that high score.
I'm seeing a psychologist, but it's not helping.
Since highschool I've met a guy who can hook me up with guns and whatever I need.
I feel it building up again Sup Forums, what do I do? I feel lost, I feel like I need to get revenge on everyone who ever fucked me over. They all deserve to feel the pain I have felt. I want to rape their girlfriends in front of them then decapitate them and fuck their throats. I want to walk into a shopping center just as schools out and gun down as many pathetic, degenerate teens as I can. I want to destroy and fuck up as many lives as possible before blowing my own brains out in front of people just to scar them for life.
I've been doing a lot of research into how my state deals with Active Armed Offenders (Mass shooters) and I think I'd have a good 3 minute window of pure carnage before police even show up.
(I'm not planning anything and I don't want to do anything, I just have these thoughts and I am seeking help. so go away pls fbi)
wat do?

if you're gonna perform a massacre at least call it a crusade (love you fbi)

pic related?

Rage is nothing new, we all feel it from time to time. It's how we act on the rage that matters.
You're carrying too much anger towards people you should just forgive and forget - understand that forgiveness isn't some altruistic act, it's something you do to escape the power of those who have wronged you (whether they were aware of it or not).

In short, you're giving your trespassers wayyyyy too much power over you. You're letting them direct you towards self-destruction, which is silly. Don't give them that control.

Channel the energy somewhere else, learn karate, kung-fu, dance, anything physically strenuous that'll give you better bodily control.
Rage is fuel, use it for something that benefits YOU! And fuck whoever caused it.
They're merely fuel.

And hang with the people you gel with instead, those who get you and appreciate you for who you are.

Also, continuing with the therapy is probably a good idea, if your current therapist isn't doing the the trick, try another.

Good luck not self-destructing.

Oh look a cringe thread

I'm going to screencap that, you make a really good point. But I just feel like there needs to be something done, I feel like the wrongs must be made right. I feel like they deserve to die they deserve to suffer. I can't just forgive them, it's just to difficult but I dont want them to have this control over me as you put it. I don't know what to do. The thoughts of hurting them, making them suffer just take over my head, flood my mind. It's hard to explain I just want to kill

stream it

As I said, you're giving them too much power.
They don't deserve any attention from you whatsoever. Forget them.

Succeed in your own life, be happy in your own life - that's revenge enough.
You happy.
them forgotten, as if they don't matter.

can u go kill isis pls?? cheers - rest of world (fuck off FBI)

Those who are hurt by words are weak in the mind and are therefore candy-assed. but in order to achieve your goal of ultimate suffering, kill some kids it's a great way to piss people off and write something about dragging them to hell and you are much stronger than their god...also kill any cops by shooting them in the head, they will be forced to shoot you back or be left to the sands of time


Give in to your hatred, sate your bloodlust!


Get a life

become a proper villain
gj with ibfaggot

what do? graduate high school, move on with your life. win at life.


Whoa be careful kiddo you could cut yourself with that edge

Yes...do it. Let the rage and anger flow through you. Nurture it, expand it, let it burst forth in unimaginable fury.
Give yourself over to it, and let loose your wrath upon those who deserve it!

great story.

You should only kill bad people, watch Dexter

Become a tranny and make a whole movie about it

You better not die OP, kill many as much as you can.

Hey Fbi


What is this Templar trash everywhere Dafuq... There is no fucking god... Retard