About to go into work for the day. AMA

About to go into work for the day. AMA

Which corner do you work?

Can you be more specific?

I'm pretty specific already. If someone described me to the police they would likely find me.

He's calling you a prostitute

I realized that after the captcha submission.

Would You?

If she's single...in the right positions...then yes.

what is right position user?

I suppose no one really cares.

Bent over that couch.

if I had that pic would u want to see it?

Sure user, this someone close to you?

where your sidearm?

yes not single though

Where I work, I am not required to have one, nor was I issued one initially. I do however have the option of requesting one.

Why are you such a fag?

Bored honestly.

Thoughts on our lord and savior, Edward Snowden?

The morality he sided with was on point, but the way he went about it was in my opinion careless and naive. He could have worked with other whistleblowers to keep his life here in America.

what do you do exactly?
How long have you been doing it?
was this always your dream job?
did you ever serve in the military?

I hsve her bent over couch, but she is not single you still want?

Cryptography, foreign and domestic.
About 9 years.
Dream job would be the job I have now, but with a higher salary.

No, but many friends of mine have. God bless them all.

Right on.

Personally my favorite traitor is Aldrich Ames.

Have any coworkers who were around when Mir Qazi went on his little shooting spree in 93? Does old agency shit like that even get talked about?

Curious because I've never had a real job but have always been fascinated by CIA/FBI stuff.



To be quite honest, those topics are actually fairly taboo amongst most personnel anywhere you have clearance in. Even in both both branches, most people who work here are patriotic at the very least and usually those types of conversations never arise.

How old is she? If you don't mode me asking. With legs like that, it is a definite yes for me good lord.

She doesn't want me to say but over 55

Ames? really? Why?

Those taken recently I'm assuming? Tell her she's taken good care of her body.

Fair enough, that makes sense.

How do you feel about dipshit conspiracyfags who think the govt/CIA/FBI are behind the JFK assassination?

yes about 3,mos. ago

Have you ever broken a code that led to a major arrest?

Why are you on Sup Forums?

Who's your echo at The Aquarium?

I like traitors I guess. I don't really have any fixed beliefs so I'm fascinated with people who jettison morality and beliefs for personal gain. I know he got real people killed and I'm not saying that isn't a bummer, but to me it's all just history to read about. I think Hanssen made more money, but Ames probably did more damage if I remember right. Seemed fairly unrepentant as well.

Well to be quite frank, there are men I know personally who to this day believe there was a higher up who orchestrated it. But in my opinion, those individuals who claim the government as a whole had something to do with it are misinformed.

my bullshit meter is giving readings off the chart

Yes, and because once you're here, you're here forever.

You have any personal IRC

"Enters an AMA, doesn't ask a question."

Yes, Eyes Red A/B, though.

Are the higher ups freaking out over the massive CIA leaks from WikiLeaks? They're exposing quite a lot of the inner workings of CIA cyber weapons

That will suffice. What else do you want to know?

People will think this forever, but its perfectly feasible that Oswald acted alone and got lucky. Yet people worship conspiracy theories with such fervor they will do mental gymnastics to believe what they think is more nefarious and exciting.

Ok, so does the agency monitor Sup Forums? Or another government organ? I always see people saying that on here

Arrn't you going to be late for work?

It's honestly an annoyance at best. They're used to always being ahead of the curve technologically, they knew that a portion of what they invented would eventually surface. The scary part most people should know is that compared to what the NSA has access to, the CIA is in the Stone Age.

I work the Baltic Desk and should just give you a Real World Flash Condition: We're expecting LGM in Narva, Estonia to rabble rouse around 1400 GMT on the 30th.

Duely noted. Are there any preparations for a preemptive?


How many people you're gonna kill?

We've forwarded every known INT to KaPo and Vabariigi Valitsus. Our "RoE" won't allow Six to interfere with affairs in a NATO ally's internals.

We do not officially, but some flagged threads I know go straight to the lower levels of the FBI

figures, fucking Government job, no accountabaility

wtf just happened here..

How were you made aware of this? I've yet to receive any notifications regarding these events.


The higher up you go, the less strict they are about set work hours.

Intercepts of GRU and SVR comms at The Doughnut that triggered a Blue Response. PAR similar to chatter seen on 23 February, 2014 before the Crimea Crisis.

This is actually unsettling. We're going to need to move off here. Are there any required clearances for me to recieve updates? Or would I just be called upon with out much time to research, as usual.

I'm rather shocked Black Chamber hasn't boomeranged this to your appropriate desks yet. I figured SCS assets would already be boots down.

We have this marked as Eyes Blue A/B and CASTLE. Call the number and we'll get a courier on the next plane to Dulles.

>Burt's Bees Cock Gloss

Why does the C.I.A. use iphone?

Much appreciated. Thank you, sir.

For the record, what is someone of your prestige doing on here at this time of day? No disrespect at all, I'm just finding this all too humorous.

I have several phones, this is not a work phone.

When a target wants you to suck his dick you have to be ready for that shit or your cover will be blown


Those of us without Bath stars on our collars actively watch internet sites on a second monitor.

It's a sad state of affairs that our first indications of the current rebellion in Venezuela came from a Sup Forums post.

I too would like to know more.

This is so true it hurts. I wanted to say the same thing to that user who asked but I figured he wouldn't believe me.

We jest that Tom Clancy is rolling in his grave every time we get INT of a Real World Event sourced from Periscope, Twitter or Sup Forums before a "real" asset.

Wait, what.... Tom Clancy is died ?

Haha well I'm sure most of the OGs would be disappointed to some degree

Tom Clancy died on 1 October, 2013...

