Blessed with Mercury-tier charisma

>blessed with Mercury-tier charisma
>writing skills

>becomes a nu-cuck icon instead

Jesus Christ!


that's not Robin Pecknold

>>blessed with Mercury-tier charisma

Pure Comedy is so fucking underrated on here, it's not even funny.

Easily his best album, objectively

no thats fear fun

I like Pure Comedy but can't listen to it in one sitting, all the songs start to blur together


Do you even music bro?

>becomes a nu-cuck icon instead
to be fair, he looks like one and plays a very nucuckish genre


yeah i enjoy good music. which pure comedy isn't sadly.

As a Proud Aryan, I'm glad the Farmer is a singer-songwriter living on an Aryan tradition of artists such as Nilson, Lennon, Young, etc.

It brings tears to my eyes, and don't you dare call him a cuck. He's the Poster boy of White Lives Greater...
Lol jk

Every track on PC is great to me, and the album is more dense instrumentally, conceptively, and cohesive than any of his previous work.

Fear Fun is a light 7. Everything up to Only Son of the Ladies Man is great, then the album falls flat on its ass. And even if it had finished stronger, it would still be his least impressive album in my eyes because of how unoriginal Fear Fun is.

there goes that word again
look if you can't explain why you like pc its cool. but don't just add random filler words.

>and the album is more dense instrumentally, conceptively, and cohesive than any of his previous work.
saying this adds nothing to the discussion. in fact its you just assuming everybody knows wtf you are talking about. I can say that about any release and it would still mean nothing.

how is hb and fb less instrumentally, conceptively, and cohesive?

don't like him, lyrics never really touched upon me in any meaningful way, in fact most of the time they seem shallow, or for lack of better words steeped in their own misplaced sense of cleverness. Of course he's the frontman, he's a solo act, pecknold was the bigger talent with far better writing skills.

I can literally write a 40 page essay on my love for Pure Comedy, but go ahead and try and shun what you know to be correct, you're only neglecting one of the best albums of this year.

Also, thanks for ignoring the fact that Fear Fun falls apart at the end of the album. It's good to know you're not an idiot who would dispute that

Every track on FF is great to me, and the album is more dense instrumentally, conceptively, and cohesive than any of his previous work.

Pure Comedy is a light 7. Everything up to Leaving LA is great, then the album falls flat on its ass. And even if it had finished stronger, it would still be his least impressive album in my eyes because of how unoriginal Pure Comedy is.

>being this butthurt
>not having valid reasoning.


you never had a valid reason in the first place :)

I liked I Love You, Honeybear but the guy comes across as such an insufferable dick. I just wish he'd stop hiding everything beneath 17 layers of irony and sarcasm and just fucking write something straight up.

>blessed with Mercury-tier charisma
I saw him in concert and he didn't say a fucking word

also Pure Comedy was far too long, and incredibly boring at parts. Held up by about 4 songs. 5/10

>and the album is more dense instrumentally, conceptively, and cohesive than any of his previous work.

dude, piano ballads, lmao

Okay how about this:

Pure Comedy illustrates a profound sense of empathy and understanding of how government, Corporate elites, etc. in Western Civilization have an agenda to kill off all healing energy of this planet, even going as far as to keep destroying the earth, which is our vessel to experience and learn. The topics on this album highlight some of humanities largest internal struggles. As emotionally invested as he gets in these topics, he finds his own healing within laughing about it all. The End of the World may be around the corner, but as FJM says "There is nothing to Fear", he knows being scared of manifesting change, doesn't make change. It is a comforting line that lays as the baseline for which the Albums political, spiritual, and social consciousness ideals can freely Ingrain safely in the listeners mind.

If you'd like me to continue with the instrumental side of this album i will

>father John numale
>Mercury-tier charisma
Pick one & only one

no its fine. i already knew that about the album. far as reaching mainstream appeal its good to have been made for his fans that are clueless about these topics. but as a music fan. too me its his worst out of his fjm series.

I bet you write thinkpieces

Fear Fun is God tier sex music

pure comedy is just the shittier reddit version of honeybear which is objectively great

It doesn't matter if you already know it. Everybody on Sup Forums knows the point of PC

The real question is, how does it emotionally effect you? How does it feel? For me, the whole album is so emotionally rich and potent. The guy really fucking means what he's saying, it's not just some fucking play. It's real life, real pain, and a genuine person Putting his soul on the line for God and the greater good of mankind. Think it's pretentious? Guess what, it's probably you that's pretentious to you're own genuine feelings on a regular basis every day of you're life. I mean every word of this by the way.

Call me a cuck, I get a rise out of it. Go right ahead, it's you're way out of this conversation


>The real question is, how does it emotionally effect you?
i have crohn's so im pretty indifferent to the subject matter hes talking about because it doesn't really improve my life. so emotionally it didn't really effect me.
fear fun made me happy
hb made me laugh

its cool that you like it tho.


I hope that you're crohn's gets easier to deal with. And I do have empathy. Sorry if I came off as a jackass, I really do think the album Is essential and I'm not troll

Who dis? That nigga from Destroyer?


>I really do think the album Is essential
i agree its essential tbqh.

Aww the nigga that been fighting throughout this whole thread now best friends