What does Sup Forums think of this wonderful organization?
What does Sup Forums think of this wonderful organization?
Liberal brainwashing.
I think it gets more people to vote Trump honestly.
Leave it to the liberals to exploit all these people to show the "racism' of others.
Jews screwing liberals out of shekels by selling them dumbfuck t-shirts that make you look like a cunt if you go out in public wearing it
Everyone is jealous of MAGA hats
Another great promotion for Trump, what more could we ask for.
Has that quality of cheesiness that out of touch marketers use to sell some of their bullshit. Sad!
Degenerates trying to be edgy against a good man only makes me favor him more.
goy slaves marched against the white gods by the eternal jew
>Trump hates jews
maybe we could make an organization named fuck islam
Don't give these people views. THEY EXIST TO SELL MERCHANDISE.
>leftist "humor"
Soros mouthpiece.
Aren't these videos made by someone LITERALLY named Luke Sissyfag?
how do they always use the most obnoxious, unlikable facial expressions?
these are REEEEEEEEEEEE the video
Cancer aimed at gullible children. aka liberals.
The more baseless slander and ad hominem you use, it only makes us stronger
When trump is president I am going to personally kill every person in this video and present their genital to the God emperor as tribute.
They're not doing a very good job, at least liberals pretend to like the Drumpf meme and bought the hats, I've never seen any of them signal with TuckFrump merch
Hmm let's look up the founder of this movement:
>In 1993, Montgomery appeared in national headlines and on the talk radio circuit after legally changing his name to "Luke Sissyfag", in a PR tactic to show other LGBT teens that anti-gay slurs cannot hurt people who are proud of who they are.[2] The story was covered in papers from USA Today to The Sydney Morning Herald.[citation needed] Two years later he changed his name back to Montgomery.
Mr. Sissyfag sells cambodian made sweatshop t-shirts to brainwashed liberals and donates a penny to their charities.
OMFG absolutely pathetic.
Or browse with Ublock Origin
>beat back
But hes showing no signs of stopping at all.
I've never seen a video with this much dislikes compared to likes.
Hey Luke "Sissyfag" Montgomery, still out to promote your shit tier videos on a congolese drumstick artist forum?
Did you fill out your FEC documents yet buddy? Nah don't tell me, I just check it.
>You tweeted Neo-nazi "facts" about blacks being killers
>Tuck Frump Debunked
It's a scheme to sell shitty T-shirts
The problem is even liberals think edgy swearing children is stupid
>Ublock Origin
patrician taste, but nowhere near the godlike level of NOSCRIPT
he looks like a liberator
They have cultist eyes
I love how badly this Soros kike propaganda failed. Any more new things for us to dislike and shitpost to oblivion?
If nobody wants to watch the whole video here's a brief summary in one picture.
Someone post the cheeky remix where some Sup Forums tier guy dubs over the voices, please.
"Ching chong, ching chong ching."
Shits great.
This company does alright. The same people behind:
oh and the infamous making two underage boys kiss.
how is that debunking lmao
a sort of very fine tweaking of what happened, that becomes disgusting and flagrant if you actually care to look. communicated in a way to be marketed to children
Why are you linking cancer, kike
Like really what are you doing here
Desu, never tried to watch JewTube with NOSCRIPT, is this even possible?
he was impersonating the reporter stuttering and being unable to remember what he said, not "he was such a retard hurr hurr hurr"
I am posting it so you know their agenda to sell t-shirts.
Fuck off kike shill.
>all of those dislikes
It's glorious
Underrated post.
everything is harder with it, but no Jew will plant ANY of his cookies on your machine without your permission
don't reply to me you fucking racist
Was waiting for this to appear
Who doesn't say "japs"?
This is what I think also. People see these horribly cringey videos and think "I'd rather be on Trump's side than these losers..."
As a mother of three i don't think latinos want to be lumped with those fucking sub-human.
The Jew girl has a fat fucking mouth though. I bet she sucks mean cock.
>48k dislikes
but you replied to me
This shit makes it really hard for me to not support genocide.
Don't talk to me or my anons ever fucking again, bigot
I don't get why people find "Jap" offensive. Is it offensive to call someone who's Polish a Pole? What about calling someone from Finland a Finn?
why would they be mad at him? Well, unless they are illegals be and if they are they got no right to speak in this(US) country.
Again what? He doesn't have problems with trannies using different bathrooms why would he have problem with gays?
Again, the woman card, she says some stupid shit, donald mock her for that and then its "HURR HE HATES WOMAN BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMAN"
And literary every single male at some point in his life made "she must be on her period" joke.
Ok what the fuck is this supposed to mean?
Maybe asians that lives outside of the US(trump want to get jobs back from them) but why does their opinion matter?
Again, its a meme, only BLM retards are against trump, other than this he is doing pretty well with blacks
And he saying that they are "lazy" and "violent" is a fact, not his opinion.
most crimes? Blacks
most people on welfare(compared accordingly so every 1 in X black people)? Blacks
>I love israel
>heavyset & disabled people
"If I say it enough times it becomes true and valid!"
He already said that he was mocking a person not his disability in that case people actually speaking for him because he is disabled are doing the wrong thing because they see him as a disabled person not just a person.
If you are a fat fuck you deserve to be mocked.
You are literary killing yourself and it is just a wakeup call...
They can either do that or ignore it and just let you die at 40...
what about islam telling infidels off?
trump only hates muslims (nothing wrong in that btw)
you're on your own jasmin
Hello cry baby
Enjoy the down fall of your mental I'll view of the world
It's Fucking over and your scared
We don't give a shit about what you say or think and that's the only thing you have as your not important.
You have became nothing and can't do shit about it
Can confirm. Nothing better than wearing head apparel that triggers leftists by the sight of it.
This makes me want to vote Trump even more, i need to see all these bastards assblated
holee fugg I just realized this bitch has a 4 year old sucking on her titty. wtf is that.
Go sell your t-shirts somewhere else you merchant piece of shit.
Were you here at the Shillary happening in November?
i want to kill every minority now
hahahaha luke sissyfag is the king of the cucks
>hearthstone memes IRL
Wait, it's racist to call Japanese people Japs?
fuck, I've been accidentally revealing my power level
Yes, I was.
>trip related
My toilet witch has a better vocabulary than that; and she's dead motherfuckers.
Is this how children talk in America? HARAAM
holy shit that kid is in the third fucking grade.
progressives truly are mental
right? i'm sorry this bullshit comes out of my country
Dw senpai, it's power level is pretty low.
hard to say a guy is hateful when you use language like that and stick your finger up at the camera. Plus that hateful tone they give off wants me to vote for trump, even though im a paki (what did you expect from my flag ?)
Lol I just remembered I told my coworkers that I thought "half Japanese people are the worst people" today. I say offcolor things all the time so they probably think nothing of it, and I act interested their cultures (black, gay).
This woman should have acid poured on her face for letting me see it.
Fucking A, swissbro.
Let me get all these archived threads into a good dumpsite.
At least everybody knows soros funds her now. There's no way the fbi missed all that shit.
fuck you aquafresh
dont be it's not like you are involved or something
Am I the only one here who thinks the word ''bigot'' is absolute cancer?
Daily reminder, it will happen, by Kek.
Oh yea I got some more stuff on that bro.
I want to rape her mouth like a crazed slavic red soldier. Fucking rape them all like my ancestors did in 1945.
No white men allowed
I'm kind of scared to famm.
I like how the picture of a german releasing gas is wearing a british royal airforce's hat.
Fuck we should have continued the T4 program.
all cancer
I'm going to be using filedropper to share this shit. The links need to be fresh, so give me a half hour or so.
Is this a Cyclops? Christ her eyes are so close
>they literally hire a cyborg to say anything but "muh dick"
When has Trump ever disparaged gays, women, moms, asians or especially jews? I know the others are irrelevant cherrypicking as well but I haven't even seen as much as a "problematic" tweet directed toward these groups
he isn't wearing a hat doe
Simply, ebin. also
And just as some proof I'm not bullshitting you
He doesn't support their right to murder their offspring.