The Philippines is considering a new law that if you don't sing the national anthem with gusto and ferver...

The Philippines is considering a new law that if you don't sing the national anthem with gusto and ferver, you should go to prison. Why don't all countries have this law? I'm fucking sick of snobby liberal fucks who hate the US and won't sing our anthem, why would you want to be neighbors with someone who hates their country?

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If you think this should be in America, then you hate America.

Leave, commie.

Why? Why should the people who love America have to live next to people who hate America?

If you don't like American values, leave.

So American values has treason and hatred for their own country now?

Why do all these 3rd world shit countries try even harder to be shit? Like is there a competition? If the Philippines outshits Somalia at being shit do they get a trophy? A pat on the back? Will South Sudan hand them a "Official Shit Country" sticker?

If you don't like American values or the constitution, there are plenty of third-world shitholes run by people who hate freedom where you can move, commie.


Holy fuck you're retarded. Your very country was founded specifically to prevent this kind of shit. The irony in your statement is profoundly hilarious. You need to learn your own countries history young one, what your founding fathers truly stood for. If you think singing a fucking song with your hand on your chest is the only true way to express your patriotism, then you sir are a true idiot.

If you fail to show patriotism, you should be punished.

Because we aren't fucking savages, you mong. Why the fuck do you and so many like you miss the point of America? Also, I may not agree with many of the stances liberals hold, but ever thought that in some cases expressing discontent with your country isn't totally a bad thing? In some cases, puts pressure on our society and could even lead to phasing out values that really are outdated.

I agree, they should have that law. The more of those mud-colored island harpies in jail the better. Filipinos a rare case in which the culture is so garbage it's bound to destroy itself, cleasing the world of its own poisons.

>3rd world country

>you sir
back to fucking reddit you fedora loving faggot

At least they're nationalists. If a Filipino is not patriotic, he or she can leave. Simple as that

You're beyond repair, the stupidity has engulfed you. Thankfully the majority of Americans will never stand for being told how to behave or speak. You're just another brand of SJW type faggotry.

>what is satire

To my defence, in the old days hundred or thousands of years ago in other nations or even in the early days of this country up until the hippies, if you did not show patriotism you were automatically branded a traitor and a coward

Typical conservative logic.

> wants to lockpeople up for not singing the anthem

You must choose. I love our country, but our anthem is shit tier. Nobody likes anything from Baltimore.

Because we don't have too it's just a song and a shit one at that about a war we pretty much lost. You don't even need to stand or anything it's just a song it can literally be changed to the abc's if we so desired.

It's out national anthem and if you don't show respect towards it you should be treated like a foreigner.

And then a small group of Colonists came along and said fuck all that shit, we want true freedom. And now you spit on their graves with your communist ideas.

Because fuck the government. Also I'm not a liberal I'm actually farley conservative on economic issues

How is it communist? It sorts out the Americans from the rest of them. If you don't like the law that required you to sing with 100% sincerity, get the fuck out. Don't let the door smack your cunt on the way out

>if you're trolling you'll die in your mom will die in her sleep tonight


Fuck off, spam

Blind patriotism is truly pathetic. The whole "If you don't do X then you're Y" argument is children's logic. Grow a pair of balls and do whatever the fuck it is you feel like doing. I love my country, but I'm not going to be branded a traitor for my lack of enthusiasm in singing a fucking song. I'll demonstrate it in more meaningful and impacting ways.

Maybe it works over in that macronesian cesspit, but here? More unapologetic jingo fervor, and blatant disregard for the law of the land? Hooray. Just what this country and the world needs right now.

It's a good thing I'm dyslexic and read that shit so backwards that it didn't make sense

... and that's why our country is shit

I maek a vowel mistaek


This "song" defines us.

Reevaluate your last statement

you are legitimately retarded but still get all flashy on the internet, instead of being ashamed and hiding. how do you think they treat the morons in the Philippines or Vietnam?

P.s our federal reserve isn't run by the government instead it is run by Goldman Sachs and all dem dibshits

I'm not even American you fucking tard. Holy shit your slow, it's like you can't even read. I clearly know more about your own countries ideals than you do you fucking moron.

The morons? I think you mean the shitbags and non-hackers, right? They send them to prison or boot their fucking asses out of the country. Sounds smart to me

>being defined by a song

That's truly fucking pathetic. I pity the fool.


Tell me more about our ideals, globalist

The only way I would sing the American anthem, would be if they changed it to this, the star spangled banner sucks.

Now I'm a Globalist? It's like you just regurgitate buzz words in a blind rage to make yourself feel more politically relevant. If you're not baiting right now, sincerely kill yourself.

I like the part about bombs, and fire, and the flag still being there

>The fuck do you mean that's the whole song?

inflation is a necessary and healthy part of an economy dipshit

Fuck, the moron answered...
That IQ, dude!
Here we go, slower:

How do you think they treat the morons in the Philippines or Vietnam?

Not the hackers, traps, beer bottles, codfish or teddy bears ... the morons!


They elect them to public office.

the amerian culture is slowly diving into retardedness. arent muslims already using your roads for prayers?

Goddamn Amerians. Think they run the bloody world.

Smoking crack again? You're unintelligible

cause sometimes the country is not worth singing for user

We do.
Europe is getting overrun by jihadists and America is locking down their borders, just like Hungary and Czech Republic.

Troll harder europhucked

Because you think you're free ? Free to do what ? Hahaha wake up.

I'm not talking about Amerifats, of which I am one, I'm talking about those goddamn sneaky Amerians.

You know the ones.

There no point. You still pay American taxes when you leave.

You still have to pay Zimbabwean taxes when you leave Zimbabwe.

>waiting for your point


I don't think you full comprehend The Constitution and its values if you're saying the US should do this... This isn't a libtard or conservacuck issue, it's a constitutional one

This sounds like full blown nationalistic communism or totalitarianism. If you want to warship a dictator, go to the Philippians or Russia cuck

Or go back in time I guess

>muhh traditions
>change is scwarwy

More reason to hate the fucking Philippines actually

>don't think you full comprehend The Constitution and its values

spoken like a true constitutional scholar

Nice punctuation.

my father was a military officer, I'll always stand. But thats the freedom for those little liberal cucks. Letem be and dont givem ammunition (kek a liberal has ammunition).

Its usually just kids who try to be different (aka self confidence issues) and hipster/hippies who havent grown out of that stage. They're a minority, dont worry. Let em be.

Ah damn phone, it's OK, I know if I don't spell correctly you won't comprehend my point. Because it's really hard for you to do that. I get it.

Who's the commie? The republicans

Look how excited he is. He's just pleased as punch that Papa Putin is happy with him.

This man is emotionally about 8 years old. Fucking reality got real weird real fast.