Is South Park redpilled?

Season 19's specifically with the PC Principal and sjw plotline

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The slowest of pokes.

It always was, you dumb nigger

No. They are Sargon "attack both sides" tier.

Why "red" pilled? Are you some kind of communist?

They will poke at Trump next season for sure

They tend to play the middle ground in South Park but they revealed their power level with Team America

Mr. Garrison raped Trump to death already, literally.

The creators are libertarian. They sling shit at both sides.

This was the worst season of south park by far.

They backed down in the season finale like good little cucks.

such an underrated movie

Season 1 was worse.

The jewish one said "I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals"

Yeah right. Watch the episodes during their 2008-2010 rut.

best season in years, anyone who says differently is a contrarian.


next season will be so political and rage inducing.
Most people don't know anything about world events except for what shows like south park and the daily show tells them.

So I really fear this next season they'll shit all over Trump. I hope not. but I don't expect them to be on our side.

Family Guy started out as neutral, but then switched to libtard full time, so fuck Seth!

This episode was kind of cool.

Newfag get out

They're just PC to crush some puss.

Omg. Just kill yourself.


He is really saying that for your own good BTW.

You think he knows subtle? He doesnt.

Wow, we've only had a Whole Foods for 3 weeks and already we don't need police officers

So cool


South Park rips shit out of everything. They took a hardline Trump mocking episode and made the whole season about retarded SJW PC bullshit and the cop hate. It's great because they just aren't shills, they're comedians and when something is weak or stupid they mock it. Luckily this means they mock the left a lot more, but they won't always play nice with republicans either.

They are sometimes fucking soothesayers too, S18 had Trans bathrooms before anyone was talking about trans fucking bathrooms seriously, they had Syrian refugees before anyone cared about that either and a load more before-its-time commentaries.

I wish they'd drop the whole season arc bullshit though I preferred 1-3 episode arcs but it's still fun to watch.

I thought it was their best

Literally Stunning and Brave

The noses

They've attacked Clinton on more than on occasion so it's not like they will be against us either.

I feel like with Trump, they do like some aspects of him, with Mr. Garrison acting like him and the Canadian Trump basically being a fake one. And clearly the previous season was a full scale attack on the whole PC movement.

Time will tell, but as usual I'm pretty sure they will attack both sides.

wisecrack does a good analisis of the season:

they view it as a critic of neoliberalism

is this supposed to be bad?

>occasion so it's not like they will be against us either.
>I feel like with Trump, they do like some aspects of him, with Mr. Garrison acting
Mate they attacked the fuck out of Bill Clinton when he was in office in the first seasons and basically left Dubya alone. Ripped Clinton (f) hard on the Obama trail for the Dem 2008 nomination, especially with the Snuke episode and they made some hilarious Obama episodes including the one that said Romney won the 2012 election because that's what the people wanted, but it was rigged.

They attacked the crap out of Obama when his grandmother died too and made a joke episode about that with John McCain. They took the piss out of McCain supporters and Palin to keep it even, of course. If they go political their history says they have a higher likelyhood to go for the left. That said Trump is a box of memes and he will give them a LOT of content, so I'm worried he'l give them so much content they'll run away with it. That says if you're worried about where people get their news from remember even negative ads make Trumps support go upo. The man is unstoppable and RUNNING on publicity. A whole Garrison-is-Trump 'where ma country gon' season would not only be funny but I guarantee it will make the viewers like Trump more.


Stop using this dumb fucking term you fedora tipping faggot.

garrison is trump dummy thats why he was a woman VP and is running for president

gr8 b8 m8

its called suspense

They mock everybody, but usually the people who deserve it the most at the time.


PC principal is the best character they've come up with in ages. Great seeing the militant left get BTFO.



>It's great because they just aren't shills

Trust me they'll go right back to being shills the second they disagree with you fags or make Trump look too bad.

They WILL make Trump look bad. They will mock him and they will be fucking funny. Because they're nearly always funny, as seasons go. They have dud episodes sure but they always pull it off. I WANT them to mock Trump, it's a topic I'm informed on and I find it funny. Did you watch S19?

>Garrison becomes Trump
>Wears hat
>Says where my country gone identical to MAGA hats
>Wants to build wall with Canada
>Canada builds wall instead
>Garrison says he's gunna 'fuck em all to death' instead of MAGA
>Goes to Canada
>Canadian President is Trump v2, even loks like him
>Canada is in ruins
>Garrison rapes Trump v2 to death and snorts his blood
>Chooses Caitlyn Jenner as a running mate
>Vows to fuck every Canadian to death
>Canadian makes speech about how they didnt want to elect Trump but everyone found him funny until it happened

It was fucking funny as shit every time they showed Jenner she looked fucked up and ran over an old woman. No doubt leftists will see it as some sort of validation of their beliefs about Trump (while staying shockingly ignorant to PC Principle) but who gives a fuck. It's funny.

No the creators of south part are contrarians they like to make fun of everyone unlike family guy which is a liberal circle jerk