Why are the Jews the funniest, most beautiful and most intelligent breed of humans?

Why are the Jews the funniest, most beautiful and most intelligent breed of humans?

Hahahaha, no. The only thing they are good at is destroying shit that does not belong to them.

>Hahahaha, no.

Hahahaha, no.

because of their genes

Stealing like a fucking jew. Shlomo please.


Well we know your sexual orientation.

JIDF plz go

Oy Vey! We are beautiful and most intelligent because we are god's chosen! Remember our 6 millions!

It was just such an original thought that nobody has ever had ever.

>It was just such an original rebuttal that nobody has ever had ever.

Jews are cancer



>This is a serious debate now that you said rebuttal. Everything is on record and we should use dense legal jargon from here on. Everything on the internet is serious.

Obviously the genetics of being in a group that had the toughest hardships throughout history. Only the best survived.

>Is scared of big words, then proceeds to associate a simple reply with a debate.

What is there to even debate?

being the most hated group of people in the world puts the selection pressure on. Only the strong and cunning survived. They're just more evolved.

Because all the dumb ones got caught in Germany and comedy comes from misery the survivors remember well. Beautiful... meh



>Is scared of big words

5 syllables is my limit, then I get proper spooked.

Jews merely adopted attractive daughters through marriage or conversion all for the mighty shekel

The Dunning–Kruger is strong with this one.

Ok, i see.

You're very kind to use such tiny words.

War never changes

is it cause they own the media?

Congratulations, you're both retarded. Arguments in semantics never get a point across, keep trying though.

I never labeld myself as superior or claimed it. My ad hominem attack was spot on, unless you are willing to claim otherwise.

It is funny you mention Dunning–Kruger effect on a thread about jewish racial superiority.



This guy thinks this is a cause kek. He's the dumbest one of all for taking this seriously. Is this obvious shitposting this important to you because you don't have much going on as far as passions or responsibility?

You don't have to answer I already know.

So you do admit that you argument was fucking retarded in the first place.

Shitposting and speaking the truth does not have to be exclusive. Especially because you seem to be so butthurt about it.



kek he's still on a crusade


Black comedians are funnier than Jewish comedians

>posts Larry David

oookay.... wanna try again?

Because they are God's chosen people. He gave them all of the good traits.

It never ends! Deus vult!


Well this wasn't intended to be a cringe thread, but by all means.

They marry whoever is better than them

"jews are the best people" says the jew

Like a butcher checking his own meat.

Europe, Israel...

I'm English/Scandinavian but why would you practice logic?

Of course you would cringe, i would expect nothing less after getting your ass handed to you so badly.



Weve been suffering from these pigs for so long and all eu did was criticize our defensive acts and justify the terrorists.
Its so satisfying to watch eu getting fucked.

You prefer muslims running israel?
Will be another 3rd world shithole in the middle east