Be me

>be me
>haven't done coke in close to 10 years, rarely thought about it since quitting
>suddenly start jonesing fucking hard this morning
>hasn't stopped all day
>can't stop thinking about it
>have kids and responsibilities now, so going back to it is a negative, ghostrider
Anybody know wtf is happening or what I should do? FWIW, I was 12 when I picked up coke, and 17 when I quit it.

You're just having a craving. Go get some fresh air.

Do that and drink some cold water, maybe try scented candles

Or do some coke

Fresh air, cold water, scented candles. Thanks, anons. I already have the scented candles, so I should be good.

Don't let it win it will pass. Go do something to take your mind off it


Coke ain't shit

Get an gran enjoy yourself and never do it again for another 5-10yrs

Something got you regressing? Something reminding you of the 'good' old days' ? Nip it in the fucking bud

I haven't done coke in months but sometimes I have dreams when a friend or a member of my family have some and refuse to share with me.

I wake up with my heat racing and wanting some so fucking bad.

The only way to deal with it is to remind yourself why you quite in the first place

Doing Coke at 12. wutface explain pls

Stop whining and get some coke you fucking pussy. A few rails never done anyone any harm.

Best way to sate yourself is to give in a little to kill the jonesing. Once every number of years is sometimes exactly what is needed to keep you off the shit hard.

One bump, then let it be.

>be me
>have friend who does coke
>always jittery
>always hyperactive
>he's actually a nice guy
I don't think he'll hit 30

>One bump, then let it be

Implying this is how coke works

You don't stop after one cunt, you know drugs are addictive right?

>Implying insta-addict occurs with any drug.
stfu noob

I'd argue that It takes more willpower and u can will urself 2 not do more. Thats what I do but at the same time I understand tht not everyone can do that


dried coke could still be stuck in your nasal passage, and micro amounts are still dripping down. theres a goldmine of coke in your head op. inhale violently with your nose and you'll be flying in no time.

This is a guy relapsing, you think he has the willpower to stop during a fucking craving? It's not insta-addict, it's the person. Also you can take that noob and go back on to fucking 2012

you lot can thank me later
>snap teens .net

Robot dubs, nice

Bullshit, coke ain't nearly as addicting as you think once the high wears off it fucking sucks.

Child detected

Don't do it annon. I relapsed a month ago after being clean for 7 years. It sucked me right back into imhaving to do it every day. Stopped 5 days ago. Be strong my dude. I regret everything.

Yeah, people said noob in fucking 2012, I'm not fucking wrong

You have clearly never taken cocaine. Don't believe what they tell you in school.

People have been saying noob for twenty years kiddo.

we know, you fucking newfag. we were there.

pepperidge farm remembers.

relax dude, that shit will go away, dont go there you know whats coming next. Fuck that shit

I'm sorry, forgive my ignorance for not telling you the exact year, shut the fuck up you little bitch

Go to a meeting user. It helps. It's the only thing that stopped my repeated relapses after years.

-Former heroin addict

Whatever you do, don't fuckin' rack up. Jerk your shit, get some air, wear yourself out exercising just do whatever until it passes.

Jesus fucking christ, go back to your subreddit you newfag piece of shit.

Middle school in bad area. Had tons of friends with hookups through their parents or "family friends" or who just stole the shit, and they sold drugs for spending cash.

You're genuinely fucking retarded, nobody has one bump that they enjoy and then goes "wow that was an enlightening 30 minutes, I sure don't wanna do that again to keep it going for longer"
It's not instant addiction, it's instant "fuck this sucks, I wanna get back to that" which is easy as shit to achieve with blow.

You fags have clearly never even been in the PRESENCE of coke let alone tried it you neet faggots.