Why did he have such bad luck with women?

why did he have such bad luck with women?


Poor, manlet

Poor and stupid. Also manlet.

he was not stupid, he was going to college.

So have lots of retards with liberal arts degrees.

Well the few times he was actually going to score he got interrupted by various members of his family. And I'm pretty sure he scored a few times, he wasn't a complete loser, he was just trying to constantly go after 10/10 dumb hot girls. Occasionally it worked.

Bud was the intellectual of the family from what I remembered.

Bud's problem was that he worshiped women. He should have listened to his dad and realized all women are just idiotic low attention span whores who only care for money and social status.

An intellectual man like Bud didn't need a girlfriend. He should have focused on what he wanted to do and get sex by pumping and dumping hot dumb supermodels once he got rich.

he was in love with Kelly and he sabotaged every attempt at bedding another woman

>all women are just idiotic low attention span whores who only care for money and social status.
Projecting much, there? Holy shit.

He was poor, women only care about money. Money = women.

>>all women are just idiotic low attention span whores who only care for money and social status.
This is true. What's your point, dumbfuck?

I don't think you know what that word means.

He still got laid quit often, much more than any of us. He just got rejected many times too.

In two posts you've proven to me that I have met women far more intelligent than yourself.

Why did he age like 30 years?

When is this show going to get banned? We cannot allow this misogynistic crap to be known for future generations.

I think you actually believe that's an argument. You're projecting your opinions on Al Bundy, for fuck's sake.

What the fuck are you on about? That was another guy, who was right and any sane person would agree with him, you fucking dipshit.

Poor stupid wigger manlet.

>why did he have such bad luck with women?
Curse of the Bundy's, brah.

Have... you ever watched Married With Children?

wew Marcy's niece.

Bundy Curse.
I'm serious.

I remember one episode where he had this 6/10 girl after him but was horrified because she had generic oversized braces and of course a cool dude like Bud wouldn't fuck a 'nerdy girl'.
I seem to recall that episode ending with her pulling him under the bleachers to rape him.

>your opinions
That's a fact, all women care about is money.

let's tbqh here

we all wanted to fug peggy right?

Why can't Sup Forums fuck off? Nobody wants you here.

Was Grandmaster B the GOAT white rapper?

Being young is wanting to fuck Peggy but then you get older and realize Marcy was probably amazing in bed.

>why can't /reddit/ fuck off? nobody wants you here

>wanting to fuck that blatant dyke Marcy

I'm not a woman, so I have no interest in having sex with Marcy.

What I'm wondering is why they keep calling him a virgin after he clearly had sex multiple times. And then there's that one episode where he goes on the dating show and he says he had sex twice. By then he was up to +5 girls. What the hell?

Only Kelly for me.

She was so fucking hot

Later in the show he got a full scholarship to an "ivy league" university, the made up college "Trumaine University". He was far from a retard.

How did Ed O Neil go from Married with Children to such a SJW-friendly show like Modern Family?

I'm a fan of Modern Family and I browse Sup Forums daily. The show doesn't bother me because it's not in your face pushing an agenda, despite the diverse cast.

Best character

>that episode that the real dog dies
Cried like a bitch.

you're goddamn right user

Yes, it's definitely surreal and exaggerated for the sake of comedy. You're not supposed to take the characters as role models, or even real human beings.

how can a show be so good at the beginning and then become utter trash so quickly (I don't remember if it was season 3 or 4)