Can someone help me what is this. it doesnt hurt or itch i cant feel it. it disappears after a few days...

can someone help me what is this. it doesnt hurt or itch i cant feel it. it disappears after a few days. but comes back after i have sex. i dont sleep around.



Dick cancer, u gon' die

It's a penis. It'll stop bothering you in a few decades.

it would appear to be a dick, not much of one but a dick. little redder on the piss hole than i remember but that's a dick son

It's just a lil sry bro, nuthn to worry about

It has weird patches on it.

Just a bit dry**

OP use more lube.

your dick looks like a sweating krispy kream original. Go to the std clinic if you're so worried. Have sex before you go though.

first day with the hd camera or what

you're allergic to vag

my advice would be too wash under your foreskin after you fap or have sex, have a similar issue myself

orgasms are hard on the penis sometimes, blood vessels suffer damage sometimes. its ok, your dick is fine.


just wash it after sex.

what is the problem? are you talking about the lumpy skin or the faint red/dark areas?

it does look super lumpy, so i'd say maybe an irritation? or maybe it's bacteria, so you need to clean better. i wouldn't think your regular std's maybe hpv?


i had the same thing. i put rubbing alcohol on it. it burns a bit but fixed it pretty much straight away. try it out and post another photo


yeah what?

Faint red areas

rubbing alcohol. you got any?

the rubbing alcohol will burn a bit. try it and send another photo here in a couple of minutes and ill tell you if it is working or not.

the lumpyness isn't too unusual. nothing dangerous.
darker spots you should see how it develops. Unless it grows or goes mushy, no worries. just clean your dick.

lol don't do this, don't be a fucking idiot

it works. also fixes lumpy skin. im not kidding

that's from friction. its fine

is benis
keep tuch grw very big benis
keep tuch

not aminated gif XDDD

Haha that gif not moving xdd