What is the whitest state/city in the US?

What is the whitest state/city in the US?

I dont ever want to see another shitskin again, its affecting my mental health

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Sounds like you didn't have any mental health to begin with.


Midwest states are good.
I'm thinking about moving somewhere like kansas when my finances are set.

Fucking manlets.

Statistically, Maine

Im in ohio. Its full of niggers and mexicans

Jackson, WY

I live in northern utah and I haven't seen a black person in months

What in the flying fuck is that guy wearing?
It looks completely ridiculous.

Fucking niggers man who knows. I hate them all.

you could just google it, you know?

Upper peninsula of Michigan, fampai. No shitskins in sight.

Don't come to Florida spics and niggers are invading everywhere. Crimes are rising.

If you're white, come to Minnesota.

If you're not white, stay the fuck out, stupid nigger.


Dont trust the google jew

How white is it? I dont want to see a SINGLE fucking brown person man

85% white with MANY cities that are 95% white or greater. Stay away from the Twin Cities (the big city and capital area of Minnesota) and you'll see scant niggers.

For example, my city of 30k is like 96% white, with the remaining 4% being mainly Hmong, who are typically good people.


The fuck is with those sandals? That niggas been watching too many anime

Avoid Wichita and Kansas City, though it's our mexicans and arabs that are shittier than the blacks.

Do you count beaners ?

We have a lot of Mexicans in Utah.


This is site is a zoomable map of the racial demographics of the country. You can zoom in to individual neighborhoods to find out the racial makeup of it.

New Hampshire, anywhere north of the Notch.

Come Home White Man.

For major cities, Phoenix is pretty white. There's literally one Street that has blacks on it downtown, and Mexicans all over, but they're mostly cool.

spics are like 3%

>what kinda kicks u want senpai?
>ever seen that 1 ep of samurai jack?
>say no more

Full of white guilt libcucks and jews

West Virginia

But then you've got Mormons everywhere.

I'm not sure that's a good trade-off.

There are only blacks in Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland. They cling to urban areas like parasites.

My bet is any New England state bar New York or Connecticut or Massachusetts.

So your best bet would be New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine

Or if ya like tha cold eh go to tha Fargo state ya hear!

Ew then you would be in prime hick territory.

Swapping black niggers for white niggers. No thanks.

>what is Lewiston

and just what the fuck is your problem, Jim?

You'd have to go pretty far north for that. The southern areas of Maine are filled with blacks and muslims 'cause of Portland.

Probably Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky or Utah, in terms of cities definitely Salt Lake, or Milwaukee. Indianapolis might also take the spot. Columbus is decently white from what I've heard.


>somewhere warm

Vermont is one of the whitest states as long as you stay out of bernieville away from all the sjws

Farm states have migrant workers. Colder states have less people of color excluding west coast. Oil areas have screwed up economies at the moment. I would say north South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana. I can't say for sure about extreme NE, maine, Vermont?

If you're looking in the United States only, Maine (New England).

If you're also thinking about Canada, Prince Edward Island (Maritimes).

There's plenty of spics and niggers here desu, but It's 90% gardener and house nigger types, all the cholos and dindus are dead.

Seattle is apparently 80% white. That's pretty good for the libcuck state. I think new Hampshire is definitely the most white-friendly though. Maine and Vermont both owned by the SJW's.


Idaho (avoid the south west area) or Montana.



>counting as white


Which state is Sweden light again? I thought it was Minnesota.

This right here, I've lived in 15 States, nothing comes anywhere CLOSE TO New Hampshire. Hell I damn near hit a tree when i saw a single knuckle dragger in all my 3 years there there, and he was skiing, so he was probably white on the inside

Wyoming, Vermont, Idaho, Montana are all good states if you don't mind being away from civilization.

Vermont has the least gun control and lowest homicide rate in the country.

>tfw only graduated with 5 niggers in a class of over 300
Feels good man

Ohio, Indiana, Michigan are you fucking shitting me right now? Those are literally among the niggerest States in this country

Maine! You'll never see anyone but white, but then again there's not much there. Another choice is Carmel, IN. Nicest, whitest, place in america.

I moved to Utah for a couple years, then moved to Kansas City. I barely could take 2 years there and begged my old boss (a Mormon) to move back to Utah.

I'll take these happy, healthy, nerdy white people over blacks any day. This place is paradise.



That's 'lil Sweden. Their accents is derived from Scandinavia, they are also they the state with the largest Somalian refugee population. Hmmm...

ironically the whitest parts are the most leftist

probably because they don't have to deal with the niggers they love so much

West Virginia, Montana, Vermont, NH, Maine, Vermont, N & S Dakota. I am not counting the Indian reservations as part of the population

Columbus is black east of I71, south of Morse Road, and generally north of Broad St. A lot Mexicans live around Morse Road on the east side as well. Plus we have all that Somali infestation courtesy of Bill Clinton, but they're mixed in with the blacks on the NE side.

Dublin / NW of Columbus is pretty white, but has a lot of Asians and Indians now because of IBM, Verizon, etc.

t. I live NW of Columbus in the country. Our county is only 89% white because of the Japs here for Honda. But that's changing too.

meanwhile at footlocker...

>what kinda kicks can I get for you, bro

>you ever seen the indiana jones movies


>temple of doom?


>gimme dem shoes that Short Round wears to drive the getaway car

>okey dokey

That's not true at all. Maybe in the cities but in midwestern states like Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, small towns are ONLY white and they are very redneck republican.

wtc those RDjr.s

Wonder why Argentina has no data

The stats are all bullshit.

Arizona no good. Filled with them. I was almost run over today by a minivan full of them. Too fat and lazy to stop and wait for a pedestrian.


>%70 caucasian
I call bullshit

A slight error with southern europe, but it is fixed now

Also no fucking jobs. Other than seasonal ski resorts and sryp, what else is there?

Come home to Texas OP it's like heaven for the white man

no spics, no nigs no Asians and best of all only about 2 jews and both are the timid type

Believe it or not - Portland, Oregon. Somehow liberals still cucked everyone into feeling white guilt. Steer clear

wyoming and montana both have under 5,000 total and are big states


the whitest states are also the ones without jobs since they moved the factories

faggot detected

Easy to believe because they have no experience with the negroes.