Hiiii guyz! So i've finally and oficially decided to switch Tumblr with Sup Forums, helllloooo!!! <3

Hiiii guyz! So i've finally and oficially decided to switch Tumblr with Sup Forums, helllloooo!!!

Under the terribly stupid assumption i'm not getting trolled right now:
Leave. Not because i don't want you here, i really don't give a shit, but Sup Forums will eat your soul. You'll break internally and lose your empathy and humanity, your bonds with humans will crumble, everything you think ir right now will be questioned. Sup Forums is not good for your health, it's like heroine - i'm here to tell you: turn around, go away, if you don't you'll understand at some point what i was trying to tell you here.






Lurk moar summerfag

What are you talking about? Heroin? XDD
There are some pictures of naked ladies, but so are they on Tumblr so it's ok =oD
But all i see are funny memes LOL

Hey!! So nice to have you onboard :3 this place is filled with a bunch of edgelords and depressed incels. We need new cheery faces!

Btw i love undertale! Lol