G'morning user

g'morning user.
hope u slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

You first :)

I fucking want to

or both of us, never.

Because while life sucks its the only one I have so no need to whine like a pussy and just play what I got until i die of whatever.

Because I got responsibilities.

good outlook.
name a few.

You the same guy that does this everyday?

Just cleaned my room.

that would be me.
congrats. i need to do the same.


I've never said Good morning. So have one.

thanks man.
g'morning to you as well.

No lesbian making out while I smoke up on my bed

Because I'm scared of pain

because i have a bed to do that

Because i have to go to work. No other reason really.

pain is a good thing to fear.
nice dubs.
have a good day at work.

>pain is a good thing to fear
Yeah but the fear prevents me from killing myself. Any painless method OTHER THAN exit bag?

Seems like a lot of trouble... plus, I for some reason still struggle through every day, thinking maybe one day life won't be such total shit.


Today might be worth it. It's still morning so we shall see.



cause I have a pretty awesome life.
also sauce of the gif pls

I feel the same way evry tiem

been there *fart noises*

I once stole a very large tank full of seawater and about 7 baby sharks using a small forklift and then proceeded to party with the sharks and a few friends on a beach. We lit a massive bon fire after a little while and eventually the coast guard Patrol passed us and we all darted. Later that night I saw on the local news that the tank I stole was for some new aquarium. Not a single regret there. I got to party for 6hrs with sharks on the beach and we fed them some random gulls. Not many people can say they have done something like that.

I won't kill myself today cuz life can be good sometimes, you just have to wait patiently for the good times to come.

i hope the good times come soon.

i was thinking something similer but sometimes you gotta make shit happen son

they will brother.

I can't right now but i want to find a really fine ass hooker and anal blast her with my bratwurst, and i will not right now but soon. so keep your chin up kid

tru tru but if you kill yourself you won't be able to make shit happen lol

I enjoy being alive

that's the point of not doing so right now fuckface

I honestly hope the OP to these threads kills himself because I can't stand seein these literally every single day.

Why is it always the same text?

Why is there always porn?

Is it like a meme or something?

Are you trying to shitpost or are you trying to actually seek help?

I only have one life to waste

probably something is wrong with me.
that's a great love to have.

Well, this chick I like has hit me with the 'friend' shit, even when I was 90% sure she was into me.
I feel like killing myself, but on the other hand it makes me motivated to work on myself to become attractive enough for her to want to fuck me. I don't know if that's even possible.

bcuz family

bitches are terrible.
glad you love ur family.

Oh shit, your back.

It's my day off. If i do it, it'll be on a working day.

have a good day off.

I feel like I should study something first, right now only my eyes hurt from looking at my monitor all day, but emotionally I don't feel like it. I feel like at this point it would be a waste, we just need to gain money and be smart

Gotta finish Nier Autimata first.

what's that?

Cause tits exist.

tits are marvelous.

i want to live.

Currently taking care of 22 dogs and 8 new-born puppies. I'd say that counts.

why so many ?

You know what,i just might

In no hurry to get to hell. That's about it. Death ould be nice if it were actually any form of escape.

They're sled dogs.

oh cool.
you live in florida?

I actually just might.

Cuz I wanna have a bit more fun

Why would I? All is jolly.

theres a good chance of winning my wife back

Winning her back? Why not just be a cuck?

waht's the story user ?

No, Norway.

I'm at work, and other than that life is great honestly.

I've finally found purpose in life and I'm making decent money. Things are starting to interest me again :)

Well shit how am I gonna find out if it gets better if I kill myself?
Fuck that, life may be a miserable and seemingly unfair journey but I'm not quitting while behind

congrats man.

Want to see if new spooderman movie is any good. After that, who knows

do you think it will be good?