Bandcamp Thread

The BC Thread is dead. Long live the BC Thread.

Post your tunes and give feedback to others. Shillin kills threads y'all.

QOTD: What is an artist that influences your work that others might not expect?

Other urls found in this thread:

wassup meaty boyz,

dropped a new track

>indie rock
>indie pop

most of my stuff would fall under that category, but the new track is sort of jazzy and soul.

i got lots of other stuff on my page too, i have a mini-lp i put out a year ago full of indie rock, jangle pop tracks,

and i got another relatively new song called sofiella.

my ep is just a little tiny thing i made for my girlfriend, but check it out if you want.

I'll listen to stuff posted after this n give some feedback.

>punk rock

we're actually heavily inspired by the beach boys


Upcoming EP is going places. :D

Arctic Monkeys

Feel dirty posting so early and then going to bed, but whatever.


>ambient pop

I always appreciate getting feedback, the more in depth the better. Will try and leave feedback tomorrow, none right now.
>shoegaze with some emo and post rock vibes, real fuzzed out
>ffo: pinback, alex g, have a nice life (not my comparisons but other peoples)
>free as fuck so take it

If you wanna play cello/violin on stuff on an upcoming album, hmu. Maybe saxophone too. Thanks.

>QOTD: What is an artist that influences your work that others might not expect?
Third Eye Blind's self titled is a huge influence on my stuff but no one's ever mentioned it. That and Armor For Sleep's album "What To Do When You're Dead," garbage lyrics notwithstanding.

Listening to The Push. The funk vibe on this is strong. Speaking of saxophone, that would be sick on a track like this. The high vocals need a lot of work, super flat, but the lows are great and crooning. Can see the highs being way better down the line though, I like the idea behind it. I dig it.

new album. listen and criticize pls boys, buy if you like

oh wait some cool people posted i'm not going recless.

>ambient electronic

Don't feel bad, I didn't refresh so I left no recs and now I look like a shill. lol

>bedroom folk
>kinda sorta slowcore-ish
>kinda sorta American Primitive Guitar-ish

Not really sure, most of my influences probably seem pretty obvious. Maybe Smog/Bill Callahan just in the sense that my favorite stuff by him is the early really noisy dissonant stuff.

Kinda felt like pornstache-core to me, and I mean that as a compliment. Your artist name is very appropriate, and I mean that as a compliment as well.

Really hard recs to these fellas:


it's incredibly noisy and hectic, so that's not my kind of punk perse. i wish i could give you any constructive criticism, but i'd just be doing a shit job. although i can say that if it's what you guys like to make and enjoy putting it out, then congrats and keep it up.

perhaps an ep is real good stuff man, crimson leafs, sketchboard, and another tea cup suite have really great interesting instrumantalities to them and i genuinely enjoyed it. blue did throw me off a little with the pizzicato strings, but it was a good composition nonetheless.

i really liked the synthwork on this album man, real interesting sounds and moods you evoke, although, coming from someone that knows that his ability to sing is very narrow, i think the vocals could use a lot of work, and that's fine. I'm just trying to come into a comfortable headspace with my ability as a singer, and i know how intimidating and difficult it is. but good work!

i really like shoegaze as a genre and though there is never a whole lot of innovation within the genre, i really enjoyed what you put out and it evoked the mood and feeling shoegaze manages to pull out. In regards to your comment, I agree, my vocal abilities are very narrow, if non-existent, and i'm really j becoming comfortable with my singing and trying to understand the limits of my own voice.

I'll do more in a little bit.

good at first but it gets a bit repetitive and uninteresting after a few tracks

this is very very good too

okay good night

nice for a chill mood but its kinda boring

Sleep well.

Thanks for your enjoyment, user!

Recs before the feedback

Garage rock goodness
>indie rock
>solo artist

You have a terrific voice! and that bass tone is great, gives it a nice funky feel!

>nice for a chill mood but its kinda boring
Fair enough. I chose the name Motel Guide because the idea of a guide for motels seems kind of boring and unnecessary.

I'm actually surprised a bit by your music so far, for being an improvisation Heartbeat actually sounds quite collected and rehearsed, pretty neat stuff. Cheers to the sax player.

You're hitting me hard with those high pitched notes! Great stuff.

This is the kind of stuff I was aiming for a year ago, makes me nostalgic. Thanks for the vibes.

Holy shit, I love it! That's a nice logo, also.


Neon Clouds

>Space Rock
>Noise Pop
>One Man Band
>I Sing Now
>Music To Watch Rain Fall To
>Also Music To Bake In The Sun To
>Basically Music For Every Season But Spring
>Fuck Spring


My brother made me a music video! Watch it here:


I absolutely love your cover art. and the environment you set with graduation is awesome. Its also not boring even though it is slow. It sets a really nice mood and keeps you listening.

One tip though change the color of the light pink text in your page it gets really jarring to read after a while.

wow really depressing cant say i really liked it though


>award-winning punk rock

I like the soulful chord progression you used at the beginning of the song. Holy shit dude, you sound almost exactly like Iggy Pop. I think your vocals would be more exciting with more distortion. The song sounded typical until you mixed it up in the middle/end, I really enjoyed that.

This is good indie folk, reminds me of what bon iver would be if he didn't use so much reverb/vocal layers. pleasant to listen to. The bells are a nice touch on that one song.

This is interesting, and reminds me a lot of Hyperdub stuff, which I absolutely adore.

You reviewed my stuff in a previous thread. I really like the track armadillo, and looking through your discography I see I was definitely not wrong for thinking modest mouse was a huge influence. You sound a lot like Isaac Brock. I was wondering why you chose to call yourself shoegaze until I listened to nobody home. I thought the straight shoegaze part was kind of boring, but when it went into post-rocky emo I was enamored. City of Caterpillar vibes goin on, I could feel the tension. I followed you.

Real abrasive shit. Brave. Keep it up.

I don't really like this style of not-quite-funky-not-quite-folky indie pop music. It's well done, though, the mixing is spot on. I like what you do with your voice.

Also to answer the QOTD: The Get Up Kids, cuz we're not pop punk, not at all. Actually, you decide.

Thanks, I keep changing my color scheme because people say it hurts their eyes lol


>new age(?)
>lofi house

new track i just uploaded, love/hate/rate give feedback will keep posting feedback myself

been listening to our stuff fow a while, waiting for your EP
i love your guitars man, this shit is really good

Try high contrast between text and the background, it works for a better readability. :D

it's back
>indie rock, lo-fi, emo, pop punk, synths
Behold the tales of me complaining about my life starting to suck through VSTs, circuit-bended keyboards and guitars. If you like it, there's tapes available.

Third album is on its way. It'll be a double album. If I don't put it out on a label then expect it before the end of the year.

Eternally love

wow, the same as is a fucking anthem lmao

yay emo bedroom pop white boys so creative


Yeah, I never really thought it was too shoegazey but that's what most people have said it sounds like, so the label sticks. Not sure what genre it fits best. It's hilarious you bring up CoC, I was listening to their S/T a week ago or so and when "A Little Change Could Go A Long Ways" came on, and I was listening to the bridge, I realized I subconsciously aped the shit out of that drum buildup. Doesn't sound too alike, but afterwards I was like "damn." I'm a huge fan of theirs.

Never gotten an Isaac Brock comparison, thank you! I love his shit. I kinda hate my voice, I don't try to sing like anyone in particular but that's a big boost. Glad you dug it.

Thanks yo. I try not to stick to shoegaze tropes, but if you're digging it that's what matters. Keep working on your voice for sure, there's potential there

I downloaded this a little while back and listened to it some more. Charlotte reppin.

This deserves a lot of attention

Pretty cool sound here. "Sonic Landscapes" sounds cheesy af though, especially considering soundscapes are a thing. Lil pretentious. But given your big paragraph on music I doubt you're too worried about that. The sax on Heartbeat is great, really drives the song.

I dunno why, but I was trying to pinpoint what feeling or picture this incites, and "cannibalism" kept coming to mind. It reminds me of The Parlour Trick a bit.

IT! WILL! DO!!!!!
Dude I saw them live a few months ago, shit was wild. Don't hate your voice man, it's pretty good

Thank you man, my amp definitely works well for the sound I'm after, it does most of the work lol

Darem - Sultana Beat Tape

>Lo-Fi sound
>Instrumental Hip-Hop
>Perfect for sunsets
>Madlib vibes
>Flylo vibes

Man, i like this song a lot, i totally recommend everyone to listen this track!
Nice stuff, keep working in the mix.
You need to hear this if you like stuff with contrasts... This album is an example of that. Great work!!

Yessss I saw them too, at the Black Cat in DC. It was nuts, Malady played too (bunch of CoC members anyway), and Pygmy Lush (again just CoC dudes, those guys must've been getting tired). Such a blast.

ahh malady's pretty good, as is pygmy lush, they also have the lead singer of pg 99 in them.

Hey everyone!

New release, with old tracks from last year now and a new track.

For the QOTD: I would definitely say TOBACCO, Devin Townsend Project (or Devin Townsend in general), and Rob Crow.

>Experimental, Broniecore, LGBT

hey guys, I am coming out,

>Experimental, Various Genres


>Into The Storm.
>Alt-Country, Ambient, Bedroom Pop, Folk, Folktronica, Freak Folk, Healing, Lo-Fi, Mental Health, Orchestral Pop, Singer-Songwriter, Soul.

>Where's The Humanity?
>Ambient, Chillwave, Field Recordings, Hypnagogic Pop, Lo-Fi, Musique Concrete, Noise, Progressive Electronic, Synthpop, Vaporwave.

Support, scrobble, or review on RYM. Any feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. :)

Good question. Maybe Kendrick? TPAB, and what Kendrick does in terms of both experimentation, and musicality that is deeply analyzed, is something I continue to strive for in making music.

This song is called "Silence", the title track to the new Foliage record of the same name.

>Jangle Pop
>Dream Pop

Pre-Order here:


Shills kill threads, here's your (You)

>piano >loops >ambient >chill >lofi >experimental

THX for listening and feedback.


I don't got time to listen to everyone's music. And the people I do, I normally dont bother doing it on Sup Forums, recs arr pointless, and just emailing/sc messaging your review is a lot better than "rec this lol"


What Redbone would sound like if it was submitted to a "Sup Forums makes an album" compilation
The cover art is good, but the music is way to messy, and not in a good way
I really really really like your music
not really my thing sorry
but it sounds pretty much like what the cover art suggests, cute record
Oh shit I remember ya, ultra-comfy music
Well-made record, more ambitious, but less wild, I still prefer the self titled
>tfw I'll never hear Orange County Space Station for the first time again
good shit
sounds futurist as hell
Nice production, needs more bass on the drums
Overall it's not a huge step forward since the earlier records, just a crispier sound that gets me more
great ambient
>guitar ambient
>psychedelic drone
>FFO Keiji Haino, Spacemen 3


>Ambient, Electronic, Analogue Synths, Textures, Lo-Fi, Granual Spacey Reverb

Thank you for listening

Really nice track, mixed well. Not sure, but vocals tho in some parts sounded out of tune.

Intense energy, very savage.

Told you before, huge fan of this.

One of the best shoegaze in this thread.

Good stuff. Looking forward to hear new material.

Well produced, interesting sounds. Fav track 'Waves of Desolation'

Very interesting, sounds like some sort of soundtrack.

Really nice and calm, lovely sound, soothing vocal

Vocal sounds great with that fx, great guitar sound. You're mix is little quiet.

Awesome vocal and mix. Good stuff

First half of track was little boring, second half is pure briliance. Missing vocal tho

Nice mood, great sounds, crazy arpegios

This is quality.

Really chilled man. Good stuff

Awesome production, great ideas. Highly reccin

Big fan of 'Into the storm'

Very comfy and jazzy

Big fan

interesting sounds dude
>If Nickelodeon decided to do a grunge album
>Just got signed to a label + tape release

>Bonus live show

I think I get this
Hot chocolate and the autumn breeze
Sounds good, but I wish it sounded a bit grittier
Very, very nice dude. Love it
Comfy sounds, reminds me of Iceland in a weird way. 10/10 textures
Is this what love is?

i made considerable progress on my ep yesterday, since what im making is similar to my newest release, i'd like some feedback on it.
>noise rock, experimental rock
>ambient, spacey reverb stuff with guitars and every sine wave imaginable
>also a "microhouse" or "minimal techno" EP if youre more into electronic music
>highly advised to listen to with headphones


Read an interview conducted by Jakub Tabor!

>I want to rate your music!

>I want to listen to you on Spotify!

represent yeah i gotta represent


i already told you my :thinking: on paul, great album, heartfelt lyrics (especially that last track) even though some times your rhymes are reeeeal stretch. production was similar to anthill but more detailed, and the instrumental track were alright.



thank you m8. you sure as hell bring variety to this thread.

Great raw sound. Nice meaty riffs and vocal. You really nailed the sound.

Enjoyed your 'Ameziane' Ep a lot. Like the minimalism, your synths sounds amazing.

haha. Thanks for the feedback and it called sonic landscapes cuz it referencing John cage who really inspired the album lol

>hip hop, instrumentals.

Artwork really captures the mood. It is a great EP.

I like it, very peaceful and relaxing. "je"and "UU4" is my favorite.

I really like the latter part of Lateshift, and Paraíso is beautiful.

This is gayyyyy! I bet Wagner would anally wreck the kike who made this!

This is the quality feedback we need more of in these threads.
>guitar rock
>bedroom pop
>FFO: Built to Spill, Alex G, Duster

i really like the vocals on this, gives me some alex g vibes.

Thanks! Wasn't going for that really, but I've heard that a few times, so I put that in the FFO. I do love his stuff, I must've played RACE and TRICK a few dozen times each.

Listening to your stuff now, you wear your influences on your sleeves for sure. The vocals remind me of Alex G on this too, the guitarwork is some weird hybrid of Modest Mouse and Duster vibes. The FFO really does suit it well. Pinprick is kinda surfy. Spacesurf? Real enjoyable either way. Nothing super original but I'd jam it. Last song starts out sounding like Holo Pleasures-era Elvis Depressedly worship.

(that last track is gorgeous)
Rested Recs

A friend told me about this band called Fever The Ghost. Tell me what you think before I start listening to them.

tags: alternative experimental, experimental indie, pop psychedelic. rock space yams

100% chance your friend found them through this video. They're like a punkier animal collective but with a singer like the one from Studio Killers.

Boring weak "psychedelic" rock

They are basically a pop version of Tame Impala

Probably they did but I never heard of them and he was like dude they are so "good" check them out please. Please. He gave me their albums which I have not listened to yet.

Projet Quatuor - Tourment
Cinematographic jazz

Philip Glass
Avishai Cohen Trio

nice artwork

>What is an artist that influences your work that others might not expect?
pretty sure i rip my influences off too hard to have it hard to tell, also don't listen to that much music.

not posting link b/c i'm a shill and i might as well lay off while i'm writing music so i can get more than 3 listens when i finally pull some shit together.

also i'll do as full a review as i can of the person to figure out which shill i am. there's a lot of us so i'm not too worried, also i like giving feedback i just never know who to give it to.

are you

nah i didn't post mine this thread

>bedroom popfolktronicamumblecore
I hope you like it!
check out this hot new single from the hardest working band in southern Ohio
>youll like it

this is my shit homie
great vocals, whys that your last ep?
always a must also we have the same bg imagesorta
i usually dont like the slow stuff but this hits the mark
nice variety

Real talk - why not just listen to that shit yourself instead of coming to Sup Forums to get an opinion? Do y'all really need validation for what you listen to that bad?

Listen to what you like. This is embarrassing.

It is my last EP because I have lost interest, and I haven't improved as much as I thought I would have by now.

Although I have been thinking on and off about doing a 10 track beat tape. Regardless though, it either my last EP or I will carry on but I won't do an EP again but a beat tape and just leave it at that. Depends if I get motivated enough.

>experimental and dark

>neoclassical and ambient-y


>kinda shoegaze
>kinda post rock

first thing my band has ever released, and an ep is coming in a couple days


>Indie Rock

It’d really help if you rate on RYM

Taking a break from noise these days and threw together a few covers of my favorite songs. Artists covered: Joy Division/New Order, Xiu Xiu, The Mircophones and Eric's Trip.

I try and return all feedback!

Things I like

are you dissing my music or something :^/

Think it's moreso a comment on considering you a shiller


this is brilliant, remembers me of the better years of tortoise and thrill jockey. listening to this while i tidy up me house before bed.


>city pop
>japanese 80s/90s r&b
>90s lounge
>indie guitar pop

i thought we were all shillers


hey its the blaze the cat person back again!! if you liked my last album you might like this one more my voice is better and it sounds nicer too . let me know if you like

>steven universe

hey if you love steven universe you'll love me album too. PROTECT STEVEN!

>rap acoustic

desu this makes me want to never watch that show

why not :(?? its really great and makes me want to be nice to everybody

patrician levels with the production
nice vocals too

this is definitely very acoustic. highly artistic too 9/10



Well I ended up listening to them and they are alright but not for me. And I just wanted to share their page and get feedback.

Hey guys, long time supporter. I started a new Youtube channel in which I will be discussing both mainstream releases (on Saturdays) as well as Bandcamp albums (on Wednesdays). Feel free to message me if you just released a new album recently and I might make a short video discussing it. Be aware that I do have a long backlog, so it might take a while to get to yours if I get to it at all.

Either way, please check it out. It's a good way for me and the viewers to discover cool BC releases. Here's the first video, covering Murder of the Universe by King Gizz:

Really liked the first video, looking forward to more reviews.

this is the greatest thing i have ever heard in my life
>punk, black metal, screamo, grind, etc.
>Electronic, ambient, IDM, slow/bleep/

this is amazingly well done
guitars and vocals work very well, keen for the release
