Should I major in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science?
Should I major in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science?
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It depends but those would be booming jobs in this century
Cs is for pajeets.
if you don't know by now then you're not right for either
go do sports & recreation or some other timewaster degree
So which one would you choose?
I don't need to; I already have a degree. I went and got a degree in something I already had spent a lot of time doing and knew I enjoyed. The fact that you're asking this question indicates that you're just some fucking lump who is caving to family pressure and thought "well I guess computers are cool". No. Go do something else. You are not prepared for either of these courses. You are not prepared for university.
I once stole a very large tank full of seawater and about 7 baby sharks using a small forklift and then proceeded to party with the sharks and a few friends on a beach. We lit a massive bon fire after a little while and eventually the coast guard Patrol passed us and we all darted. Later that night I saw on the local news that the tank I stole was for some new aquarium. Not a single regret there. I got to party for 6hrs with sharks on the beach and we fed them some random gulls. Not many people can say they have done something like that.
>falling for the stem meme
also, this
If you like abstract maths, go to CS (assuming that you're going to one of the better universities that'll actually teach you anything other than pajeetness), and if you like applied maths and prefer to deal with some physics, go for EE.
computer science. employers will gag it more.
>stem meme
Why are you so mad? I got straight As in high school though
I kinda did both - soon to be electrical engingeer, master at the end of the year.
80% programming of robots/automation, 10% electric circuits, 10% high frequency shit.
>I got straight As in high school though
Electrical, every time. E=MC2 means everything in this 'universe' is energy and can be controlled. Computers require underlying technology to be controlled, but not energy.
I was replying to him saying I am "not prepared for university". This also means i can get into any university i want
Not true, pls say its not true.
TBH fam Indian people just know what to do based on what they're told. Good CS mongols get paid well for being math autists.
best answer in the thread so far i think
Don't listen to those Anons m8, they're try harding for some reason, I'll protect you with my autism.
>not energy
So are PC's powered by magic or what?
>already had spent a lot of time doing and knew I enjoyed
They have a degree in faggotry now?
>Implying hs is hard
user they hold your hand every step of the way
>Daily classes
>Reviews in class
>thinks As are the only thing that matters for college
How are those standardized test scores
/someone else
Whatever your choice will be, let me give you some hints about university:
>It's not like those "weee we're in the university partying all day and all night xxxxD"- kinda movies. At all.
>If you can get your hands on exams get them early to get a general impression what they look like. You don't have to (and won't) understand everything at the start of the semester, but chances are that the actual lecture covers A LOT of shit you don't need in the exam / your life / ever.
>Visit courses of higher semesters a bunch of times and make friends with some of the higher ups, eat and chat with them. They will turn out to be a really good supply for material for laboratories / exam.
>Find a group in your semester that fits with your working speed. If you learn each day - find the nerds etc, don't go with the funny ones to learn - they drop out at some point or drag you down.
That's about it.
I am not from the US. In my country we get accepted based on grades only
Comp. sci., Robbie.
Pajeet detected
Sounds like a shit tier 3rs world country
You should avoid both as you clearly don't have the skills to contribute
I'm not a pajeet, I know how to program hello world on my own.
Old time engineering technician here:
Get the engineering degree.
I've seen totally incompetent degreed engineers totally destroy things and NEVER get fired. As a matter of fact, they get "promoted" to higher positions solely based on that piece of paper, yet usually can't find their ass with both hands.
As far as computer science, just like robotics, with artificial intelligence (AI) its going to advance to the point that they are going to have computers program other computers, then you are going to regret that CS degree.
Oh and i almost forgot:
>For the possibly first time in your life you will have to work alone without someone giving you direct order to do so. This will be a massive change and this is a critical breaking point for many. Create a scedule of when to learn and when to rest and stick to it. Also don't do shit like "i will learn 20 hours that day" - it doens't work, work/life balance is a thing.
You will at some point realize that you'll become more and more able to learn/work/stay concentrated for prolonged times. I've currently reached about 8-10 hours of actually productive concentrated work per day, that's a huge increase considering how much of a dumb ass i was when i started.
I am from the EU. I don't understand why everyone here is so hostile.
plus what isn't taken over by AI, it will be outsourced to pajeets and chinks for .50 cents an hour. Plus when you get mid-level on CS you will be too expensive and you'll end up homeless when they hire some punk straight out of college with a CS degree for 1/3 the salary.
Bro... pick whatever you like the most. If you pick a subject you hate your grades will suck and no one will hire you.
>that they are going to have computers program other computers
Well microchips / small electrical layouts are already half - automatically routed, yet we still need electrical engineers to check if the program didn't fuck up (which is usually the case).
I wouldn't worry too much about that, for the time beeing - humans are irreplacable.
getting good marks in HS does not mean you are prepared for university
Thank you for your advice. As opposed to everyone else just bashing me for doing well in school.
where do you think sjws come from?
I mean, it's a pretty good indicator. I suspect you didn't get good marks in hs yourself?
Name an occupation that you think can't be automated? Butcher? Ironworker? Plumber? Doctor? Welder? All will be automated in the future. Some like butcher are already being replaced, it scans the beef carcass, automatically calculates where to cut to maximize profit and minimize waste, operates 24-7, no vacation, no sick leave, no smoke or coffee break every hour, etc.
Thats why I say get the EE degree versus the CS degree.
EE y2 here. if you want to learn all the 'rules' then just fucking do it. ee is bs if you want to actually use your brain
Computers can't work without electrisity m8.
/advice guy
It's a good indicator, but most people didn't drop out because they were too stupid to do it, but because they were either too lazy/unorganized or because they couldn't take the pressure of the exam phase. Lot's of making it through university is about endurance and accepting the big fuck-you's you regularly get.
I've seen highly intelligent people drop out because of this, hell - one even was suicidal at some point.
I'm going college this year.
How hard is it to move out of my house.????
When should I move out.?
I'm 19 and friends are already making jokes that I'm going to live with my parents my whole life and they are 18
Well someone has to programm those robots, isn't that the case?
Welding is quiet a delicate process, much more delicate than people would like to believe, therefore automatic welding machines are on the one hand crazy expensive, and on the other hand only usable for special occations. This wont happen on a large scale any time soon.
>anything with possible human interaction / heavy lifting
Companies are really really really afraid to hurt a human with their robots, and as retarded / jewish as some people are, it will happen if those robots are not 100% safe for usage which we are damn far away from. Think of the chick that sued mc-dicks for her hot coffee, and robots have way more degrees to fuck up than a cup of coffee.
>beeing - humans are irreplacable
Humans will be replaced faster than you think, snowflake. Kind of like typewriters in the 70's, now they have spell checkers.
Plus now that emerging economies are graduating more "college" educated people that will work for 1/3 the cost, most work will be outsourced, then where are you going to be? I used to work at a 14 billion dollar company and the management pandered to the Indian and Chinese because they knew thats where the work was going to be outsourced to.
They're faggots - there's nothing wrong with living at home in order to save money. If you wanna party go to someone else's house.
As an soon to be electrical engineer/ robot programmer i'm pretty sure MY job won't be outsourced any time soon.
And i can assure you - robots aren't ready to be released to the public on a large scale.
>pic is pepper - a robot aimed to be used as a personal robot for the broad public / shops, for "only" 20k bucks
It's more retarded than a down syndrome child, it can't lift anything (well papercups should be alright), it over-heats within hours of less than active usage, it has a 12 hour charge and doesn't understand shit when spoken to. (You can't even fuck it!)
The most advanced robots we have are made by boston dynamics, and those are still years away to be thrown at the public. (You better not ask about their expected prices.)
With those two options in mind i'd conclude that we might see broad usage in 30 or 40 years, but not any time sooner.
Don't waste your fucking time in college. Want to work with computers? Spend 4 years contributing to projects on GitHub. Live with your parents, maybe work part time to make some spending money, pay your parents some rent for a bit.
If you don't have an excellent GitHub that you can use as a resume after 4 years, you're a failure and never gonna make it in computers.
A stacked GitHub is better than a degree and a lot cheaper.
I have news for you, Ex-CWI here, automation has been introduced more and more into manufacturing, especially welding (look up Why? Health and safety concerns, robots aren't affected by hexavalent chromium, fumes and respiratory and visual problems. Never take breaks, work 24-7. Don't call in sick, It eliminates defects caused by human intervention. Also you don't need to have a 4 year apprenticeship to teach the skills to produce a quality weld (nuc submarine piping for example)
C-LEARN, which allows NONCODERS to teach robots a range of tasks simply by providing some information about how objects are typically manipulated and then showing the robot a single demo of the task.
The part that you need to be concerned about is the "noncoder" part. This is what I am talking about, how things will increase faster in the future to make things that people now use to make a wage obsolete.
>Electrical Engineering or Computer Science?
Commit suicide.
*insert why not both meme* xD
Another question, how to get a job in CS if im bad at math. Im good at design and creating awesome project design documents is one of my favorite things to do but i suck at math. Im good with alogrithms though as long as it can be solved discreetly.
Yea, pipe welding is an occation where those automated welders work nicely, also on ship-hulls - those both only require a straight line (which the machine does much better than the average joe, especially when talking of pipes).
Rude boi
In my experience you need both a degree, a well stocked github account, and at least 2 years in a co-op program to make it into an actual software engineering company these days. Which is why i now work in tech support because im bad at multitasking. Onthe plus side i have picked up some sales experience so i can talk face to face with fellow humans unlike the majority of CS majors.
Electrical Engineering. You most likely won't use Computer Science, people just throw their computer out when it's broken and buy a new one. My dad majored in Electrical Engineering and by the time of 23 he was making 50k a year
>be CS major
>work in EE industry
IMO, an EE career will have better long-term stability, but CS will probably be more fun and pay better while it lasts.
It is easy for someone who knows CS well to write a detailed spec that can be implemented by cheap overseas labor. We have done this successfully a few times. This will reduce the value of a CS degree, especially low/entry level.
We had a hard time outsourcing EE knowledge overseas because so much of the real work is - artistic, let's say. It's not only about hooking up the pieces into a schematic, it's also about how things are laid out, noise reduction, short paths on critical circuits, etc. This makes knowledgable, local EE people valuable.
However, EE work is often not fun or rewarding. It's closer to a manufacturing process, which means deadlines are tighter. Because the output is eventually a physical product, you don't have many chances to go back and redo buggy work. And when's the last time you heard an EE guy invent something that makes them wealthy?
CS work is much more virtual, and I have found the environments to be more fun. If you screw something up, it's a lot cheaper to release a 2.0, 3,0, etc. Most CS people play games and stay youthful well into middle age. Plus, there's always the chance you will be part of an app, etc. that takes off and makes you wealthy. A small chance, but bigger than EE.
Is this a troll? Do you even know what Computer Science is?
>bad at math
Many CS jobs require minimal math.
Colleges require math as part of the curriculum because lots of theoretical software work needs it.
I wouldn't worry about bad math skills in the field as long as you can get your degree.
>electrical engineer
If you have a degree from a major university and not some "heald college" diploma mill this is the safest way to go. They will always need degreed engineers.
But for example,
I am saying, don't bury your head in the sand. This is 70's thinking. Nobody ever considered a robot to replace a burger flipper, til they started the 15$ and hour wage, then it suddenly became a priority to develop a robot to "save" money and increase profit.
They are talking automated ordering and RFID checkout counter less markets for example.
Electrical engineering.
I fucking kick myself every day for not getting an electrical engineering degree. Every fucking day i walk into work knowing the guys on the floor above earn 3-4 times what i do but i'm just far too god damn exhausted to do night courses so i'm stuck.
Well said, for long term stability, EE degree.
>Don't waste your fucking time in college.
CS hiring manager here.
If you don't have a degree, your resume won't even get past the HR department and I'll never see it.
For a typical job opening, we'll get 50 submissions and I'll see 20 of those resumes. The rest are weeded out for not meeting the job requirements, such as a formal degree.
What do you do?
>too god damn exhausted to do night courses
Same here. Always wanted to, but worked too much remote work to devote any time.
>you will be too expensive and you'll end up homeless when they hire some punk straight out of college with a CS degree for 1/3 the salary.
CS hiring manager here again.
I have hired both entry level and senior level CS majors.
You get what you pay for.
Senior people are 2x-3x more productive than junior people,
and you always need someone senior to do the training, etc.
My company has often made decisions like, "we can't find a senior level right now, will we be productive with two junior levels for the same price?" "Yes, if we spend more time managing them."
Also, since junior levels are younger, I've seen them spend less time at work than the senior levels. If you look around the office past traditional closing time, it's always the older, senior guys that are still around working. Probably because they already have stable lives. They're not rushing off to have a date / make the raid time / meet the bros down at the beer pub.
>won't even get past the HR department
This is another worrysome practice, in that you can't even demostrate your ability to the company without meeting a "formula". For example, lets go back to 1980, I'm Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, didn't finish my degree, those resume are automatically rejected.
But I've been to a job club where a late 20's HR bitch came to tell us all that the "people that she hired, were ones she enjoyed partying at", so if you are a litlle bit older or a nerd , you wern't going to get hired.
William is that u
Ahem, this is your senior management, the bottom line has stagnated and we are going to lay off:
>CS hiring manager here again
Sorry, pal, this is your 35 million dollar CEO here, and with my compensation package, someone has to go and you've hired too many expensive mid-level workers. Don't worry, I will put in a recommendation at my country club, they need someone like you to mow my lawn. You do speak spanish don't you???
>I'm Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, didn't finish my degree, those resume are automatically rejected.
The skills that made them excellent inventors and entrepreneurs are not the same skills that would make a good entry-level employee.
The fact that they didn't have enough focus and discipline to get a degree shows that - they aren't good at working for someone else.
Luckily, they had outstanding skills in other areas that allowed them to excel.
The problem comes in that most people aren't Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, so if you tell yourself you don't need a degree, you're probably setting yourself up for failure.
You'll be okay but you will be a slightly subpar coder if you're not good at math.
It'll be fine for most jobs but you need to be able to think in math to construct theories.
Layoffs happen every five years in my experience.
You suck them up, and with a well-rounded resume,
you turn around and join another company for 10-20% more salary.
...or do you still think that raises are what bumps your salary up?