Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Nicole
Veto: Nicole
HoH Nominations: Paul and Moo
Most Likely Going Home: Moo, but Nicole/Corey might vote Paul if they announce a DE Thursday (which it won't be)
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Nicole
Veto: Nicole
HoH Nominations: Paul and Moo
Most Likely Going Home: Moo, but Nicole/Corey might vote Paul if they announce a DE Thursday (which it won't be)
pic would be better if the two halves were on opposite sides. would have the HGs looking at each other rather than away
so no signs of them backdooring james/nat?
>if they announce a DE Thursday (which it won't be
why wouldn't they?
this is about the point where they did the 2nd double evict last year
Corey said he might but james would have to wear a condom.
>tfw I realize I don't hear any feeds
>click over and all four cams are on James asleep
Final 5*
Doubtful. I think Nicole wants Paul/Vic to put them up next week.
makes sense. paul/fit vs nat/james and nic/corey can hide in the background because both sides want to work with them to get the other out.
if vaul stick together they can make it to final 2
who do you think the jury would vote for between the two of them
there is no second DE this year. according to the CBS live schedule theres not enough HGs left at 1 per week till the 21st
yes there are.
>sep 1 6 HGs left
>sept 8 5 HGs left
>sept 15 4 HGs left
>sept 21 3 HGs left
need a double somehwere
no self respecting jury should vote for vic but I honestly think it would be a toss up between them
3 goes out live on the 21st and final 2 vote
I think /fit/ if they are bitter. Everyone loves victor and some of the girls hate paul.
paul/vic f2 - paul wins
paul/corey -paul wins
paul/james - james might win, tossup but probably paul
paul/nic - paul wins
paul/nat - paul wins
paul/meech - paul wins
everyone is stupid to take paul to f2 and they have an easy opportunity to take him out right now..
reddit talks about abusing laxatives as a weight loss method
>dude i have lost 5 pounds from laxatives, i may or may not have abused them at one point
the jury is way too girl power focused to vote for a guy in any male/female final two
>paul/nic - paul wins
>paul/nat - paul wins
>paul/meech - paul wins
>guy/girl - guy wins
Are a season of so many twists, it's only reasonable to have Vic win after winning twice to come back in.
paul/vic - vic wins
paul/corey - corey wins
paul/james - james wins
paul/nic - nic wins
paul/nat - nat wins
paul/meech - meech wins
Not the first time she mentioned that.
>Vic knows the movie name
>everyone tells him he's wrong
>Vic is always right about everything
naw, the two young women of color wont vote for a girl just because its a girl
bridge will not put the money in nic or meech's pocket
nat will not give it to nic either and chances are if meech somehow made it to f2 nat will be bitter
just like me
the jury hates nic, especially the girls. she cant beat anyone but corey
if meech makes it to the end it wont be because she earned it. lol corey cannot beat paul and they have already discussed vic coming back twice as a reason to not vote for him
in closing, you're wrong
what was the movie tho
The Revenant. Moo said it's the revenance or the revenegence or some fat bitch stupid shit and Nicole said they're both wrong but close
I think if they did a vote right now vic would at least get votes from bridgette, natalie, moo, and james
underestimating just how catty and bitter the jury could become. If nat goes to jury it will be tainted hard against paul.
so someone finally flew a drone in the backyard
we may think we are in the darkest timeline right now but paulie truly has it the worst. and its not even over yet. he is about to get moo to add to the piling on and possibly natalie the next week. he might kill himself to end the suffering
Who the fuck cares about this why do you keep making these thread
I care
its streamed live on 4 cams 24/7 on the internet
go back to your RLM shill and little girl looks at you and asks wat do or blacked threads
its all your good for
Stay in /got/ m8
>be paulie in jury
>tfw no bro to talk to
>tfw girls keep watching chick flicks
>tfw day keeps cock blocking my attempts to fix things with Lisa
>Bridgette made butterfly shaped cookies and I couldn't stop crying
>I can hear them giggling at me
>I hope corey comes to jury to keep me company
his face when moo shows up
mucho gracias my amigo
was getting some food and missed it
more like misted i don't have the feeds on
was meech going out for a pass
That's the the most I've ever seen Moo move
she thought north korea was attacking
she booked it like someone was chasing her with a spoonful of broccoli
What do you think the message on the drone said?
judging by the way reddit ran? squatz and oatz
jfc moo is psychotic
>Its a death...
what do you think the end of that sentence was?
"Watch the C-bombs" signed Devin
is it fake?
one of them shouted there's a man on it so probably real
moo's screams make my member hard as diamonds
Ian's trying to drop in on Meech
>It's a Death Glider
somebody shoop devin into that
they ded senpaitachi
you now remember all those comfy stream times
if #bbdroning becomes a thing they may be forced to install a canopy on the BY
I think she was going to say it was a dead body.
more like they will be forced to install a sniper on the roof
Has Nicole ever talked about Devin this season, I want to know what its like to know D-Man in the flesh
They have a roof Devin to keep them away. He let this one pass to scare meech.
>droning in cam view
>not doing a precision high altitude fly over that drops a tiny pellet in the by that goes undetected by production until a houseguest picks it up and finds a message inside
>paulie commits suicide
>the girls in the jury house think its funny
>convince production to give them a drone so they can fly paulie's corpse back to the house so he can be like the butterflys he gets so emotional about
Since Moo is going to the jury house next, do you think that Paulie is gonna tear that pussy up?
She's said he went a little crazy in the house but outside he's one of the nicest guys.
with no cams on her she's gonna balloon up and needs new clothes for finale time because none of the old ones will fit
What did they mean by this?
Actually, with no cameras she can finally throw her food up and you'll see her finale being thin
What a waste of a drone
>jews rate season 18 of big brother #1
odd message to send
Like they are going to understand
Jokers Updates Rates Big Brother Season 18 #1
my first thought was it was say jury bbs18 #1 like the jurors were better but is just dumb but must be true
Jatalie rate bb season 18 # 1
those jokers cat ladies really know how to waste a drone. but the real question is what would /bb/ write on their drone doll?
meech ur fat
does she still post here?
it was just some dude posting a /soc/ whore
why would you fly a blowup doll into the backyard?
why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Why not?
if you're gonna waste a drone i'd at least send them a message.
>Natalie is the fakest
solid DSL tho
>Paulie sends his regards
social "game"
i dont get it
>AFP Cancelled. $$ went to 'returners'
>yfw paulie shows up on finale night with bridgettes hairstyle